Japan Today

just-a-guy comments

Posted in: U.S. Congress cuts funds to move Marines from Okinawa to Guam See in context

Does Japan's rule of 'Okinawa' has legitimacy in history? Did the inhabitants willfully to submit their isles under the rules of Tokyo? Japan's rule of Okinawa was no difference like Germany invasion of Czechkoslovakia! One of the world's most notorious actions but forgotton willfully!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Obama requests Iran to give back downed U.S. drone See in context

That drone was deployed in Kandahar of southern afghanistan. The taliban and their ally in northern pakistan were no where to operate 'radar' to detect aircrafts! It is very likely this stealthed drone has other purpose to spy on Iran, Pakistan and Xinjiang the most western part of China, to find out Chinese nuclear installations. Things will be very complicated if those data onboard recovered from the drone's hard disk indicated China was part of the captured drone's mission!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump fires himself from hosting Republican presidential debate See in context

Now Mr Trump wakeup from his 'illusions'!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 5 dead, 122 wounded after man with grenades, rifle attacks holiday shoppers in Belgium See in context

Europe needs not just gun control but grenade control!

-5 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: LDP's Ishihara wants base on China-claimed islands See in context

The trwler incident was really 'feels good' until now many japanese still cant let go of it... just like Chinese people cant let go the 'najiang massacre'! But time is different, China has got many cards, Japan needs Chinese markets and china has stronger military forces in both conventional and nuclear detereances! What does Japan has? A paper of gurantee known as 'US Japan alliances'! China has never bullying Japan, the PRC is just speaking the 'languages' the japanese understood!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. Congress cuts funds to move Marines from Okinawa to Guam See in context

America bullying Japan and the japanese government bullying those inhabitants of Okinawa ! This is the so called 'alliance of democracies'!

-7 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Obama requests Iran to give back downed U.S. drone See in context

Either or both Russian and Chinese has provided electronic weapon that in the operation inside iran has lead to this 'embrassment'! But this is a good start, here this drone has provided a clue about the electronic character of B-2A stealth bomber as a mock up for experimental purposes. Shooting down a stealth bomber will greatly demoralrizing the aggressor's aggressiveness! If Mr Obama let this captured drone 'go', the future price will be high but if he takes action, the price at present shall be even higher!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: LDP's Ishihara wants base on China-claimed islands See in context

Did someone has mentioned the Senkaku Isles was withinthe US navy 's so called perimeter? Well, i want to remind him, the entire Korean peninsula was within Chinese ballistic missiles projecting 'perimeter' including those 'flat top' at sea! I really want to congraduates the PLA navy, their show of force last year has slapped the japanese government over the 'trawler collision' with the greatest attention from the world and humilations!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: LDP's Ishihara wants base on China-claimed islands See in context

LDP were a bunch of 'desperated politicians' they need to bring up something bizzare to boost the party popularity! Nice try Mr Ishihara!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: LDP's Ishihara wants base on China-claimed islands See in context

Does japan has forgotton their 'little eyes' were very vulnerable when flying over China's outter space? Build a base in the Senkaku isles? Wow...too much political propaganda for Mr Ishihara! Too bad, unlike his father his rhetoric seems to be even more 'unrealistic'!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Ozawa again rebukes Noda over proposed tax hike See in context

Keep infighting, the DPJ, you guys made the world 'amusing'!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama requests Iran to give back downed U.S. drone See in context

Time will tell, in the future if a B-2A stealth bomber shot out of sky, that will be credited with the iranian's contribution. The RQ170 has a very similar scale down aerodynamic and stealth character like the B-2A

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. envoy says North Korea 'must change behavior' See in context

North Korea will change her behaviour to 'appease' america! Wonderful! This is something Mr Obama 's magic has achieved

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. envoy says North Korea 'must change behavior' See in context

Obviously, North Korea has won this round of 'bargaining' after the Cheonan incident last year! Us official is talking with 'soft tone' after valuing the priority of concerns between Iran and North Korea issue. And of course the biggest winner is China!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Obama requests Iran to give back downed U.S. drone See in context

Obama: We have asked for it back.........Wasnt that was the so called :A fool's errand'?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama requests Iran to give back downed U.S. drone See in context

The technical data of the RQ-170 will be evaluated by Russia and China for their own research of tactics to defeat the B-2A stealth bomber! The iranians will be rewarded with high tech weapons from Moscow and Beijiang in return of favour!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Movie shows wartime Admiral Yamamoto in new light See in context

Admiral Yamamoto was a very special commander of all WW2 generals/Admirals. He was both admirable and despicable! He was admirable because his visions was clear, he knows the consequences of japan joined the axis, waging war at China and the attacks over pearl harbour, he knows the Japanese government was under control by army thugs like Hideki Tojo and those who were responsible for 'coups' and assassination of civilian officials back in japan 1930s! But so unfortunately he refused to take actions over these 'ridiculous things' he just know-towing those foolish demands from the Japanese army high command which were a bunch of criminals with shear madness! It was so regrettable Yamamoto did not take actions to stop war, his gamble of Pearl harbour attacks made 'Rossevelt' with great laughs! By the way, the greatest winner of Japanese war in asia not just US but also the soviet union;Josef Stalin! The USSR bought time to defeat the nazis and turn around to take over manchuria 1945. Josef Stalin has nothing to deal with Japan back in 1941 for a peace treaty but faking 'his respect' over Japanese power in asia to ink a peace treaty, Stalin revenged and took over Kurile islands..........

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Pakistan truckers back NATO supply route blockade See in context

Within 5 years more or less, America and her allies will be 'dragged' into a conflict with Pakistan that made the Iraq war 'midget'! Pakistan has nuclear arsenals in hand and their people were definately frustrated, pissed off and religious fanatics, unlike saddam-era's Iraq has no nukes and secular! They will carry out mega awesome fireworks show than 911! the only method to stop them is to strike them before they strike but that will lead to a cycle of striking! Mrs Clinton's remarks the 21 century pacific is an american golden ages......she maybe too optimistic, the 'wasp nest' of south asia sub-continent is still there and those 'wasps' were angrier and deadly than ever!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Pakistan truckers back NATO supply route blockade See in context

The soviets having setbacks during their 9 years war in afghanistan in 1980s but they never apologises to anyone. US and her alliances having defeats during their 10 years wars in that country and apologises again and again to the one who sheltering OBL and sponsering attacks at their troops! Now you tell me who losses more 'terribly'?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Putin accuses Clinton of instigating protesters See in context

When Mr Putin lashes out, there wont goes without consequences! remember those Chechen leaders like Yandabeyev,Abusayev who were in his cross hair

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. marks 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor See in context

Roosevelt was definately happy to know 'japan' ate the bait.Pearl harbour! After the war, admiral nimitz admitted, the US navy knows everything about imperial Japanese navy except one thing:the Kamikaze pilots!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Gemba says he feels 'deep emotion' about Pearl Harbor See in context

Sure the emotions is 'deep and pain'! An asian country has bombed an American harbour for a single morning 70 years ago, she has to pay 'the price' until maybe forever! Pearl harbour was raided twice but the tonage of bombs dropped were no where to compare with the Luftwaffe dropped over London,Warsaw,Stalingrad...etc.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: U.S. marks 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor See in context

Every 10 years came a loudsy and disguising ' political little show ' from Pearl harbour! Ten years ago there was such a movie 'romanticrized' the Pearl harbour raid from hollywood movie maker! Why that incident was special? Because there is a thing known as'political correctness' that has to lecture the world: Those unaccountable huge casualties in China, Soviet Union, Europe,south east asia,North Africa...these WW2 firece fighting battlefields were no where to match the 2400 causlties in Pearl harbour. Because American lives were extremely 'valuable'! Their message is that simple!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Noda said Japan needs to tap into China's development See in context

@bajuista65: And China exports rare earth to Japan, so how dare you say China bullies japan?

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Posted in: Noda said Japan needs to tap into China's development See in context

So where is TPP? Is a joke?

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Posted in: Amnesty International urges African nations to arrest George Bush See in context

Someday Obama and his team will be tried for murdering Mr Laden and Mr Gaddafi!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Senior defense official fired for Okinawa 'rape' slur See in context

The quality of japanese politicians in DPJ were relatively very low!

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Posted in: Korean drama backlash See in context

What if someday the Korean dramas bringing out the disputes of Dokdo ?

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Posted in: Senior defense official fired for Okinawa 'rape' slur See in context

I think Mr Tanaka was just bringing up the situation 'straight forward'! By the way...who is the 'rapist ' he means?

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Posted in: Diet debates circumstances of Japan's soccer loss to N Korea See in context

This is 'a state of emergency' for Japan,does the Diet understood how serious this matter will be? A collpase of Japanese public morale and security! And if japan won North Korea in the match, their greatest leader will launching a ballistic missle ovweflew Japan's outer space!

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