Japan Today

JoeBigs comments

Posted in: China detains 2 Japanese men on espionage charges See in context

China arrests whoever they want whenever they need political leverage over another nation who is more advanced than them. Memo to the blind Leftist media, this sop of your side, nothing new.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Russia begins airstrikes in Syria See in context

And the Liberals weep like school girls because the Sovi......opps, I meant to say, Liberals have zero problem when Russians bomb civilians, Liberals call those casualties Terrorists. But when the US kills Islamic terrorists, oh well, then they are murderers. There is a word for that.......It used to be called Hypocrisy......Today it is called CNN.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: New arrival See in context

She is a beauty.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Lawmakers scuffle over controversial temp worker bill See in context

If you can't prove that you are worth it after 4 years, well then maybe you should be working at Lawsons.....

If you don't get that your employer is shady after the first week you are blind.........I have had the same employees for over three employees they are very happy......BTW Small growing business's are what keeps a nation moving.....If you can't see it for what it is, well then, you aren't looking outside the big box!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Iraq militias say they don't need U.S. help in Anbar operation See in context

The Iraqi military has been run by the Iranians since the US left and ISIS is just months away from taking Baghdad, please tell me exactly how has being Iran's toy helped?

If Shia controlled Iraqi government continues to rebuff the Sunni tribes this will be a bloodbath. Those tribes will either side by and do nothing or they will side with ISIS. The Shia (Iranian) controlled Iraqi government is facing complete annihilation and all they continue to do to defend their nation is nothing.

Iraq, your only hope for survival is if you allow that Sunni's and Kurds will share power with you and ask the U.S. and it's allies for help. If you don't, well it's game over.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Do you think lowering the voting age to 18 in Japan is a good idea? See in context

18 year olds are too easily swayed by immature bunk and would be easy prey to Leftist agitators.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: China says it lodged repeated complaints with Japan over South China Sea See in context

Translations, China doesn't want anyone exposing it's hypocrisy and invasions!

Keep up the good job Japan, Communist controlled China is just but a sneeze away from being free from the Communist oppression and happily all it will take to free the Chinese people from their oppressors is the right spark and 70 plus years of Communist tyranny will end!

Imagine how great a free China can become!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: IS claims first attack on U.S. soil with Texas shooting See in context

IS claims first attack on U.S. soil with Texas shooting

These fools who carried out this failed attempt have exposed their brethren to mockery and ridicule.

Americans love the little guy and hate the little guy who hate America.

You may hate us, but if you piss off us enough we will make sure to hate you back!!!!!

If you want to be an American you best learn to be tolerant of others......We are all armed to the teeth and will defend our right to live in peace to the bitter end!

Welcome to America....

Eric Sheppard is a perfect example of someone who just doesn't get it!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Canada to pass anti-terror law; critics say it tramples rights See in context

Canada to pass anti-terror law; critics say it tramples rights

And who would be upset if the government went after terrorists and their friends, the far left of course!

The far left loves terrorists more than their potential victims!

Every free terrorist is a voter for the far left!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Baltimore officer charged in Gray death contends arrest was legal See in context

Baltimore officer charged in Gray death contends arrest was legal

Marilyn Mosby has made a mockery of justice. In her attempt to garner votes she has actually caused great harm to the institution she was elected to watch over!

Her kangaroo lynch mob prosecution of these officers has shown her to be nothing more than a Detroit-wolf con artist hiding in sheep clothing!

Her far left mockery of justice has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with pandering for votes from the extreme bigotry of injustice!

Give her a few years before she is wearing prison stripes!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Yemen rebels fire into Saudi Arabia See in context

Yemen rebels fire into Saudi Arabia

Let me correct the headlines......

They should read.......

Iranian led rebels invade Saudi Arabia in an effort to stop the bombings but fail!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Nigerian troops have Boko Haram on the run See in context

Nigerian troops have Boko Haram on the run

Love seeing Islamic fanatics running for the hills. All it took was an election defeat for Goodluck Jonathan to get the job done.

Just hope that his predecessor Muhammadu Buhari will not continue the attacks against those fanatics...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. targets IS leaders with multi-million-dollar bounties See in context

U.S. targets IS leaders with multi-million-dollar bounties

Money makes the world go round and everyone knows that there is no loyalty amongst thieves.

These thugs will sellout their so called friends faster than you can say Osama Bin Obama!

Expect drones to be nailing these fools more often than you Liberals can complain....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: National Guard troops, police pour into Baltimore See in context

To all my dear Liberal friends here, I apologize that I haven't replied to your fantasies, but if you give me sometime I will steer you in the correct direction....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: National Guard troops, police pour into Baltimore See in context

National Guard troops, police pour into Baltimore

Leave it to a Leftist Leader to side with rioters and anarchists!

A real governor would have stood up and given these looters, rioters and thugs a real warning. But this governor is a limp livered Liberal who buckles whenever thugs look him in the eye........He is weak!

Liberals will always kowtow to anarchists because they can't stomach a fight to protect the people against these thugs........The DNC and all Liberal parties are ruled by Cowards!

