Posted in: Man gets suspended sentence for putting 3-year-old girl in washing machine and turning it on See in context
If he did it to a fog, he would get more punishment. It is disgusting crime by a court not recognising children as human being while many rats with person form are treated as a person. It’s a horrible decision by court.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Brazil apologizes for post-WWII persecution of Japanese immigrants See in context
Currently, Japanese government is also taking Japanese people properties from diseased People. Property belongs to family and children. It’s unfair to take people’s assets calling it tax.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman arrested after entering man's apartment, thinking he was her ‘spouse’ See in context
It sounds like preplanned crime. There are too many weirdness in one crime. How come a witness knows there wasn’t supposed to be anyone in that apartment. It’s a preset game.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Motorized suitcase rider referred to prosecutors for 1st time See in context
It could have been just a warning but being a chinese must have upgraded to prosecution.
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Kobayashi Pharma probing 76 more deaths linked to supplement See in context
@woodylee. When heroes shine and whistle blow, they fall off the helicopter or die in mysterious ways. You should check out the whistle blowers at Boing.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan's top court rules trans woman 'father' of girl born after switch See in context
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's food waste in FY2022 caused ¥4 tril in economic losses See in context
How was it a loss to economy? Didn’t someone pay for the food even if not eaten? I think it’s miscalculated. It’s not a loss, it’s paid. Even the person eats the extra food, it doesn’t save money but it makes the person fat (depending on the type of food, like rice).
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, criticized for saying West provoked Putin to invade Ukraine See in context
It is a fact that Ukraine was provoked by West to cause war with Russia. Initially, there was a proven attempt to cause war by Turkey and Russia but that failed. A pilot was paid money by US to shoot Russian plane, and he did so. The pilot was then arrested by Turkish authorities and jailed. So the plan had failed. Then they tricked Ukraine and succeeded.
-8 ( +5 / -13 )
Posted in: Woman goes on trial for killing friend at her request in Tokushima hotel room See in context
Sad story, young girls still had a life to live. I wonder what the reason was.
It’s not easy to suicide in real life outside prison. We sometimes reading people suiciding in prison in impossible ways with their pants. Those cases are not suicide for sure.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Death penalty sought for man over murder, robbery of elderly woman, son in 2020 See in context
There is one thing I really envy about USA is having dead penalty for horrible crimes. Though It cannot be implemented in EU countries and it’s the right thing not to have in EU. Dead penalty rule requires some integrity on people doing their job, which doesn’t exist in EU countries.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. pushing Netherlands, Japan to restrict more chipmaking equipment to China, source says See in context
In Japan, almost everything is made in China. Even the so called Japanese goods are made in China.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested over deaths of ex-wife, 3 kids at Tokyo home in May See in context
I could never understand why someone kills children. It is pure evil, just the same as his ex’s actions destroying their lives for selfishness.
if the divorce laws aren’t blind and deaf ignoring pretty much everything, it might not have happened. In Japanese laws, regardless of what women do and how their personality are, they would get half of the money and the children. That is no matter what the situation is. So i expect we will keep reading similar horror news once in a while.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 88 Vietnamese hired by Japan confectionery maker left idle without pay See in context
It seems like it’s legally acceptable not to pay to the foreign workers even when they have contract. I don’t any consequence for the company.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Record 80,000 consumer complaints made over social media scams in 2023 See in context
The government estimate of 20.67million people scammed sounds right. That number probably doesn’t include arguable legal cases. There are obvious scams that are legally not crime. There are also the traders selling trash with fake product descriptions which are also not included.
The law needs to get smarter worldwide, should have coverage for shaky deals that one side is getting money for almost nothing, and tougher penalties for scammer. I think situation isn’t any better in other countries.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Illegal taxis creating quandary for Japan's police, cab monopolies See in context
I hope Japanese taxi system doesn’t change. It’s the best system in the world. When you let individuals do taxi business, customer service dies, smelly drivers, dirty cars, drivers wasting your invaluable time to get extra few dollars, disrespectful for customers, choosing customers, refusing customers in need who needs to to “too short distance” according to drivers and on and on. All other countries have issues with taxi except Japan.
