Japan Today

John Andresen comments

Posted in: Confused Japanese tourists trigger highway pursuit in Utah See in context

I can easily see this happening. Once a Japanese friend arrived at my house in California under almost the same circumstances with a Patrol Car chasing him with the lights flashing. After that he we'll understood to pull over when followed by a patrol car with lights flashing. I have met many Japanese women here in the U.S. And most are afraid to drive on the freeway. I am glad the police used discretion.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Some unimpressed with 'Caroline Kennedy fever' See in context

Sounds a bit petulant. Seriously?

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Posted in: Police officers forced to eat 15 burgers at a time to toughen them up See in context

Japan never disappoints in being a source of bizarre behavior and news.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Posted in: Foreign men share their reasons for divorcing Japanese wives See in context

We have witnessed that Japanese spouses who accompany their husbands to the U.S., are reluctant or unwilling to assimilate or adjust to American society whether it be food, social contacts or other. They whine and complain that what they were accustomed to in Japan is not present here. They are a miserable lot who not uncommonly flee back to Japan with their children.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan's whaling ships leave for Antarctic hunt See in context

Best of luck to Sea Shepherds.

10 ( +20 / -9 )

Posted in: Cabinet ministers visit Yasukuni Shrine; Abe sends offering See in context

Why would someone want to go to a place where a person such as Hideki Tojo and others like him are venerated? Maybe the ugly flames of nationalism are still burning embers left from 70 years ago?

-17 ( +10 / -27 )

Posted in: Encounter with an American school lunch See in context

I thought school lunches were horrible growing up in the '50-'60's and it seems they still are. The programs are run by a bunch of idiot dietitians out of touch with reality.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

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