Japan Today

Joe Yan comments

Posted in: Ghosn's wife slams Japanese justice See in context

Justice system in Japan needs to be fix. No doubt. But Ghosn still needs to face trial for what he did. Lets not forget his alleged crimes. Why so many here are falling for his manipulations? He was indicted by the SEC in the US, French govt isn't supporting him, and both Nissan and Renault has cut ties with him.

And Yes, did i forget to say Japan justice system is crap? But that doesn't change what Ghosn did.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Ghosn denies wrongdoing; says his arrest in Japan a conspiracy See in context

Jonathan PrinToday  02:16 pm JST

Not sure why you came to the conclusion that I am some kind of supporter of Japanese justice system. Just to let you know, I believe it needs updating and complete overhaul. But this has nothing to do with Ghosn being a criminal or not.

But looking at what we know, from alleged shady dealings in Renault AND Nissan, even french government not taking side and (already settled) indictment from SEC in the United States, its quite reasonable to say he is probably guilty. He is just blasting the flawed Japanese system (which I DO believe is extremely flaw and inhumane) to play victim and hide his crimes.

Interesting interview with former vice chairman of General motors who knows Ghosn personally.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Ghosn denies wrongdoing; says his arrest in Japan a conspiracy See in context

Not sure how so many came to the conslusion that this was a victory for ghosn. No government or anyone prominent is convinced yet.


NYtimes has a much better article on it

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Ghosn denies wrongdoing; says his arrest in Japan a conspiracy See in context

Very interesting to see how most people are suddenly Ghosn supporters. Japanese laws needs updating and some extreme overhaul, but that doesn't change the alleged crimes Ghosn has committed.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: At climate talks, Koizumi confronts critics over coal See in context

Koizumi Jr has much potential in Japanese politics. But it is just potential, and nothing else. How can anyone even consider him a future prime minister when he has not even publicized his stance on any issue. For all we knew, he could be a Nazi, or he could be a far left Bernie Sanders guy or he could be secretly making plans to make same-sex punishable by death. Who knows. until he makes clear what his policies are, he shouldn't be considered anything more than a former-PM's son.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Abe slammed for revealing operator of document shredder was disabled See in context

JonathanJoToday  07:10 am JST

I guess there wasn't a copy of the guest list on a PC, either.

I'd be surprised if any of those old men knew how to use excel. They probably had it written out in a scroll.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: N Korea calls Abe an 'idiot' over criticism of weapons test See in context

"NK is going to waging war against Japan. Everyone in the intelligence community knows a war is coming next year because NK is preparing 1.5million men to get ready to invade Japan. South Korea and NK will work together to colonize Japan. " - Samit Basu's quote

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't to urge male civil servants to take more than 1-month childcare leave See in context

...evaluate managers' performance based partly on how many subordinates take such leave...

Wow. Finally taking some solid steps

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Uruguay rugby players assault staff, damage Kumamoto restaurant See in context

papigiulioToday  08:53 am JST

4 million JPY in damage.

This is a joke right?

Pro DJ and sound equipment are very expensive so 4mil yen isnt too crazy.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: 7 crew missing after North Korean fishing boat capsizes See in context

I'm sure North Korea will blame Japan for their water being too aggressive.

"The incident occurred in the Sea of Japan, therefore Japan is responsible....no wait.. its the east sea..."

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan, China may boost ties over next decade, depending on U.S. See in context

The root of all problems: TRUMP

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: AKB48, Japan’s biggest idol singer group, apologizes for selling 'Date Tickets' See in context

BackpackingNepalToday  07:57 am JST

Who are we to judge what others love? We all have different taste.

AKB is selling underage sex appeals. We SHOULD judge them and make them feel ashamed of themselves. No respectable middle aged man should be drooling over little kids dancing.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Foreign-born players in Japan's team at World Cup put spotlight on eligibility rules See in context

Educator60Today  09:07 am JST

Why are details, such as Leitch acquired Japanese citizenship in 2013, and Kotaro Matsushima has a Japanese mother, left out of this article?

It is just a poorly written article and skipping on certain facts to prove a point. Matsushima has a Japanese mother, which makes him just as Japanese as south African. But the article wanted to emphasize that the hat trick against russia was from "foreign born player," thus the importance and significance of them on the team. The article should be focusing on players that are "foreign born" and also not ethnically Japanese.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Dignitaries from over 190 countries expected at emperor's post-accession ceremony See in context

I shudder to think what cringeworthy entertainment there will be during the Opening Ceremony at the Olympics.

Hey, it could have been worse. Imagine AKB parading their underage sex appeal during the olympic ceremony.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe shakes up cabinet, bringing in rising star Koizumi See in context

Chip StarToday  06:55 am JST

Koizumi's qualification being, obviously, that his daddy was a prime minister. Japanese politics is as big of a joke as the Japanese "justice" system.

