Japan Today

Jonathan Prin comments

Posted in: American tourist arrested in Japan on charges of pushing sexual services worker down stairs See in context

Such article make think that the cliznt is crazy but what is the real reason he got angry is not even mentioned. He did not become violent because he was cautioned only for sure.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it See in context

I have some experience on the subject...

While sexual feminism (thinking women shall always all decide) has like all other western countries taken its heavy toll to demography, it is worse in Japan because life is so socially managed that it excludes show of love or affection as acceptable.

You see it all the time on TV but in true life, it is seen as despicable by others. Men and women kissing, holding hands, or changing partner out of love is purely considered evil as for married people. It is reinforced for some men/women by lack of energy at end of the day because of work over family but it is not the root cause in itself.

I remember my Japanese soon-to-be brother in law who already married at that time with 3 kids, telling me after seeing me kissing my Japanese love : how do you do that (in public) ?

I replied : just love, forget all the rest. But he never could, and nevzr will and Iknow he has been in sexless life at that time already...he was and is still very clean on him and handsome enough for your information.

Hope it helps future couples to remember that love is all and shall supersedes the rest.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: Tourists in Kyoto cause chaos at railway crossing near Fushimi Inari Taisha See in context

Just let the stupid people go for good.

Or they will do it again anyway.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

A crime should always be judiciarized and investigated.

Or does it mean you could rape and each time pay ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Weekly tabloid corrects story on Fuji TV official's role in TV host sex scandal See in context

Lady accepts transaction money. Case closed.

Why is sex made into a business I wonder.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Kurds living in Kawaguchi repeatedly find themselves in the news See in context

So mostly illegal immigrants used for low wages to demolish Japan.

I think Japan could have spared itself the effort to bring any and no, immigrants should largely assimilate otherwise it is called invasion.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: Births in Japan likely to fall below 700,000 for 1st time in 2024 See in context

Last comments nail it but again as votes show, people contîue to believe all is gonna be fine.

Having popcorn and watching.

I have one of my daughter living in Japan and warn her that any increasing buying power there and retirement return will be non existent.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Births in Japan likely to fall below 700,000 for 1st time in 2024 See in context

As long as family is despised over personal success, nothing will change in western civilizations.

India or Nigeria or Pakistan do not care.

I see my mother who raised duly 3 kids as the best to consider person in the family.

But limited minded people think the gifted singer or the beautiful actress or the successful tycoon is providing more to them, then everything is fine.

So be it but don’t cry about the consequences. I am not concerned.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Posted in: Central Tokyo condo prices top ¥100 mil again in 2024 See in context

Average price for standard new flat in my 25 kw away from Paris area is well over 50 millions.

So over 100 million is cheap for any central area flat.

Mostly foreigners buy them, since Japan population is dropping like a rock (1 million less per year for at least the next generation)

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Many major Japanese firms pulling commercials from scandal-hit Fuji TV See in context

Japanese companies so backward, always doing a witch hunt instead of relying on a judicial fair assessment, which could prove nothing happened.

This is on the reason I won’t work in Japan. Toxic work environment.

Whispers and prejudices lead in Japan.

An enlightened company, even if doing risk control, approaches its employes without prejudices.

Anytime any employee could fall under this kind of system.

Nakai and unknown employee are thrown to the lions before any chance to explain.

Both culprits and victims will never be really understood, while it has a public impact.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: 70% of prefectures back revising pact governing U.S. troops in Japan See in context

People don’t know their history.

The USA has bases in Japan because it lost the war that it trigerred.

Japan should be very happy like Germany to have been ever able to develop economically and become a economic superpower.

Don’t tease the one you harassed before and learn your lesson.

Of course SOFA needs revision with time and this is being done on a regular basis. Case closed.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: 8 face charges after employee at girls bar dies from excessive alcohol consumption See in context

In many countried this system would be banned. Why ?

Because it asks to drink alcohol on a working shift basis.

And alcohol is not for everyone and is basically a moderate poison (ethanol).

I like drinking alcohol but being forced to get a higher wage, no way !

Health first.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Posted in: Two fans who grabbed Betts in World Series banned by MLB See in context

Why fans can be positioned in players’ reach ?

That is safety breach basics 1.0 from organizers.

Fans can be excited and do stupid things on the spot.

Strange decision for which MLB will lose those fans’money for life from many who don’t agree on the ban.

I wished though ban would be applied to fans for all heinous attitude after warning in soccer stadiums.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan gov't mulls disclosing malicious AI developers' names to public See in context

"...misinformation harms people's rights such as preventing them from receiving administrative services."

Who will decide it is misinformation ?

It smeels heavily like allowing censorship on demand.

Anyway, if no punitive measure, what is that bill for ?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Police academy instructor arrested for trespassing in apartment of woman he did not know See in context

No harm except perhaps level of snooring imbearable.

What a crime ! (Everyone laughing).

Doors have locks by the way...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Japanese actor dropped from beer ad campaign after drunken escapade See in context

Oh Japan the land where all things are replicated the same for everyone.

For a flat, it means for any storey in a building : same colors, same paths, same common space layout, same mechanisms, same level of cleanliness, same lighting, same doors, same flat layout, same smell (usually no smell), same toilet, etc...

I know that well since I lived in such type of building, except I was on first (ground) floor ;)

Article does not mention any violence.

I assume he did just made an unvoluntary error...

As comments show, let he who has never sinned cast the first stone.

In modern words, this is utter hypocritical from this beer company to take such step against that actor.

In any other western country, a lawyer would sue that company and win on the spot.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: 7-year-old girl dies after falling into river while walking her dog in Yamanashi Prefecture See in context

No one to try rescuing her ?

At that age, how about to know how to swim ?

And rhe dog did not try to intervene.

Some dogs have the rescue instinct.

I have always been surprised by the total absence of railguards everywhere by the way.

So sad for this little angel.


-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: 2 dead, 3 missing after fishing boat with 20 aboard capsizes off Ibaraki See in context

No safety vests ?

How did they die in calm water, except if a Moby Dick ?

This is a fishy description of the accident.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Japanese firms working to attract, retain skilled foreign workers See in context

Specifies skilled worker...without prior training.

Just officialize work slavery.

With visa n•2, replacement of Japanese population has started, for the benefit of company owners.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Posted in: 3 children fatally beaten at home; mother tries to hang herself See in context

How could you ever hurt your children, espacially at that age ?

Mental health or not, she deserves the gallows.

So heartbreaking, there is no "good" explanation possible.

Why does it always happen when the husband is at work by the way?

Is it me or we hardly ever hear about husband killing their children ?

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Posted in: Plane bursts into flames after veering off runway at airport in S Korea, killing 179 See in context

Also RIP.

My daughter flying over South Korea exactly when happening gave me goose bumps.

I know there is no connection but dying that hard way is horrific.

RIP and wish the survivors full recovery、if ever possible in such dramatic circumstances.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Plane bursts into flames after veering off runway at airport in S Korea, killing 179 See in context

After viewing the crqsh video, one of the conclusion I may contribute to about high casualties is not to build a concrete wall at the end of a runway.

It is clearly the reason for the full explosion and the impossibility to reduce speed even for the best pilot.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Airports, train stations crowded as 9-day New Year break begins See in context

Glad to decide when I take days off and when I go on holiday.

Not an appealing time for traveling.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Cabinet OKs record ¥8.7 tril defense budget as it pushes strike-back capability See in context

Pacifist Japan, no more.

Population is dwindling so fast there are not enough military personnel to manage the existing equipment.

What country would invade Japan ever for ? This is non-sense.

-7 ( +11 / -18 )

Posted in: Japan set to record-high average temperature in 2024, 2nd year in row See in context

If warmer, less energy consumption in winter.

The first and main teason for warmer temperatures is heat island effect, which in Japan is terrible.

Just go and walk into a forest and you will see the difference.

Guess what does bringing of huge quantities of energy which ultimately transforms into heat in cities because of A/C systems do ?

I have no doubt the warmer climate will be a net positive for mankind in the long run, meaning more energy at disposal.

It does not mean we should no fight chemical pollution leading to aberration. And Japan has not been very good at it (ex : Minamata, plastic emissions/recycling...).

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Heat wave leads to warnings of potentially devastating wildfires in southeast Australia See in context

Each year devastating fires in Australia.

I wonder what is left to burn...

Does it have anything to do with mines and maybe absence or lack of environmental regulations ?

Australia has a lot of mines and exports huge amounts of resources.

At the same time, it is the size of a continent.

Is the percentage of areas of forest reducing or not with the years?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Sri Lanka-based investment scammers target Japanese: ex-local worker See in context


This happens anyway all around the world since it is free to try and free of any possible trials.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Worker crunch piles pressure on small-town Japan See in context

Merge, move or die.

People thinking work whatever the low stagnant wage it is is sustainable have the demonstration it does not bode well with a florishing industry.

Rare and efficient products sell high prices so pay should be high. Of course it does mean not only the boss and executives get the rise (I know some do that in Japan...)

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: 14-year-old boy drowns after falling into river while fishing with friend in Chiba See in context

He did not know how to swim.

Instead of telling the root cause, Japanese media makes it as if it was fate.

When 14, you jump in river to have fun normally.

How to swim well enough is seen in Japan as facultative, hence the high rate of drowning.

As a father, I forced sometimes ago my kids to go to swimming pool, to be sure they would never be afraid in water and manage well enough.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese space startup aborts 2nd satellite launch attempt minutes after liftoff See in context


This rocket launch failed since its purpose was to get to space a satellite.

Space X processes by incremental steps, with intermediary objectives set and testing of hull mainly.

That is the huge difference and complete reinventing.

Japan private companies will never compete with US ones at that rate and due to lack of major funds.

It is still always a step moving forward that promotes science so keep it on, like for some projects in Europe (ex RFA one).

2 ( +7 / -5 )

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