Posted in: American to serve 5-10 years for murder of Irish student See in context
I don't think the taxi driver can be blamed far as he knew these were just a bunch of gaijin on a night out.He wouldnt have understood what was being said or wouldnt have seen what was happening in the back seat as his eyes were on the road while driving.....neither he/she would say much to a bunch of gaijin as am sure the hotel staff wouldnt either...japanese people avoid confrontation most times anyway,especially with gaijin
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Posted in: American to serve 5-10 years for murder of Irish student See in context
If they gave him the maximum 10 year sentence for a minor like him the family might have felt that justice had been done.They seemed more relieved that their daughters good name had been vindicated after what the defendant had said in court.But when there is a possibility that a murderer coild be released after 5 years on "good behaviour"...that is a real slap in the face for the victims family.
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Posted in: American gets 3 years for sexually assaulting Irish student See in context
The very first line of that article is incorrect. Blackston received a 3 year sentence less 150 days not 15 months as quoted on that website.
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Posted in: American gets 3 years for sexually assaulting Irish student See in context
@Eric L.Robinson
The camera doesn't lie...the CCTV footage from the taxi showed Blackston assaulting her.The fact that a similar assault was committed by Blackston the previous month on a brazilian lady in eerily similar circumstances compounds his guilt.3 years seems kinda lenient actually.The only irrational thing here is the predatory behaviour of these two thugs.
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Posted in: American denies intent to kill Irish woman in Tokyo hotel See in context
@annemarie08 i completely agree with you when you say they could have gone on to do this to someone else but also there is the strong possibility that there are other women before this too.The details of the Blackston assaults on the Brazilian in April last year and the Irish lady the following month are eerily similar.The stories of the two accused are also very alike...two women in separate hotel rooms wake up from a comatose state in their hotel room and ask for sex!
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Posted in: American gets 3 years for sexually assaulting Irish student See in context
I think (this is my take on it!) that since he was 19 when the crime was committed Hinds can only receive a sentence a minor would but because he is now 20 years old he is being tried in an adult court.
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Posted in: American gets 3 years for sexually assaulting Irish student See in context
@shinjuku no yaju
Hinds is not being tried as an adult.That's why the prosecutors are hoping for the severest penalty in this situation which is between 5-10 years.
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Posted in: American gets 3 years for sexually assaulting Irish student See in context
Blackston has previous with this sort of thing.He was accused by a Braziilan lady of assault last April.Both women(Irish and Brazilian) say that after drinking Blackston's tequila they woke up hours later in his hotel room with no recollection of how they had gotten there.This is no coincidence.
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Posted in: Over 1,000 dead pigs found floating in Shanghai river See in context
@elbudamexicana It really depends on what your idea of normal is. The chinese understanding of that is probably a lot lower than what other nations would expect.
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Posted in: Chelsea roars back to defy United in FA Cup See in context
Delighted for Benitez..apparently Fergie ignored his handshake pre match. With the travelling fans on his back and the home support hating him from his days at liverpool it musta been good to get a draw in the end.
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Posted in: Survey among expats: What did you think about Japan before you started living here? See in context
About point 18 Do salary men reading through the sex pages of a sports tabloid count?That is borderline pornography.
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Posted in: American denies intent to kill Irish woman in Tokyo hotel See in context
Nobody believes what this guy is saying here for one second about not trying to harm her in any way- does this mean he is lying under oath already? When there is no one to respond to what he says i guess he can very well say what he wants and try to get away with it?
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Posted in: American denies intent to kill Irish woman in Tokyo hotel See in context
toxicology reports indicated traces of two drugs previously highlighted in date rape cases(Xanax and Lidocaine) and one of the UK newspapers reported that the two men could be heard on the CCTV footage from the taxi excitedly talking about sex while the two women appeared unconcious
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Posted in: Police arrest 19-yr-old American musician over Irish student's murder See in context
Apparently the guy was seen wheeling the victim up to hIsi room in a wheelchair at the hotel It's a wonder at all how she managed to resist hi advances once in the room
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Posted in: If it's not certain they can pass the exams, it's unavoidable that job offers decrease. The system has struck a reef, and fundamental reform, such as extending the length of time people can stay, is n See in context
from looking at the way some nurses go about their job in hospitals back home,i would much rather be looked after by a phillipino/indonesian carer. their bedside manner and character are great and they are hard working and conscientious unlike some others who would turn their nose up at such a difficult job.a tv report about such foreign nurses in japan showed how crazy the amount of difficult kanji/medical words they have to know to pass exams in such a short time
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Posted in: Japanese widow, son of Marine closer to immigrating to U.S. See in context
i guess if you can marry by phone then you can divorce by phone too..."hi honey,guess what?.."
