Japan Today

Joost Van Steenderen comments

Posted in: Rakuten to enter mobile phone service business See in context

Anyone aware of a organisation that handles Telco disputes between consumers and the big three here in JP?

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Posted in: Fukuoka town experiments with new road markings See in context

Like already said in above comments, more signs, colored roads and blinking lights aren't gonna do it. In my opinion they should review their usual routine of planting stop signs at every corner. They just redid a crossing in the neighborhood which had a history with crashes, to have a another crash at the same spot a few weeks later. People learn to drive abnormally cautious at driving schools, get their license, see that the taught way of driving isn't going to work, and from there it only gets worse.

Stop signs at crossings where the view is clear should be replaced with give-way signs, like most other countries use. Reduce signs and annoyances (blinking pachinko parlors, advertisements too close to the road). Blinking LED lighting in corners will more likely cause disorientation (or an epileptic seizure) rather than getting you safe through the corner. Second, some crossings definitely need stop signs, but not 20 meters before the crossing where there's no overview. At those crossing a vehicle has to stop twice, but probably won't, which causes confusion to other road users. At places where they use traffic lights they should try to link them up, making it unnecessary to stop at every light. Less annoyances, less aggression, less casualties.

It's not an option for most places in Japan, but they really shouldn't start building properties from 20 cm from the main road, making crossing unnecessarily dangerous. Also, rather than making a road for 2 cars (mirror to mirror) they really should give pedestrians and (separately) cyclist their own space. I'm wouldn't mind paying some tax for those improvements.

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Posted in: Man robs Gunma supermarket of Y1.9 mil See in context

A good topic starter for businesses and banks to discuss the introduction of an working eftpos-system (debit and credit) for small retailers too. Less cash, less risk on robberies (both store and personal)! Of course they can take advantage of being 20 years behind technology wise to take measure to prevent skimming at the same time.

Just one of the many things Japan's banks can improve ;)

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