Posted in: Trumps visit emperor, empress See in context
So Japan now bends their knees to Trump.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump candidacy continues to stir angst in Japan See in context
Mr. Trump is showing the already revisionist history that will become American reality. He and his follower forget, or ignore that the Constitution of Japan was made and adopted by American and British military after WWII.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Fear throws its hat into the ring for 2016 race See in context
If you study history, and the Republican candidates campaign, Trump especially, you'll notice that the same tactics and rhetoric used by the NAZI' bund of America, and Germany, are the same; right down to the roughing up of objectors. History is indeed repeating itself.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump pledges military buildup, better deal for vets See in context
Mr. Trump is catering to the regressive members of the nation. Those who refuse to live in today. Consider the psychology, of those who support him. People who have grave issues with modern societ, AND want to return to the fifties . Angry at being left behind by their own choice , and yet agreement o of problems. but no salutions. Fear this land if he does get elected.l
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Misguided safety assumptions key factor at Fukushima: IAEA See in context
Put. it into perspective, the man in charge was iand is a company man who's sole purpose is the protection. od the company 'not' the public.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe's 70th anniversary war speech more than just words See in context
At what point in time will the great grandchildren stop. paying for the sins of the great grandparents ?
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan must apologise for WWII until it is forgiven: Novelist Murakami See in context
Why must the grandchildren continue to suffer for the sins of the Grandparents?
-9 ( +6 / -15 )
Posted in: Austria says stabbing attack suspect swore allegiance to Islamic State
Posted in: Trump administration tries to bring back fired nuclear weapons workers in DOGE reversal
Posted in: Hezbollah chief says Israel must fully withdraw from Lebanon by February 18
Is there such a word for this in The Japanese language??? lol Cheating. Is there such a word in my…
Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like?