Posted in: Gun culture thrives in U.S. despite cinema massacre See in context
"Guns don't kill people, people do" is something I have heard time and again here in Kansas. It's simply a matter of attributing causes of events to things that either serve or don't serve our ego. As a teacher, I hear things regarding test results. "I passed the test because I'm smart" versus "I failed the test because it was too hard." See the difference? For the good things, we believe it is because of us; for the bad things, it is never because of us. That's called the fundamental attribution error (popular in individualistic societies like the US). In this vein then, the old "guns don't kill people, people do" is a way to place blame on a supposedly "sick" individual, thus implying I would never do that because I'm sane and therefore superior. The psychology is very simple, but then again, ego is a very powerful thing here.
15 ( +17 / -2 )
Posted in: Asia's oldest elephant See in context
please let her go to a rehab center....she's beautiful.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Shin-Koiwa station struggles to avoid status of 'suicide spot' See in context
I have buried grandparents. I have buried parents. I have buried siblings.What I contest is the basic thought process behind suicide, that's it, plain and simple. Any attempt to endorse suicide is inhumane, plain and simple. Saying things like: "An unused open elevator shaft, more than 20 m deep will probably work. No need to clean up. Just fill up with concrete, if it becomes too full" is horrific, inhuman, and inexcusable. Clever arguments aside, saying such things are wrong on many levels. electric2004 (whatever your name is), endorsing suicide is morally reprehensible. Take ownership and responsibility of your words, you who seem so comfortable in people killing themselves. Such statements are a reflection of your psychological state more than reality itself. Please, are not people worth saving even in despair?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Shin-Koiwa station struggles to avoid status of 'suicide spot' See in context
electric2004 (such an awkward tag, don't you have a name?)
I'm quite aware of the suicide rates in Japan. And however high they might be, I feel there is no reason to suggest a more efficient means to contribute to death and despair as your previous post suggested. Human life is human life, none more sacred than another. Why offer an "easy option to minimize the impact upon others" when every life is unique and colorful? Endorsing suicide (even in your half-way fashion) is utterly contrary to everything I live for.
Please, don't school me on Japanese history, I'm not ignorant.
It is not as though Japan has "cornered the market" on suicide. And I know how very simple changes can save lives. Why do you argue to the contrary? Are not human lives worth saving?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Shin-Koiwa station struggles to avoid status of 'suicide spot' See in context
@electric2004: a simple review of your comments leads to a clear conclusion: your endorsement, sanctioning and approval of suicide is both criminal and heinous. Have you no heart for people who suffer? I retract that, based on your history--you antagonism and pessimism is only a reflection of you, not Japan.
I strongly suggest the color (yes, the color) of Shin-Koiwa should be re-considered. There is precedence in research to suggest the color of an area can reduce suicide. Scientific research is one thing, while the lame / ethnocentric / misanthropic comments of electric2004 are merely the misguided opinion of one (who needs therapy).
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: N Korea slams U.S. and Asian rivals for pursuing 'absurd' plans to denuclearize North
This dangerous person must never be released, stay in your cell up to end of your life.
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide