Japan Today

Joshua Ellison comments

Posted in: Singer ASKA arrested for drug possession See in context

Educator60, While technically he did have a form of amphetamine, to call it speed would be misleading. That makes it sound like he had ice, meth, shabu, crank, crystal, whatever you prefer to call it.

He actually had ecstasy (MDMA, E, Molly, X, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is quite a different drug really.

Like the difference between 3C-Bromo-Dragonfly & 2C-B-Fly. The former can last 2-3 days, whereas the latter last 6-8 hours.

Not complaining, just making the point that, in Japan, when they say stimulant, people often, assume coke or methamphetamine, which just isn't the case.

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Posted in: 'Hysterical' man removed from hotel in restraints; dies later See in context

Very difficult to OD on ice. I'd imagine it's thespeedball combo that killed him.

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Posted in: 3 men arrested for stealing donation box from Nagasaki convenience store See in context

Give them each two to the head.

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Posted in: Anger and defiance in Taiji after 'Cove' wins Oscar See in context

I have lived in Japan a long time and have never seen dolphin meat in an eatery or a butcher shop. I have seen whale though. Do they really eat dolphins? Maybe a local thing?

Yes they do actually eat dolphin. No it's not always labeled as whale. You can, in fact, purchase いるか / イルカ / Flipper in the grocery stores of some areas. My wife has family in Izu. I won't say exactly where but oftentimes we are given "fresh" dolphin and squid meat as a gift when we visit.

As it was offered to me I accepted a bite and it's not bad. I agree with the statements on toxicity and inhumanity of it all. "culture" is a lame excuse. Just wanted to let everyone know, not far from Shizuoka city, and probably in the city for that matter, you can buy this meat easily.

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Posted in: Nagasaki kleptomaniac's makeup stash worth over Y5.4 million See in context

Noword on whether she is a part-time worker or department store employee? What gives?

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Posted in: Obama to use executive orders to reverse Bush policies See in context

Bush policies made us great ROFLMAO! He's serious. That's the funny part. I don't see much happening in the short term but hopefully, over time, some positive progress will be made.

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