Not really sure why you are salty about this young up coming politician. If your only reason is because his father is a former prime minister, then your logic is the "joke." Having a father as prime minster is a plus, seeing and experiencing politics at early game to really understand it and having a former prime minister to consult. He was elected fairly by the public, just like any other lawmakers.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Posted in: Retrials ordered for ex-South Korean leader Park, Samsung heir See in context

Wallace FredToday  08:56 am JST

Its not real democracy if corrupt official goes to jail only when it pleases Moon. So why is Moon so quiet about the corruption of his closest aid? "You do the crime, you do the time" doesn't apply to Moon's inner circle?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Elitism scandal engulfs would-be justice minister in South Korea See in context

Sh1mon M4sadaToday  01:03 pm JST

oh the ties between politics and tge judicial system, except when Japan is the being sued, then 'apparently' no ties....just sayin'

That's exactly what is happening. Separation of Judicial and executive power in Korea only exists when its convenient for the administration.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Fugitive gives himself up 10 days after fleeing from hospital See in context

YubaruToday  07:09 am JST

Hell of a picture. I wonder, at the motivation for putting his picture here? Is it because he is South Korean?

I dont recall ever seeing a mug shot of a Japanese suspect here so why point this guy out?

100% of the time if the fugitive is on the run, they release the mug shot.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Man arrested for spraying NHK fee collector with fire extinguisher See in context

This is why its important to live in an apt with auto lock. Keep them shady NHK people away from my front door. Worse case, i just have to hang up the inter com.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan urges caution for citizens traveling to S Korea See in context

Just looking at the reactions of citizens of these two countries shows how one side is more rational and developed as a society, while the other side is rash, emotional and vindictive.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Fuji TV apologizes for wrong caption calling deceased Kyoto Animation director ‘idiot’ See in context

DavidToday  09:54 am JST

With a name like “Live News It!” I’d be prepared for many more wrong or mistaken transmissions.

Always wondered about this. Fuji TV cant find one person that speaks English to check if it sounds ridiculous?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Man stabs woman in Daiso store; says he just ‘wanted to kill someone’ See in context

oldman_13Today  02:20 pm JST

I'm telling you, things have changed. Society is in decline, safety cannot be taken for granted anymore.

No, not really. This kind of things always existed in Japan, nothing new. Crime rate is still going down in Japan. Thats the fact. Just because there had been few high profile cases recently doesnt change anything overall.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: An Olympic dispute: Japan rejects S Korean anger over map See in context

dbsaiyaToday  07:39 am JST

Ganbare Japan, be careful of what you wish. If S. Korea boycotts, N. Korea could easily follow suit showing a united front. Korea is a neighboring country and the tourists visiting the Olympics would be big revenue. If Korea boycotts it will not only tarnish the legacy of the Tokyo Olympics but also hurt economically. The Tokyo Olympics would have an asterisk by it just like Moscow and L.A.

No, it will not tarnish the legacy. Noone will even remember that Korea boycotted the olympics. Believe it or not, the rest of the world don't care about Korea-Japan dispute.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan-S Korea row over history, trade deepens as man dies of immolation in Seoul See in context

Courtesy of Wiki:

In January 2005, the South Korean government disclosed 1,200 pages of diplomatic documents that recorded the proceeding of the treaty. The documents, kept secret for 40 years, recorded that the Japanese government actually proposed to the South Korean government to directly compensate individual victims but it was the South Korean government which insisted that it would handle individual compensation to its citizens and then received the whole amount of grants on behalf of the victims.[10][11][12]

......South Korea agreed to demand no further compensation, either at the government or individual level, after receiving $800 million in grants and soft loans from Japan as compensation for its 1910–45 colonial rule in the treaty.[12]

No wonder Korea refuses to go third party arbitration. LOL.

Korean government should NOT BE TRUSTED. Japan has been manipulated by Korea for 50 years. Good on Abe to stand up to them.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan-S Korea row over history, trade deepens as man dies of immolation in Seoul See in context

I can't figure out if this man should be considered patriotic or just a plain idiot.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's Hayabusa2 probe makes 'perfect' touchdown on asteroid See in context

Their office looks nothing like what we are used to seeing in hollywood movies. Looks more like a high school computer classroom

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Recycling project for 2020 Games medals achieves goal See in context

This picture is so typical of Japanese bureaucrat. Old men that probably doesn't know how to rotate an PDF file.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan official to Kardashian West: Kimono belongs to Japan See in context

The question should be, is the word Kimono even allowed to be trademarked? I think this is over blown. Just because someone trademarks the word Kimono doesn't mean no one else can use the word.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Kardashian kimono shapewear sparks Japan debate See in context

I cant figure out what is so wrong with this. It is a sign that Japanese culture is spreading and appreciated. Not everything has to be authentic and correct. She clearly has respect and appreciates Japanese culture to use it on her brand.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Man found guilty of forcing women into sex trade to clear 'debts' See in context

There is no room for leniency in the defendant's motive for gain," said Presiding Judge Satoshi Shibayama

But the 2 and half year sentence was suspended for 4 years....suspending the sentence is showing leniency.......

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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