Japan Today

JpnCdn comments

Posted in: Vagina kayak artist arrested in Japan See in context

So, what does she call her creation? I would call it a "vagayak". It has a nice ring to it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 youths busted for posing for Twitter photos on top of patrol car See in context

Cats don't generally scratch cars and certainly do not make 10 to 20 centimeter scratches on them.

I'll give you that one. But that wasn't meant to be a serious argument in the first place.

That is a good argument. However, there is a big difference between legally standing someplace and being accused of something and actually being in the act of doing something illegal as these youths were.

And what act did the picture catch the kids doing? It certainly doesn't show them in the act of scratching the car. All it shows is that they were on the roof. Nothing more.

Also, someone with a grudge against the police would be much less likely to scratch the roof than the side, hood or trunk of the car. Why go through all that trouble?

Because they really hate the cops or they were just bored or any random reason. It really doesn't matter why. People usually don't need a good reason to do something stupid.

Maybe it will get thrown out of court, but I highly doubt it.

I highly doubt it too. But, the cops aren't likely to win, unless they have something more than the picture. If they had some evidence that shows the roof had no scratches prior to the kids being on it (eg. credible eye witness or a dated picture that shows a perfect roof, etc...) or a picture that actually shows the kids actively scratching the roof for example, then they have a case.

Where on the roof exactly was the scratch located anyways? Was it located where the kid is on in the picture? If so, the cops could use that to add a little strength to their claim. If not, then it the kids could use it to their favor. In any case, it is often the little details that make or break a case.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 2 youths busted for posing for Twitter photos on top of patrol car See in context

Yes, but it is much more likely that it was the people who were caught actually being on top of the roof rather than things we can only imagine might have happened.

True (though the kids being the culprit is not THAT much more likely... just a little more likely). But, as you can see from the example I have given earlier, it is still not enough.

Here's another example (a real life example from my personal experience). I myself have been a victim of the "more likely" way of thinking. When I was a kid (about 9 or 10 years old), there was a group of kids that were throwing rocks at a business building and then fled soon after. I was walking by the area as the kids fled and got the blame. I told the owner that it wasn't me and that it was group of other kids. The building owner said that he even saw me do it (which is a total lie and not a honest mistake on his part). I told the owner that he's a "blank-en" liar and told him to go "blank" himself and prove it because I knew I didn't do anything. I knew that he really didn't see anything, and I was able rule out that was an honest mistake on his part because if he did see anything, he would have seen a group of kids (not a lone kid) throwing rocks. in the end, as I hadn't done anything wrong, he couldn't prove a damn thing.

Basically, the cops need to satisfy the minimum required amount of proof (of all people, the cops should know this). And a picture (though worth a 1000 words as they say) alone is not enough to satisfy this minimum requirement. To put it another way, a picture alone is just circumstantial evidence. Even in a civil case, you need something more to back up that circumstantial evidence in order to make your case. Without this requirement, a lot of innocent people would end up in jail.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 2 youths busted for posing for Twitter photos on top of patrol car See in context

(certainly not the 5 cops inside the car)

Edit: Should read "certainly not the 5 cops in the police box".

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: 2 youths busted for posing for Twitter photos on top of patrol car See in context

Although there were five officers in the police box at the time, none of them noticed the incident taking place, TBS reported.

The moral of the story: if you're going to commit a crime, do it on the roof of a police car... they'll never catch you as long as you don't post a photo of the deed on some social media website. lol.

On the roof?

For example, a cat could have jumped on the roof and done it. Or someone who just doesn't like the cops for whatever reason (there are obviously many reasons, but I won't get into that because that would be off-topic) could have done it while the cops were in the donut shop. And so on... the possibilities can be many. The truth is that there is no proof that the kids made the scratches. No one saw the kids scratch the roof (certainly not the 5 cops inside the car). And the picture of the kids on the roof doesn't prove anything other than the fact that they were on the roof of the cop car. Let's say for example, someone kid kicks a small dent into a car door, and later you unknowingly lean against the car door right where the dent is without noticing the dent. Someone then posts a picture of you leaning against the car door. If the picture was enough proof, then you must be the culprit... even though we know you aren't.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: 2 youths busted for posing for Twitter photos on top of patrol car See in context

Police say some scratches were found on the bonnet of the car

How do they know the scratches weren't there before the kids got on top? Considering it is a police car, the scratches could have come from anywhere and anytime.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Taiwan activists demand Japan apologize over sex slaves See in context