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Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context
After hearing a song in Southpark called "Lets fighting love" i cant help but laugh everytime i hear a J-Pop song with some bad english included into the lyrics.the pronunciation is usually atrocious also.its hard to tell alot of these groups apart ttoo..there seems to be a generic look for both male/females
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Posted in: 'Shallow-brained bureaucrats' crackdown on love hotels unlikely to thwart teen prostitution See in context
Maybe te bar toilet is safer... love hotel - if you imagine all the drity things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you - can you do it? yuck
any bed apart from your own would have the same problem for you whether it be in a friends house,love hotel,bog standaard hotel or hostel you have some fascination with cleanliness?
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Posted in: Taking it easy See in context
These people are not homeless by would.if you see a homeless person did you ever imagine what happened in their lives to bring them to where they are the sounds of it most people just think about how much of an inconvenience they might be..not paying any taxes,using public space etc...there are many people around us on the bread line,these guys have dropped below that and cant get back.theyve been through more hardship than most of us will have..have some sympathy!
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Posted in: Sarah Palin: Serious 2012 contender or pretender? See in context
If so many millions of people voted for an idiot like Bush whats to say they wouldnt do the same for another intellectually challenged Republican passing themselves off as a credible politician? As Rick Shenkman questions in his book "Just how stupid are we?" are the electorate themselves just as ignorant of basic facts about political life as some of these politicians running for office are?
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Posted in: Real estate in Japan: A good time to buy or not? See in context
if land prices in japan have been declining for the past 15 years or so,what is to say they wont fall further?when can one say they have bottomed out(real estate agents not included!)
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Posted in: Happy birthday See in context
not very adventurous when naming the kids were they?..Mako,Kako and Kiko??
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Posted in: Recycling center rewards points on smart cards See in context
I heard of a story in the UK whereby a Tesco shopping center were awarding points on their loyalty card system for recycling of certain materials(cans,bottles etc..) One newly married couple collected and redeemed enough points to pay for their honeymoon! Basically,people need some incentive like in the article to improve their recycling capabilities.great idea.
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Posted in: Debt turmoil, contagion fears sweep Europe See in context
The 2 referndums in ireland were about the Lisbon Treaty ,...not the joining of ther Euro.
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Posted in: In malt we trust See in context
maybe the tax on malt is so high if they import it..they tax the s**t out of anything elese worth bringing into the country
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Posted in: Sarah Palin: Serious 2012 contender or pretender? See in context
I like what Matt Damon said when she was running for the vice president last time..he likened the possible story of some folksy hockey mom like Palin getting to the white house as like the script to a bad Disney film.Also someone of below average intelligence like her being given the nuclear codes is a pretty scary prospect.
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Posted in: In malt we trust See in context
the hangovers off that happo-shu muck are something brutal.
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Posted in: Gloom, anger spreads as European economies teeter See in context
Greece and Ireland are by no means the biggest hitters in terms of european economies but have alraedy taken up 200bn of the 750 bn euro set aside by the EU for the debt crisis.Imagine what will happen by the time Spain encounters problems?Thats the gloomy bit...anger is from the ordinary Joes expected to pay for someone elses wrecklessness.
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Posted in: Hokkaido schoolgirl commits suicide, blaming bullying See in context
Kids of that age(12-13)would not be willing to discuss most of their problems openly with their parents let alone issues of bullying.You spend most of your time at school and your real friends are there and if you are ostracized or bullied or have their self-esteem shattered by continued name calling..well,school can be a lonely place.most kids of that age havent developed in character to deal with that.its not easy for some to recover from that even in later life.
As a parent you can teach your kids values and the difference between right and wrong and prepare them as well as you can in theory but when its someone elses kid who doesnt have these "basic values" and makes your kids life hell in real everyday life then any kid will struggle in the face of continued bullying.
its up to all adults be they parents and teachers or guardians of any kind to teach these kids from as early an age as possible (kindergarten up)how to interact with each other better.
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Posted in: Irish premier faces early elections after bailout See in context
The crisis is so bad at this stage,how would changing govts do anything in the face of such an insurmountable task?
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As I predicted. trump is for trump.
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture