Posted in: Silicon Valley rattled by low-cost Chinese AI See in context
Gonna be fun to hear the AI giants try to imply the Chinese companies copied or stole the data that they themselves stole. Lets not care about copyright until it affects us.
2 ( +9 / -7 )
Posted in: Himeji Castle entry fees to more than double for nonresidents See in context
3000yen for adults and free for 18 and under, I predict this becoming a daycare center. Parents will shove their kids in and wait at the exit.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Health insurance cards to no longer be issued as info will be integrated with My Number cards See in context
Until they can just send it to us without hassle don't make it mandatory, I haven't even been able to figure out how to get one in the first place. If they just send them out like the regular health insurance card no one will complain.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: 30% of tourists to Japan experienced overtourism problems in 2024 See in context
It's all about how they worded the questions, and knowing how Japanese do these things I'm sure that's not how foreigners interpreted the questions. If they straight out said they would single out tourists to pay more than Japanese tourists and that would mainly be based on how they look I think most would shocked the question would even be asked.
-3 ( +10 / -13 )
Posted in: Cyclists in Japan risk jail for using mobile phone, riding while drunk See in context
The police don't do it for drivers, which in my opinion is much more dangerous, so why would they do it for bicyclists?
Easier to spot and easier to catch up with, so might be used as a way to pull in some easy money when needed.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Cyclists in Japan risk jail for using mobile phone, riding while drunk See in context
The stares that you must ride on the left, like other vehicles.
I meant right as in (正しい)not as in (右)At least where I live it's a free for all what side of the road you drive on, sometimes more people drive on the 右 side of the road than the left, and give me dirty looks when I don't get out of the way for them.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Cyclists in Japan risk jail for using mobile phone, riding while drunk See in context
All for it but at least make people here understand that they should ride on the right side of the road before you start micro managing laws. Problem isn't the lack of laws it's not enforcing them.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc loses lower house majority See in context
The sad part is that it's probably not because Japanese are waking up, just that there are less old people than there was before.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Overseas people see Japanese women as sexual beings and think they don’t speak up for themselves, but I’ve always thought that is not true. See in context
I'd say people think that because it's mostly true, and that's mainly because that's what Japanese men like. I'd say if you come here as a foreigner you are more likely to end up with a Japanese woman that speaks her mind, because that's usually the type that specifically goes after foreigners.
The average Japanese woman is for better or worse more obedient, docile and like men to take the lead or at least act like they do, Marry one and that goes out the window.
Can't blame people visiting here getting that image.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Over 85% wary of bad tourist behavior at Japan national parks: poll See in context
Not sure if I'm misunderstanding the word national park though, didn't think that included city parks.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Over 85% wary of bad tourist behavior at Japan national parks: poll See in context
National parks though? This just feels like they are following the trend of bashing on foreigners. 99% of foreign tourists are in the cities. In a national park you might get 1 foreigner per 500 Japanese and I doubt it's the young noisy party goers finding their way out to national parks. Foreign tourists instances of misbehavior in those places probably doesn't make a dent. If anything I think that for Japanese tourists misbehavior or failing to understand how to behave in such areas probably increase a lot, as it's not the type of environment they are used to.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Izakaya operator Watami buys Subway Japan in diversification push See in context
I wonder what they are planning to change, hopefully they aren't simple minded thinking that just because it's popular elsewhere it will be here as well if they do the marketing right. I feel that the way Subway works is a really bad system for Japan. Way too much staff interaction, having to voice their choices on specific ingredients which other customers can hear, all the things the average Japanese like to avoid.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: 26 anime voice actors and actresses form group to speak out against unauthorized generative AI See in context
It's not mimicking or just sounding like their voices, these models are fed the data containing their voices without any rights to that material, gAI has it's uses but the rights holders of the data they want to train on needs to be paid, crazy to think otherwise, it's like wanting to bake without paying for the ingredients. Without any restrictions and changes to copyright law no one can live or work as a creative. As these things get better I will just be able to copy paste a movie or song and tell it to make it different enough to pass as original content. All commercial gAI should need to have their training data public and get the rights for any content they use.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: More than 140 killed, dozens injured after gasoline tanker explodes in Nigeria See in context
Unbelievable, the owners of the fuel trucks should be prosecuted and thrown in jail for a very long time for allowing these time bombs on the streets.
Not sure how you come to that conclusion? Accidents with fuel trucks happen everywhere, problem there is that a mass of people go to steal the fuel. I saw an older video from a similar situation in the same area where hundreds of people gathered to collect fuel from a crashed fuel truck, someone was smoking and some people were using objects that could easily create sparks to scoop up the fuel, of course that truck also caught fire, although not as big of a tragedy.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Are foreign YouTubers in Japan worth a 'like' and 'subscribe'? See in context
I did not check all the ones mentioned in the article, but definitely not "all of them". Some are fluent. Lets go easiy on generalizations.