Things like this make me curious about one thing... do the majority even care whether or not Japan apologizes? Or is it just the handful of the population that just likes to stir things up make things bigger than they are? There are like a zillion bigger things to worry about in this world. Worrying about getting Japan to apologize seems just kind of petty in comparison regardless of who is right, wrong, or whatever. Just sharing my thoughts and opinions with everyone here and to see if anyone thinks the same also.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: S Korea protests Japanese opinion poll on disputed islands See in context

Where's the provocation? What's wrong with Japan wanting to know what their citizens think about the issue? If South Korea did the same thing, I wouldn't care either way. If you ask me, some nations need to stop acting like babies and grow up. Then maybe, those nations can stop living in the past and look towards a brighter future. If there is anything that they should learn from history, it's this: "living in the past is preventing them from moving on to a better future.". Basically, this means that if they dwell on the negative past (regardless of who is right or wrong... because it's irrelevant), then all there is left is hate and negativity that stops them from moving forward. The cycle has repeated throughout history and will continue to repeat in the future unless some wise leaders say "okay, we need to to stop this stupidity, learn from the past, and move on". Note: my comments are not directed towards South Korea and Japan only; they can be applied to several other nations in this world with their specific issues.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea fires 6th missile in three days See in context

Two statements made by N. Korea according to the article: 1. Military training ... is the indisputable right of any sovereign nation. 2.The real provocation is coming from South Korea and the United States, which have carried out a series of small and large-scale joint military drills in recent months.

Just for the sake of argument, let's say both claims made by N. Korea are true. If military training is the indisputable right of any sovereign nation, then why would they have a problem with and raise a stink about the U.S. and S. Korea holding joint military drills? It doesn't make any sense. At the very least, it makes N. Korea sound hypocritical. Has anybody else noticed this or am I not understanding it correctly?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother, employer of epileptic crane driver ordered to pay compensation over fatal accident See in context

WilliB: You might find the law ridiculous, but please note that the same applies in Japan for drunk drunk driving. You are in the car with the drunk driver, you served him in the bar and let him drive, you drunk with him and let him drive.... you all share responsibility. and the law will come after you.

The circumstances are not exactly the same. The key difference is that your drunk driver is no longer competent and has temporary compromised judgement (eventhough the drunk driver had the judgement and competency to foresee such consequences before getting drunk; but that is another issue that is unrelated to this topic, so I won't go anymore into that)... unlike the son whose judgement is not compromised and retains his competency to make decisions (being epileptic does not compromise decision-making judgement and competency).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hong Kong scientists show time travel is impossible See in context

Serrano: Also, if I traveled back in time and met myself, there would be two of us, right? Where did all the extra molecules come from?

Easy answer. From the future!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hong Kong scientists show time travel is impossible See in context

Serrano: Suppose that right now I traveled back 5 years to 2006, met my 2006 self and killed him. So the time travel never happened?

Alternate timelines and parallel universes maybe can explain the paradox?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother, employer of epileptic crane driver ordered to pay compensation over fatal accident See in context

OK, all you nay-sayers about the mother being penalized, it is the same circumstance as if you were in a car with a person you knew was driving drunk. You share the responsibility! She knew her son was sick and that he was not fit to drive a car, better less a crane truck, yet she did nothing about it, so she should share the responsibility. That is the way the law works in Japan.

The circumstances are not exactly the same. The key difference is that your drunk driver is no longer competent and has temporary compromised judgement (eventhough the drunk driver had the judgement and competency to foresee such consequences before getting drunk; but that is another issue that is unrelated to this topic, so I won't go anymore into that)... unlike the son whose judgement is not compromised and retains his competency to make decisions (being epileptic does not compromise decision-making judgement and competency).

Treating the 2 situations the same would only show just how flawed Japan Law is. Therefore, I don't think it would be wise for judges (or anyone for that matter) to use this analogy.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother, employer of epileptic crane driver ordered to pay compensation over fatal accident See in context

I agree with most that the mother should have nothing to do with this. Whether or not she knew (or even if she supported) her son's decision is (and should be) irrelevant because her son is an competent adult who should be able to make his own decisions. Arguing that the mother should be charged because she should have talked her son out of it is ridiculous. There will be no end to the list of people who can be charged if you follow this line of argument. For example, why stop at the mother; why not charge the son's friends, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents or anybody else who knew of his condition but didn't say or do anything? Why even stop there? Why not even charge his highschool (or any of his other) teachers for not teaching him to be more honest, a little smarter than that, and to be able make better decisions. As you can see, the list can become endless by following that line of argument. It is absolutely ridiculous and a joke in my opinion. It is very scary and disturbing if you ask me.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Hong Kong scientists show time travel is impossible See in context


Aren't subspace transmissions faster than light?

But I agree with the conclusion that time travel is impossible. If it was possible, we'd have people popping in from the past and the future all the time messing things up.

