Posted in: U.S. moves to isolate Japanese, Russian crime groups See in context
-chuckle- my best guess? They'll continue business as usual. Why not?
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Posted in: U.S. moves to isolate Japanese, Russian crime groups See in context
@Fadamor, you assert "they KILL". That is fallacious. Foolish people can kill themselves still do no harm to you or me. There are already plenty of laws governing such things as driving while intoxicated, when actual harm is caused. Please explain why there should be laws against sitting in one's living room while intoxicated. "For our own good"??? I'll take care of myself, thanks just the same.
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Posted in: U.S. moves to isolate Japanese, Russian crime groups See in context
Foolish laws proscribe normal people's desires to do things that, when done responsibly, are quite harmless at worst and arguably beneficial. "Organized criminals" subvert those laws for a price. Time to stop doing what hasn't been working, then they won't have black market money to launder because the market will be Free.
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Posted in: World experts urge U.N. to take up mental health See in context
UN can take a look in the mirror first, but before that pay all their parking tickets, then get out of the US and good riddance.
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Posted in: Come back, Koizumi. Japan needs you See in context
Imagine my disappointment, I thought they meant Koizumi Kyoko!!
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Posted in: Tochigi underwear thief busted See in context
actually that's quite a kook, and I hope the goofy girl and many others will learn from what, if it were a skit on a comedy show, might be pretty funny. Kook's already lucky he didn't go into the wrong house. Sad, but I don't think we can do much to help poor Kook become sane
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Posted in: Japan should change its outdated, U.S.-imposed medical marijuana laws See in context
"Everybody knows, them dang hippies just want to commit recreation, and it's a SEEEEE-YUN!!" (That's a "sin", for those of you not familiar with Southern pronunciation.) "We ain't tryin to legislate morality, we're tryin to legislate against immorality, cain't you understand the difference? We wouldn't have all this prison overcrowding if them hippies would just do as they're told!" 大麻禁止法律はでたらめだ。。。
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Posted in: Forest firefighting concept vehicle wins 2011 IDEA Gold Award See in context
It could use a modified snowplow, or even a grapple on the front
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Posted in: 34 fall ill on flights from Guam to Japan; food poisoning suspected
Posted in: Suspect restrained with belt handcuffs after becoming violent in detention center, dies
Posted in: With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president?
Posted in: Japan's defense chief steps aboard visiting South Korean warship as the two nations strengthen ties