Posted in: Two boys arrested for throwing raw eggs at police box in Shizuoka Prefecture See in context
Slow news day? A story like this wouldn't make a small town newspaper in most countries.
10 ( +21 / -11 )
Posted in: Stand-with-Israel rally See in context
Which hostages? The thousands of Palestinians that have been in Israeli jails for years? The whole population of Gaza? Or the few taken by Hamas a couple of days ago?
So why don't these Palestinian "hostages" of Gaza simply go to bordering Egypt. After all, it is an Arab country that would be happy to welcome Palestinians, right? It seems that Egypt doesn't want Hamas terrorists either and has no interest in opening its border across the Sinai.
In 2005 the government of Ariel Sharon forcibly removed 8000 Israelis from 25 settlements to let the Palestinians have Gaza. Unfortunately, the Palestinians chose Hamas in 2007 in open elections and the ensuing years have turned Gaza into a hellscape.
2 ( +15 / -13 )
Posted in: Biden angers France, EU with new Australia-UK initiative See in context
A pretty awkward roll out on camera with the 'That Fella Down Under' moment where the president appeared to forget the Australian PM's name.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden says he stands squarely behind Afghanistan decision See in context
This is one of the rare moments I have seen where the left and the right are in agreement on the absolute debacle that has taken place. Switching from MSNBC to FOX and reading articles from the National Review and the Washington Post, you could hardly tell the difference in the coverage. Biden simply refused to be dissuaded by his advisors who by all accounts warned him if this outcome. He had been warned by congressmen that it would take months to safely get the SIV applicants out.
I spent over a year and a half in the country working with Afghans as a civilian teaching them English. I can tell you they embraced our values and believed the message that by embracing the west that the future would be brighter. I visited Kabul University and saw the young people of Afghanistan who aspired to making their country better . I am personally in touch with one of my former students who spent most of today at the airport today trying to get out only to flee terrified as the Taliban began infiltrating the crowds inside the airport. He is desperate now and only wants to get out with his family and told me he is unable to sleep knowing the Taliban may knock in his family's door at any moment.
We could have maintained Bagram with the few thousand that we had and provided the minimal support the country needed. Does anyone question the 4000 US military we have based in Djibouti for years now to fight maintain the peace in that region? Now we have turned the whole damn country over to the Taliban and turned our backs on thousands who believed in us. Shame on Joe Biden.
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: Are 'yakiimo' poised to become the next trendy food? See in context
It's too bad the orange flesh sweet potatoes weren't the ones that were cooked in Japan. They are much sweeter and not dry at all. The yellow ones used to be referred to as chokers where I am from in the US and were the less desirable variety by far.
Acorn squash is called that for it's distinct acorn shape. Kabocha is roundish and only resembles Acorn Squash in that it is green. I agree that translations are often problematic. Japanese Plum is another example. It is clearly a variety of apricot (fuzzy skin). Plums are smooth which Ume is not.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Are 'yakiimo' poised to become the next trendy food? See in context
I beg to differ with the translation of Kabocha as Acorn Squash. Not the same thing.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Gillian Anderson brings uncanny 'Iron Lady' to 'The Crown' See in context
I must have read the same review. The reviewer singled her performance out as being "unwatchable" it was so bad. The actress who played Diana supposedly does an excellent job. Anyway, this article caught my attention since it didn't jibe.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden-Trump counting presses ahead 2 days after Election Day See in context
Tokyo-EngrToday 07:54 am JST
@Desert. I was old in 2000 and older now. This election is closer and the hanging chad pales in comparison to what’s going on now.
3( +3 / -0 )
I was living in Japan in 2000 and cast my absentee vote in that election. I am sorry, but in that election it came down to that one state and the final count had Bush winning by 537 votes. That is the slimmest victory margin in the history of the USA - look it up...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Bright rice See in context
I have visited this rugged landscape at the tip of the Noto Hanto. I have to say those lights really look tacky strung up along the terraces of such a naturally beautiful place.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Fire rainbow See in context
I have seen sundogs from time to time, but not a fire rainbow. Nice photo!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Autumn colors in winter See in context
Not to nitpick, but wouldn't they be "Autumn Colors in the Autumn"? Winter doesn't start until December 21st...
0 ( +1 / -1 )
China has a long and rich history and culture. But the CCP threw all that out the window with the…
Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique
Posted in: 52-year-old man arrested for stealing cash from temple donation boxes in 7 prefectures
Last 3 polls in the average? 53, 53, 54. Upward trend. wrong 1 poll shows Trump at 54% the rest…
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash