Posted in: We must not create a society where those who do not get vaccinated feel guilty or lose out. We need to be careful not to encourage peer pressure through vaccine discount programs. See in context
If they weren't experimental (or investigational), then why haven't they yet received full approval by the FDA?
The have been fully authorized by the FDA, and the FDA is clearly saying you should get vaccinated without waiting for their approval.
The FDA evaluated data from clinical studies that included tens of thousands of people for each COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA authorized the vaccines because the data from these studies clearly showed that the known and potential benefits of the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines outweighed the known and potential risks.
So why do you pretend like the FDA's opinion matters to you anyway? Everybody knows that once the FDA fully "approves" the vaccines, you will just accuse them of being sold to Big Pharma or move the goalposts to anything else you can hang on to, because you only operate in complete bad faith.
8 ( +12 / -4 )
Posted in: We must not create a society where those who do not get vaccinated feel guilty or lose out. We need to be careful not to encourage peer pressure through vaccine discount programs. See in context
Actually, they are.
No, they aren't. The vacinnes aren't "experimental" in the ominous sense that you're trying to make them out to be (meaning : dangerous and untested).
The vaccines are safe, you spread misinformation and one really wonders why in the war of humanking against disease, you would choose the side of... Disease.
5 ( +11 / -6 )
Posted in: We must not create a society where those who do not get vaccinated feel guilty or lose out. We need to be careful not to encourage peer pressure through vaccine discount programs. See in context
This is false, for most young and healthy people, the risks of the vaccines are greater than the risks of the virus.
This is a complete lie. Why would you post something so blatantly and provably false?
You can't demand everyone to take unnecessary risks with these experimental vaccines
The vaccines aren't experimental.
Vaccinations do not lead to normal life; those are just empty promises. Look at Iceland and other highly vaccinated nations...
12 ( +16 / -4 )
Posted in: Texas governor tests positive for COVID-19 See in context
so back to the question, why are liberals criticizing and mocking a fully vaccinated person?
Because his policies are idiotic.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Texas governor tests positive for COVID-19 See in context
But he’s already vaccinated, how did he get it?
What part of "Vaccines do not provide full (100%) protection, so ‘breakthrough infections’ will occur. " do you not understand? Is the syntax too difficult for you? Or the vocabulary, maybe?
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Texas governor tests positive for COVID-19 See in context
Another prominent person who is vaccinated yet got COVID anyway.
Yep. And? What's your point?
Vaccines can stop most people from getting sick with COVID-19, but not everyone.
Even after someone takes all of the recommended doses and waits a few weeks for immunity to build up, there is still a chance that they can get infected. Vaccines do not provide full (100%) protection, so ‘breakthrough infections’ – where people get the virus, despite having been fully vaccinated – will occur.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Serbian president challenges Twitter: 'Delete my account!' See in context
I can't wait for them (Twitter) to close my account so I become another Trump in the world,
Yeah I'm not sure that's gonna have the effect you think it's going to have, buddy.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Do you respect anti-vaxxers' stance? See in context
I do. No one should tell you what to take or put in your body
Not even doctors? So what do you do when you get sick?
-1 ( +14 / -15 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan sued for allegedly sexually abusing girl in 1965 See in context
Just because he has a Nobel Prize doesn't mean he deserved it. They hand them out willy-nilly these days.
No, they really don't, actually.
12 ( +17 / -5 )
Posted in: Biden says he stands squarely behind Afghanistan decision See in context
According to them, Jan 6 was far worse than the threat of Al Quaida or the Taliban, go figure…
The chance that the Taliban invade America to overturn elections and install an autocrat as leader are very, very, very.... very slim.
The chance that some alt-right morons do the same from inside are, unfortunately, very real.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Biden says he stands squarely behind Afghanistan decision See in context
The Taliban is defending their freedom from a nation that forces face coverings, destroys statues, and promotes child sex changes.
Well, feel free to move there and live happily ever after, then.
2 ( +10 / -8 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan sued for allegedly sexually abusing girl in 1965 See in context
A darling of the pseudo-intellectual.
Are you really trying to criticize the artistic value of the only musician on Earth with a Nobel prize in literature? That's a pretty bold move.
17 ( +24 / -7 )
Posted in: Biden says he stands squarely behind Afghanistan decision See in context
The Afghan military and the government failed its people.
To be perfectly fair, after 20 years of war and american occupation, a completely corrupt governement (Karzai) followed by a criminally inept one (Ghani), apparently most of the afghani population actually fully supports the taliban. That is exactly why they have advanced as quick as they did. Because there was barely anybody to oppose them.
Also, keep in mind that if Pakistan didn't support the taliban, they would barely exist at this point in time. If we're playing the blame game -and there's plenty of blame to go around-, Pakistan has to be mentioned.
8 ( +12 / -4 )
Posted in: Biden says he stands squarely behind Afghanistan decision See in context
That's actually pretty true. Most historians rank him in the very bottom tier.
6 ( +13 / -7 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
Biden was supposed to bring them out of Afghanistan now as part of the withdrawal plan.
No, he wasn't. Again, America has been granting special visas to those type of translators since 2007. This is a historical fact and I fail to understand why you would even try to deny it?
Since 2007, the United States has awarded visas to Iraqi and Afghan citizens who risked their lives working for U.S. forces. Collectively known as the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program, this effort has likely saved tens of thousands of former U.S. military interpreters from death at the hands of our enemies.
Yet Reuters reported recently that the Trump administration has added an additional layer of vetting that has all but choked off this lifeline to some of our most faithful friends.
If thousands would have been taken out in 2018, what would we have done between then and now for translators?
They would have used other people. Because a lot of Afghani can speak English.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
unless he can read two books at the same time, then no he wouldnt be learning about Iraq or Afghanistan or any war strategies while he spends weeks/months reading all of these unrelated books.
Oh, so now you think that people... Can't read books consecutively? Mark Milley is 63 years old, you think he didn't have time at least 57 years to read... Several books? That really is a profoundly distrubing argument you're making. You seem to think reading books is such an incredible feat that I'm starting to believe you've never read a single book in your life.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
no they wouldnt have been out of the country as they were still working in 2018. and there was no indication that we would be leaving Afghanistan at that time.
Somebody hasn't even clicked on the article I helpfully posted, apparently. Let me repost it:
America has been giving special visas to iraki and afghani translators for years, getting them out of their respective countries as soon as possible during the war. And this program has been all but completely stopped by the Trump administration. So all the thousands of helpful translators that were supposed to be out of Afghanistan since 2018 are now still stuck there. The troops withdrawal is mostly irrelevant for the vast majority of them.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
“I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin,” Milley said.
....and? You would rather have a general that can't read?
How does Critical Race Theory help?
I have no idea, why are you bringing it up? Are you under the impression that people only have a very limited capacity to store information in their brain? And that if Milley reads a book called "White Fragility", he automatically can't learn anything about Afghanistan or Irak anymore? That's a very strange argument you're making. About a man you know absolutely nothing about, of course. Except what your propaganda machines tell you to bark at.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
Afghans who helped us would have visas,
Actually many of them would have been out of the country long ago if the previous administration hadn't decided to drastically but their visa approvals because...? Brown people are scary? I guess that was the argument at the time.
But yeah, it's all Biden's fault.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Swift Taliban takeover leaves U.S. image in tatters See in context
No one told Obama to enter into Afghanistan, he made that decision.
Are you under the impression that the war in Afghanistan, that started twenty years ago under Bush Jr., is... Obama's fault?
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Delta variant reignites U.S. mask debate See in context
If you have trouble breathing with a mask, that means your lungs are already pretty weak, and therefore are most at risk of catching a severe or fatal version of covid. Meaning... You definitely should wear that mask.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. states that had a grip on COVID now seeing a crush of cases See in context
Seems the narrative falling apart.
Every sane person on this Earth has been saying that the unvaccinated are going to make this pandemic start all over again for everyone for months. Scientists and experts have been saying that we needed herd immunity before opening up, otherwise people are going to get sick and die again by the thousands.
Those narratives are all proven true day by day. This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and it's unfortunately hurting everyone, vaccinated people included. Exactly like we were told.
As usual, the GOP and their supporters have dug our graves, and now claim that everyone else if a gravedigger.
7 ( +10 / -3 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
Exactly, “on his own” he’s not going anywhere and so he was pushed out by his own party and fast.
And yet you claimed he wouldn't be pushed out. You wrote it yourself. Your own words: "they’re not going to push this man out". But they did. So you were wrong. Admit it.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
I never claimed his assembly wouldn’t push him to resign.
Quote: "What are you talking about? They gave their speeches, they spoke to the cameras and that’s it, they’re not going to push this man out, he’s not going anywhere. "
That is precisely what you claimed. Your own words. "they’re not going to push this man out".
Admit you were wrong.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
No, because he was forced to resign.
And you claimed he never would. You specifically claimed the democrats would not force him to resign, because they ultimately didn't care. And the exact opposite happened. Why can't you admit you were completely wrong?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
Cuomo resigned
And you claimed he would never resign. And you were wrong. So admit it. Why is it so hard?
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
According to you perhaps.
According to reality.
And don’t use Wiki, if you want to use more left sources, just use Mother Jones. Lol
Welcome to the modern GOP, where wikipedia is considered a "left-wing source". Just, wow.
For what?
For claiming he would never resign. You wrote it several times. That Cuomo would never resign because the "dems don't care" or whatever reason you cooked up. But you were completely wrong. So you should admit you were completely wrong, shouldn't you?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
Yeah, I’m going to use an irrelevant news source, might as well use the National Enquirer. ROFL
There is literally no difference between the National Enquirer and the gateway pundit.
*The Gateway Pundit** (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.*
No difference. "ROFL".
Give me a break.
Anyway, you told us Cuomo would never ever resign a few days ago. So we're all waiting for your apology.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
Should I use CNN?
Over far-right racist fake news websites?? You should, yeah. Even Fox News is better than the gateway pundit, and that's saying a lot.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: New York Gov Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations See in context
By the way ... generally speaking, Republicans are accused of sexual harassment by political adversaries. In the cases of Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, for instance, their accusers were women who opposed their politics.
You very conveniently forget the very many republicans who have been accused of sexually harrassing their own staff. From politicians in congress to the top brass at fox news, amongst many others.
Sexual harassment isn't partisan. It's not a "republican or democrat" thing. It's only a "power corrupts people" thing.
Democrats are generally accused of sexual harassment by political allies. Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Al Franken, and now Andrew Cuomo, just to name four ... all were credibly accused of sexual misbehavior by staffers who shared their political views.
Al Franken wasn't accused of sexual misbehavior by any of his staffers. He was accused by a very republican newscaster.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan will decide its defense spending on its own, based on the prevailing security environment.
I play chance, go bankrupt due to inflation, or win some money to pay for food.
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024
Posted in: U.S. Space Force to beef up Japan unit amid growing threat in region
Posted in: German car attack may have been religiously motivated, prosecutors say