Japan Today

John Mccann comments

Posted in: Gov't unveils action plan to lower mobile phone fees See in context

Its pretty much everything in japan. High fees for joining, changing and cancelling coupled with paperwork that requires half the amazon to be cut down to process the request. Not to mention the incredibly complicated rules, regulations, and conditions surrounding ANYTHING here. Its not just phones and housing. Its EVERYTHING

Typical Japan.

I dont know..... I have 2gb internet that is 980 for a year and will be 4500 after that with no other fees....i dont know why a country needs to the lowest in EVERYTHING. each county has their thing that is cheaper or more expansive than others.

my rakuten service is free for a year and will be 2980 yen after that. my area also lets me use unlimited data and calls are free using their app.... sounds like people need to learn how to shop around. if the top three can promote their brand well and can get people to sign up then thats on them.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Abe extends virus state of emergency until May 31 See in context

YubaruToday  05:04 pm JST

Japan has reported a comparatively small scale outbreak, with more than 15,000 infections and 510 deaths so far.

Which does not say much considering the country has a LONG history of under-reporting what is considered bad news!

are you saying japan’s hospitals are lying?? That’s quite a claim.

And regarding Korea and their death rate... Japan’s population is 3 times that of Korea so per capita japan is lower.

10 ( +27 / -17 )

Posted in: 5 youths arrested over death of 81-year-old homeless man See in context

This is shocking, after all Japan is regarded as a respectful society.

why is it shocking? It is a respectful society... but that does not mean there aren’t 5 dickheads among the population that do this type of thing

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe's abrupt call to close schools triggers confusion See in context

Burning BushToday  06:55 am JST

It's been 10 years since SARS and the government supposedly has all these disaster planning committees and agencies yet there doesn't seem to be any contingency plans in place.

They didn't foresee that masks would run out, that schools might have to be closed. What have they been planning for for the last ten years?

ughhhh ! YOU had 10 years too! Why could you (we) not take some personal responsibility and have a stock pile of masks for such a situation. Why you need the govt to knock on your door with supplies? until recently you coulda bought as many masks as you wanted.... you seem to think if you see a plan not executed perfectly that they were not ready.....quit acting so hopeless

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Abe's abrupt call to close schools triggers confusion See in context

Burning BushToday  06:55 am JST

It's been 10 years since SARS and the government supposedly has all these disaster planning committees and agencies yet there doesn't seem to be any contingency plans in place.

They didn't foresee that masks would run out, that schools might have to be closed. What have they been planning for for the last ten years?

ughhhh ! YOU had 10 years too! Why could you (we) not take some personal responsibility and have a stock pile of masks for such a situation. Why you need the govt to knock on your door with supplies? until recently you coulda bought as many masks as you wanted.... you seem to think if you see a plan not executed perfectly that they were not ready.....quit acting so hopeless

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Survey reveals rudest behavior seen on trains and at stations this year See in context

and yes people are talking about the pushing...but what other country handles just and many people and do it better?? and there is a positive to such a benign action such as applying makeup as considered rude....maybe there is much less chance of society seeing truly rude behavior become common place.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Survey reveals rudest behavior seen on trains and at stations this year See in context

girl_in_tokyo I think #2 mentions what you talk about. and about grouping being rude.....well that is not a rude behavior...its an illegal one. Thats why stabbing someone on the train is also not on the list.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for forcibly confining teenage girl he met online See in context


How do you know the frequency to which this type of crime occurs just by the fact that happened. Meaning you read 1 story and you are now insinuating it is "common". Where is your data?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 2-year-old boy fatally hit by motorbike while returning from fireworks festival See in context

but the parents who allowed the kid to run out into the street is not in trouble... ? the motorist was at the wrong place at the wrong time

23 ( +26 / -3 )

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