How do you know that they aren't popping in and messing things up?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Hong Kong scientists show time travel is impossible See in context


Aren't subspace transmissions faster than light?

But I agree with the conclusion that time travel is impossible. If it was possible, we'd have people popping in from the past and the future all the time messing things up.

How do you know that they aren't popping in and messing things up?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: NGOs warn evacuees of possible sexual assaults in shelters See in context

The thought of the possibility of people taking advantage of earthquake / tsunami victims by way of sexual assaults hadn't even crossed my mind. I guess my mind hasn't been corrupted enough to come up with such an idea. But, now that the article mentions it, it does make sense. It's a perfect opportunity for predators. I think that raising awareness is a good first step in prevention.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for abducting junior high school girl in Iwate See in context

smithinjapan at 11:27 AM JST - 12th August

Glad she got out okay.

But really, are Japanese not taught as children NOT to get into the car with strangers? Hell, what this girl did seems so infantile and stupid that it's amazing she's okay. Of course, I can imagine the man may have waved a couple of ichi-man yen bills around and the girl saw a sparkling new handbag in her mind, but still.

I'm thinking this is another case of Enjou-kousai (or just a quicky in the car) gone wrong.

No it is not just Japanese children. Greed makes people do stupid things all the time. I see stupidity as a result of greed happen everyday and everywhere. Greed and stupidity just go hand-in-hand. Greed and stupidity knows no bound. Greed and stupidity do not discriminate among races. Enough said.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Aki Hoshino mistaken for minor at Macau casino See in context

Sometimes I get ID'd by people who are younger than me!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Aki Hoshino mistaken for minor at Macau casino See in context


I have a hard time believing a 32-year old would be mistaken for a minor. That's a stretch.

Oh, are you sure about that? I'm 35 and I still get ID'd at casinos, clubs, and such (by the way, the legal age here in Canada is 19). My uncle got ID'd until well into his 40's! So, I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the possibility.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo Motorcycle Show See in context


To me macho man seems to be something stronger and better than girls. And also machine seems to be a symbol of man. So good machine and macho man are perfect to be promoted to sell to men's world. Most guys come to the motor/motorcycle shows anyway but a few women.

This is like my 10th time looking at the photo. It's because of the girl that I keep coming back to see it. If she were a "macho man" guy, I can guarantee you that I would not even give the photo a second look. I think it is the same for most men. The girl's purpose is to draw men's attention and keep drawing them. It worked on me and likely worked on many others (so, I would say objective complete). That's just part of good marketing strategy... knowing who your target is and knowing how to get and keep their attention (you know the old saying... guys don't think with their head, they think with their "other" head if you know what I mean). A macho man model will definitely get my attention (it's uniqueness will stand out), but it will definitely not keep my attention or keep me thinking about it (at least not in a positive way). So, with the macho man model, the objective will not be completed. Although the main objective is to sell the damn thing, you still have to get the targets attention and keep them thinking about it. Would I buy the motorcycle because of the girl? My answer to that is: probably not. But, will I buy it if there was a macho man model? Hell no! (lol). Seriously though, a macho man model will definitely not make me want to buy it more... if anything it will only make me want to buy it even less.

PS: just in case it isn't obvious to some, I am a guy.

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Posted in: Tokyo Motorcycle Show See in context

and phooks is a perfect example proving my point

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Posted in: Tokyo Motorcycle Show See in context

Why female models always pose with new products at motor/motorcycle shows? Do girls promote to sell new machines? Why not macho men or lovely dogs? I'm more intersted in motorcycle than that model, No?

Kwatt, look at it this way... what do most men like? The short and simple answer is cars (trucks and motorcycles included) and women. So if you want to sell something like a motorcycle, the most logical way to do it is use women to sell them. Makes sense doesn't it? At least I hope it does because I wouldn't know an easier way to explain it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Anna Tsuchiya introduces documentary on orphanage for Japanese-American children See in context


So she can still be part Russian and Japanese and still be Japanese-American as long as she was born in America.

And I think you are right that she is part Russian. Judging by the photo (which is hard to do sometimes), she looks more Japanese, so I would say she is 50% Japanese 25% American and 25% Russian. That would just be my wild guess.

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Posted in: Anna Tsuchiya introduces documentary on orphanage for Japanese-American children See in context

OssanAmerica, I don't think you have to be a mix of Japanese and American to be Japanese-American. I think they might mean that Anna Tsuchiya is Japanese but was born in America and thus is Japanese-American.

I speak from my own situation experience because I am considered Japanese-Canadian. I have Japanese parents, but I was born in Canada.

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