Japan Today

John Taylor comments

Posted in: Charlie Hunnam, Dakota Johnson named for '50 Shades' film See in context

The author of this article may not know Charlie's work, but the rest of the free world SHOULD. He's never been a B-rated actor, not in one moment of video or film. Heard of Sons of Anarchy? Green Street Hooligans? The British version of Queer As Folk? He has starring roles in each of them, and stellar performances.

It's sad to see such ignorance doing so much active nay-saying. Why would the author and producers know anything about what they're doing? They should have checked with you geniuses, of course!

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Posted in: Radioactive water from Fukushima plant may have reached sea See in context

Always so worried about ourselves. Think of what this is to the fish, dolphins and whales and other marine life whose homes were just trashed.

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Posted in: Abe to review Fukushima crisis before deciding on restarting reactors See in context

The world should not allow this. Japan is one small nation, and her decisions threaten the whole world. Abe, control yourself, or you will force the world to control you.

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Posted in: ANA reports 40,000 reservations canceled on its China routes See in context

Perhaps Japan should focus on Japan, and taking care of her internal problems. That dolphins and other cetaceans continue to be slaughtered in Taiji even though their flesh is toxic, that the few Japanese whalers are out there making Japan look bad when there isn't even a market for whale flesh, to name just a couple examples. Reining in nuclear energy so that the nation does not suffer any further radiation... Much to do at home.

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