2016 elections are almost here.......

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Golden Week See in context

Golden Week holiday rush begins

Yes please, everyone leave Tokyo to me and my friends!!!!!!!!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia wants claims against Indonesian judges investigated See in context

Australia wants claims against Indonesian judges investigated

My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones, but who is really to blame for what happened to them?

Those people who broke the law and paid for breaking it with their lives or the people who enforced it? If the Bali 9 leaders would have never of attempted to break the law they would never of had to pay the ultimate price..... But they decided to roll the dice, but rolled snake eyes.

It's real simple, don't try and make it big by breaking the law and you will live a very good and long life. Hell, if you play it right you may even have enough money in the end to leave it to your loved ones.

Drugs and those that traffic in it deserve what they get........

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Big boys See in context

Man I love Sumo.......

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman slashes husband for not washing his hands after using toilet See in context

Woman slashes husband for not washing his hands after using toilet

The guy had to be drunk or grew up in a pigsty...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Group of teenage Thai actors punished for dancing on Japanese train See in context

Group of teenage Thai actors punished for dancing on Japanese train

Good! Feel sorry for the folks that had to have their time interrupted by people who think folks want to be entertained while on a train ride.

Another reason to continue ridding Green of just taking a taxi....

Can't stand these kind of self-centered wanabe Youtube superstars, wish they kept their attempts at stardom in the privacy of their own homes. Almost as bad as the annoying NY subway dancers.

harsh punishment from their production company when they got back home: being grounded for six months and banned for six months from all forms of social networking sites.

Good to see that the Thai government has shamed these fools.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 6 passengers injured after man sprays gas in Osaka subway See in context

Waki was quoted by police as saying he had some trouble with a male passenger sitting beside him, who was dozing off.

He so happened to carry a tear gas like substance just incase someone dozing off made him upset, real believable excuse,

This guy sounds more like a nut who has been planning this attack for a long while. Hope the Japanese treat this as a terrorist attack and nail this loon to the wall!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Clinton to launch White House bid on Sunday See in context

Clinton to launch White House bid on Sunday

Let the Liberal bloodbath begin.....All other DNC hopefuls will be sharping their knives and taking aim at Hillary. Too bad for her she has a whole lot of baggage!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama, Castro hold historic meeting See in context

Obama, Castro hold historic meeting

Two Communist's in one room, how touching....... 2016 elections can't get here soon enough...... I just hope that the free world can survive until then!

StrangerlandApr. 12, 2015 - 01:07PM JST The people who oppose these talks with Cuba and with Iran remind me of

The people who support kowtowing to tyrants, fanatics and Socialist remind me of Neville Chamberland and his supporters...How well did his appeasement plan work?

But, who can blame President Obama, he is a Liberal and we all know that Liberals love trying to reason with tyrants, fanatics and Socialist.

100,000,000 people paid the price for Liberal Neville Chamberland's insane appeasement plan.....How many will pay the price for Obama's appeasement plan?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: Egyptian court confirms death sentence for Brotherhood head, 13 others See in context

Egyptian court confirms death sentence for Brotherhood head, 13 others

Hope they end this rogue next week!

US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf called in a statement for his release on “humanitarian grounds”, saying Washington was “deeply disappointed” by the ruling.

Of course, the Obama administration has a warm spot for the Muslim Brotherhood!




The Obama administrations goal is get the Muslim Brotherhood help and that's why he helped Morsi get into power. But, the actual goal of the Muslim Brotherhood isn't to help anyone, their goal is to rule everyone under their four fingers.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Man drives into 2 kids, father; then gets out and punches father See in context

Nakamura was quoted by police as saying he was stressed out and didn’t care who he hit with his car.

Another freak that needs to go to a nice padded cell.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for throwing bodily fluid on girl's skirt See in context

He said it aroused him to be in close contact with women on a crowded train.

This freak is nuts! Toss him a padded cell!!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Obama lobbies Congress on Iran; Democrats seek changes to bill See in context

Obama lobbies Congress on Iran; Democrats seek changes to bill

Once more Liberals are showing why they should never be in power!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Iran sends navy vessels to waters off Yemen, raising stakes See in context

Iran sends navy vessels to waters off Yemen, raising stakes

Oh yeah, the fun is only beginning......This religious war has been brewing a long time and Yemen might just be the battleground! No wonder Iran wants the ability to produce nukes.

Iran will do and say whatever they have to get a nuke and President Obama has his eyes shut.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Over 1,000 foreigners in South Africa flee homes after attacks See in context

Over a thousand immigrants in South Africa

Ah, not even South Africa wants other African immigrants. Hey, why hasn't the UN condemned this?

Easy answer, the UN has an agenda and will turn a blind eye when it suits them.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Castro backers disrupt activist meeting at Americas Summit See in context

40 Castro supporters

These aren't Castro supporters, these are Communist agents working for the Communist government of Cuba.

This meeting should have been held in Miami where these worms would never dare pull this stunt there.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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