Not the ones I have seen, at least pronunciation wise, I guess it depends on what you would call fluent, but absolutely not something that Japanese would be shocked by. Not talking about Japan youtubers in general, just the "Japanese in shocked when hearing me speak Japanese" etc, I think when you have have been here long enough you wouldn't really make videos like that, so the ones doing those are mostly younger people that has been living here for 1 - 5 years.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Are foreign YouTubers in Japan worth a 'like' and 'subscribe'? See in context
Can't stand all the "Japanese in shock hearing foreigner speak fluent Japanese" videos. All of them sounds like they came here a year ago, and Japanese will react like that to anyone that utters the word konnichiwa, as it's the correct/polite reaction to do.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Himeji Castle entry fees set to be hiked for all non-local visitors See in context
As long as it's for all tourists including Japanese I don't see a problem with it. It's the "you don't look Japanese so you get to pay more" kind of price hike that's shitty. I doubt if they did that it wouldn't be like they would require Japanese to prove that they are Japanese, so it would become a do you pass as Japanese entry test, would definitely have told them I'm Japanese and see what they would do.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan logs hottest summer on record for 2nd straight year See in context
Starting to feel like I need to fix my Aircon that broke 2 years ago.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: If China wants Taiwan, it should also take back land from Russia, president says See in context
More about pride now, can't give up on Taiwan now after saying they will take it back for so long. If it was just about land then they would have a much easier time just taking over parts of Russia, especially now.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's cyclists to be punished for riding drunk, phone use from November See in context
Would be chaos if it was actually enforced. drove past around 10 cyclists on a 2 min ride yesterday and about half of them were on their phone.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Should permanent foreign residents in Japan have the right to vote? See in context
They should just make dual citizenship possible, and erase all weird name rules, then most of us here with permanent visas would have Japanese passports.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Temperatures forecast to remain high in September, October See in context
Yeah, the weather in September is always beautiful for swimming, I don't understand this either. Kids don't care if the water is a bit cooler, they have fun regardless.
Has more to do with kids going back to school, older people just stay inside with their AC.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested for uploading obscene images of himself to SNS under name of real woman See in context
Feels like they left out the part explaining the crime. I don't believe just using the same name as someone would do that, probably he also used her images and tried to intentionally make it seem like it was the real person that was uploading his pictures.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Summer's the time to map out strategies for ridding your residence of cockroaches See in context
Used to have big roach problems as my family tends to not live very cleanly. What worked for us was moving to into an apartment on a high floor. Haven't had a gokiburi inside since we moved here 8 years ago.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
I don't feel like grinding through previous articles to try to find it but remember this 4 months from now that you said all foreigners get treated the same on here because I definitely don't see that very much with what happened in the UK. Maybe their comments ended up getting deleted but they didn't hold back in how they wanted to put blame on immigrants rather than the individual even though he was born in the UK
If you go through similar articles here on JT then yeah there is always the same kind of discussion no matter of the foreigners origin. This is not because everyone in here is a nice person and no one is racist, but because they know it makes them look bad as well, Japanese just see the word foreigner.
Of course though there is the usual suspects on here, which are also a couple of Japanese that tend to bash on foreigners in these articles, even more so when they are Asian foreigners.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
I don't really think much about disclosing country of origin if the crime was news worthy and would have become news no matter if he was Japanese or not, I understand why a news paper would like to mention that. The problem is when the crime only becomes news because it was done by a foreigner.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
The main point she is making is if it was a person from a third world country you all would say "immigrant this immigrant that blah blah blah" And for that reason I think it is important to put their nationality. If the person that committed the crime didn't want to look bad to other foreigners and Japanese maybe he shouldn't have done anything bad
Absolutely no one is saying that, we are all foreigners here no matter our color or origin. When they make news about a crime that happens hundreds of times a day only because the villain is a foreigner it hurts us all, no matter how he looks or where he is from. The news do this very often and it has set it's marks. The Japanese around me thinks that foreigners on average do a lot more crime in Japan than Japanese do, while the reality is that a foreigner is less likely to commit a crime then a Japanese based on the stats, but that's not what they see, they see all these cherry picked cases that news likes to highlight.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Man arrested for punching restaurant owner while arguing over bill in Miyagi Prefecture See in context
The twist could be that he was getting scammed and asked to pay 20man for 3000 yen worth of food and drinks. The police don't do anything about the scammers but if the customer don't pay or retaliate they will.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
If the 33-year-old guy was a native Japanese from Kanagawa prefecture, the press should not report the fact? Or are you suggesting that light-skinned people are entitled to more privacy than those who are not?
That's the thing, it wouldn't be reported, There was probably multiple such cases in Kanagawa yesterday alone, by Japanese men, it's just not special enough to write about as it happens multiples times a day. Meaning that it wouldn't be reported about if it wasn't because he was foreign born. Do you see anything else that stands out in the reporting that makes it different?
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
Ask JT.
HIs nationality, age, relationship are just facts. Seems some people have a prblem with a news article containing facts,
Tell you what guys, if you;'re really concerned aboiut your nationality being mentioned in a news artcle, just don't commit any crime that might become news, Much easier than trying to censor news to suit your tastes.
Since they had an article about a similar arrest there has probably been hundreds of these cases, some of them probably ending up with the spouse dead or in the hospital. This one being very mild even if all of those things were true. I think it's safe to say that it's being highlighted because the husband was foreign, and especially from a country that is not as common.
Not even saying it was JTs decision, probably another Japanese newspaper that choose it because of that reason, JT just copied and translated.
8 ( +21 / -13 )
Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?