i live the current taxi system through set companies so that customer can make complaint if they have a valid reason and there is respect in the business. Please keep it as it is.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Singapore diplomat fined ¥300,000 for Tokyo bathhouse voyeurism See in context
What a joke. 300000 yen! It’s a very serious crime some could kill him and the poor person could spend years in jail. It should be more than $3M. Unfortunately japanese laws are 1000 years behind the current time zone on Earth. Japanese companies and people in general so much ahead of the law at every level.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Go-kart driver crashes into taxi after ignoring road sign in Tokyo See in context
Stop writing painted on the road as writing. That really sucks. So it’s the fault of city council and authorities who are unable to put a sign. How bad the road is not to be able to put a traffic sign? That road should be closed to traffic.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Will Japanese women be able to keep their maiden names after marriage? See in context
What’s the purpose of marriage? First thing to do should be a review if marriage is really needed these days, or not. There is no need for last name change if 2 people living together. People shouldn’t marry for the purpose of getting money, or sharing wealth of one side. In Japan, marriage is not necessary.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan Association of Translators condemns AI manga translation See in context
AI is an amazing technology and it’s great to see it being used in many fields. Some jobs may disappear but new type of more jobs will be created with the technology
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: In Japan, energy security fears put nuclear power back in favor See in context
Nuclear energy is the cleanest and cheapest energy. It’s also feasible energy source to produce in large quantities to satisfy demand. It will always be the most favourable way until South Korean researchers improve the sun energy technology they have been successfully working on.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo police officer arrested for unlawful entry into woman’s apartment See in context
I hope he gets a harsh penalty for the crime to enter someone’s apartment and more serious crime of abusing his Authority and demeaning police department.
Other good police officers image gets harmed in public opinion because of some criminals like him.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Chinese man suspected of spray-painting word 'toilet' at Yasukuni Shrine See in context
he sounds like he needs psychiatric treatment
5 ( +12 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context
Jury members were much smarter than the voters. Well done for his conviction. He will be the first convicted criminal president in the third world country.
23 ( +33 / -10 )
Posted in: Japanese woman in Malaysia has death sentence commuted to 30-year prison term See in context
That’s very good. Many people are killed by drug excuse. A significant number of them are innocent people.
Drug checks in all airports are done wrongly and the wrong doing is intentional. Because it’s very easy to do it right but nobody does. It made me conclude that all government officials worldwide are involved in drug trafficking.
the wrong action is that your check in suitcase isn’t checked while you are there. It’s only checked after you give your luggage and you aren’t there. The luggage is not in that person control anymore.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Israel says it controls Gaza's entire border with Egypt, as Rafah assault expands See in context
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel are besties, no cross fires.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: U.N. rights group says Japan needs to do more to counter human rights abuses See in context
There’s a room for improvement for all countries in human right issues. I am a foreigner living a happy and comfortable life in Japan, big thank you to all Japanese friends i got to know so far and also government establishment of a safe life in Japan.
There’s no risk of getting shot on the street, or arrested because you aren’t Japanese, or you aren’t buddhist, or your skin color isn’t same as Japanese people’s skin color..
Japan is way ahead of US and EU in human rights issue. Japan doesn’t kill people, or involve in mass murder of innocent people for their religion, or skin color, or taking over, or reassign people’s land to others. Japan is the best.
-12 ( +12 / -24 )
Posted in: Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognize Palestinian state as EU rift with Israel widens See in context
This is the first time I have ever seen any member of EU doing an action on humanitarian basis, the first time doing the right thing.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: U.N. court order demanding Israel halt its Gaza offensive further isolates U.S. position See in context
Both US and Israel are criminal states. They have destroyed their own legitimacy to be a state.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values See in context
The only positive side of Trump is not having faith. Everything else about him is negative.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman in her 80s dies en route to hospital after ambulance takes wrong route See in context
It’s better to take taxi in Japan. Ambulances are extremely inefficient. When you call them, they ask you too many questions and some of them are not necessary for the situation. When they are coming to pick up patients, they don’t call hospitals and make arrangements for where to go. They spend over 30 minutes waiting with patients to find hospital.
They really need to be trained, perhaps a random person on the street knows what should be done much better than those so called professionals. So any person on the street can give some training to the professional paramedics in japan.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Ishiba heads to U.S. for Trump summit
In that photo of the two, they have the same corrupt face, and the same nose, and are a mirror…
Posted in: Ishiba heads to U.S. for Trump summit
Posted in: Tesla sales fall in Germany as Musk backs far right
Posted in: Crunchy? U.S. finds live beetles hidden in Japanese snacks