Posted in: 17-year-old boy assaulted after asking man to stop smoking on train See in context
I totally approve the boy for telling the adult to stop smoking in the train which is illegal. But maybe MAYBE he could have avoided pushing him. The number one rule for self defense in such situation is staying calm and try to de-escalate the situation by all means. Try staying and calm and then joking, telling a compliment or whatever just to destabilize and then run away when you can. I know it's not easy and was maybe almost impossible in the situation, but that's what we should at least try. And then at the station you go to the police and report the smoker. We should never try to replace the police. You see an illegal situation you go to the police or the person in charge.
As for why others don't intervene: the problem is it's always easy to critic once you know all the facts afterward. But when it's happening you often know absolutely nothing: do these guys are yakuza? do they carry knives or even guns? Who started the fight, who is wrong or wright. Are they friends who got mad at each other and if you try to stop they will both go after you and tell the police you started it? All questions you could get while thinking should I do something? And 17 vs 28 is not such a huge difference and some people look older other look younger, it's not like a 40 yo beating a 8 years old kid.
just my 2 cents.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese tycoon takes off for International Space Station See in context
Billionaires go on the moon zerolionaire complain on social media and news comments... Everyone kills time like they can lol!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Woman gets 4 1/2-year sentence over road accident that killed 2 children See in context
Was it a road accident or a planned murder? Did she hit a car by mistake or did she wanted to hit hit it on purpose of killing? If like the title says it was an accident, the sentence is crazy wrong!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Court orders journalist to pay damages to reporter Shiori Ito in rape lawsuit See in context
But why does this article doesn't even explain how it was discovered that the gril's story was true and the man story false? Each one has his own version but the proofs are not explained enough in my opinion.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Trudeau begs forgiveness for brownface photo See in context
Since when is it racist to disguise as an imaginay caracter with a different skin color? So what about maiko and geisha paionting their faces in white, is it racist too? What about ganguro?
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: 16-year-old student on minibike assaulted See in context
Here in Canada it's pretty safe but I don't think a young guy punching another in the face and asking for money and then leaving would never be the suibject of an article in the journal...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 16-year-old student on minibike assaulted See in context
A minibike looks like this:
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump political ad linking Democrats and immigrants to violent crime assailed as 'sickening,' racially divisive See in context
So for Trumpists, the solution for murderer who are born in the USA should be to ban people from having kidS!???!!! This is ridiculous!
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Three arrested for robbing empty murder scene house See in context
Anyway in a country which such low criminality rate, to be murdered and then robbed you have to be really unlucky... Or Japan is changing fastet than I think.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Man gets 9-years for holding girl captive for 2 years See in context
That judge must be too used to deal with people who spend time in prison, 9 years fur such a horrible crime is not enough! He destroyed the life of that girl and of her family and friends forever. He should be in jail for life.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Coincheck may be unable to reimburse customers after theft See in context
To answer those who says crypto is a ponzi scheme and not surprising to be stolen because it's crypto... Just compare crypto to what's it's trying to replace: cash! Is it different with cash? Is cash a ponzi scheme too? Is cash too dangerous to own because it can be easily stolen???
Yes you can get stolen but you have to know what you are doing and you have to take precautions!
First you chould never leave huge amount of crypto on any exchange. Then you should learn how to make a cold wallet. If your crypto is in a cold wallet with many copies hidden at different places you can't be stolen.
Yes crypto is a lot more complicated than cash and if you don't understand it stay away or you could be greatly disappointed...
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: N Korea threatens to sink Japan, reduce U.S. to ashes and darkness See in context
Hey Kim! Will you also threaten to nuke China and Russia if you are brave enough? They also voted for the sanctions!
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Tippi Hedren says Hitchcock groped her See in context
Hey Einz She said he raped her. were you there? If a rich man hire a girl do you imply he has the right to rape her? Are you Donald Trump using a nick name or what?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Sony Music apologizes for Japanese group's Nazi-like outfits See in context
Those are the design drawing that were made by Hugo Boss.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: The decline of traditional Japanese tatami flooring See in context
Even those who still have tatami cover them with some kind of protection to avoid wear, thus losing all advantages of having tatami...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: A-bomb survivors want Obama to meet them, apologize in Hiroshima See in context
What the hell is Obama going there if he is not to apologize? With the bomb in their hands there was a million other possible way to end the war without killing so many people and launching 2 atomic bombs on civilians. Targeting civilians always a crime. So if the US comitted a crime in the past the and never apologized, it has tobe done one day or the other anyway.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: France's popular Japan culture festival to be held at Osaka Expo
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: TEPCO takes on challenge of making space for Fukushima nuclear debris