Japan Today

Justin F. Kayce comments

Posted in: Japanese inn’s first foreign guests disappear without paying – 'We feel so betrayed' See in context

First and foremost, if the patrons truly did leave with malicious intentions, they are wrong. They add more fuel to the already burning blaze.

Secondly, while the business may feel the need to go old school, there are reasons why there are formalities. If it was the staff, then that's an employee issue.

There was no innocence in this incident from any party, with trust & humanity the only casualties.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Toyota posts record ¥4.94 tril net profit See in context

Let's see if wage increases follow before I applaud Toyotas success.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to start hunting large fin whales See in context

I can't take Australia or New Zealand seriously when they complain about Japans fishing industry when they openly advertise culling sharks is ok. The hypocrisy is not lost at all.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: New Tokyo restaurant charges higher prices to foreign tourists than Japanese locals See in context

At first, I was a bit taken back, but then I took a second thought. I mean the headline is designed to trigger. It's not so much that foreign tourists get charged more as it is a discount to the locals. I mean they could just charge everyone the max price. I can kinda appreciate a business recognizing the inflation/wage issues here in Japan and actually attempt to come up with a solution that provides some relief without hurting the bottom line. I don't think the actual intent was as xenophobic as the article implies vs the attempt to both capitalize on the tourist boom while doing their best to maintain local clientele as well. From a business standpoint, it's a sound strategy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 1 dead, 7 missing after 2 MSDF helicopters crash in Pacific during night training See in context

diobrandoApr. 22  08:55 am JST

Osprey again...like boeing, something is wrong with US designer.

First off, not Osprey.

Secondly, please enlighten us with non us designed vert aircrafts with better safety records. I'm still waiting for someone to answer this inquiry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 1 dead, 7 missing after 2 MSDF helicopters crash in Pacific during night training See in context

Lost two choppers at the same time. There must be something fundamentally wrong with US designed aircraft.

Anyone else designing vert lift aircraft with better safety records? I'll wait. (Grabs popcorn)

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's real wages fall in February for 23rd month See in context

This goes to show that civil servants just have no clue about business and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near finance.

How can business leaders increase wages? Where is the money going to come from?

Oh, I don't know, how about the record profits they are posting and greedily pocketing year after year instead of increasing salaries to those who are responsible for said record profits?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to study health impact of PFAS chemicals See in context

We have parrots, so non stick has always been a non issue. Cooking with them will kill any bird very quickly. Only cast iron, SS, & copper in our house.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Many Japanese outside major urban areas do not engage with foreigners: survey See in context

....which is just about the same percentage of Western foreigners who don't want Western foreigners living near them in Japan.

Unless it’s a tourist area, I think we can say rural areas in any country in the world do not interact much with foreigners.

I don’t think there are any comments on this matter that hold more truth than the two above.

The very fact that the areas are “rural” screams reduced social interactions by its very definition. Combine that with a lower diversity percentage, then you wonder why? Then just throw up the xenophobic flag because that MUST be the SOLE cause of the survey results? Requesting an air drop of critical thinking please stat.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: More Japanese women buying Valentine's Day chocolates for themselves See in context

One would think this headline to be obvious with all the articles on declining population. Why would self pleasure and satisfaction be limited to one aspect of relationships?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to pledge ¥15.8 bil for Ukraine's reconstruction See in context

I just can't get my head wrapped around how In one breath a government toils over budget to help their own tax paying citizens effected by catastrophe, but in the next breath can afford to liberally toss that funding to another nations citizens that have never invested a dime.

It just doesn't make any sense.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Logistics challenges hinder volunteering in quake-hit Ishikawa See in context

I'll load my truck with bottled water and be there in 10 hours. Just tell me where to go and allow space for my tent.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Why are Apple, Amazon, Google and Meta facing antitrust lawsuits and huge fines? And will it protect consumers? See in context

How about adding Disney to the list. That would be nice.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Landfill work resumes at new U.S. military site on Okinawa despite local opposition See in context

ITS NOT A NEW BASE!!!! Quit making this false statement! It’s an expansion to a based that has existed since the end of WWII!!! Camp Schwab is a base that was originally two separate bases (Camp Henoko (that area that is now home to ammunition storage for the USMC) & Camp Schwab) that combined after the 1972 handover. The proposed flight line is nothing more than an extension into Oura Wan bay. A bay that hasn’t seen any significant growth of live coral since the 1980’s.

I have no quarrel with the protests and frankly feel for the Okinawans override of rights, but please for heavens sake don’t fight it with misinformation with the intent of manipulating those that don’t know all the facts. Responsible journalism please!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Disney debuts deaf Native superhero as 'woke' debate swirls See in context

I can sense from the downvotes on my post that common satire is not a common virtue lol.

Im betting the movie will be busier than, you guessed it, a one legged man in an ……

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: New York Times essay speculating over Swift's sexuality sparks backlash See in context

MoonrakerToday  09:11 am JST

Come on. Don't just downvote. I am a genuinely curious person. I am always willing to be convinced or be given a different perspective. What is the point in just dismissing me? If you are a fan, please tell me why?

I genuinely think the downvotes are in response to your failure or refusal to perform a simple google search. Fan or not is irrelevant, Swift is one of the top selling artists in history, with a plethora of records that places her in the same plateau as Elvis, Beatles, Eminem, Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, ect… I couldn’t name you a single Swift song and even I know this…

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Disney debuts deaf Native superhero as 'woke' debate swirls See in context

> The Original WingToday  03:33 pm JST

Can a deaf, Native American superhero with a prosthetic leg reinvigorate Disney's Marvel franchise

No. I think we need to make her dyslexic, albino, and anorexic as well, just to cover all our bases.

> LegrandeToday  04:24 pm JST

No. I think we need to make her dyslexic, albino, and anorexic as well, just to cover all our bases.

You forgot to throw in transgender/LGBT.

How dare you assume the pronouns of a fictional character!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Kamikawa pledges $37 mil aid for Ukraine via NATO See in context

Wait a min, I just read the other headline before this one where Kishida was speaking of “budget constraints” dealing with the recent earthquake disaster. How is it that there’s no such issue when it comes to tossing ¥ across the world to those that are not even your constituents? Enquiring minds want to know.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Kishida vows 'ceaseless' aid as snow hampers quake relief See in context

Bad taste in choice of a statement to make. You don’t hear about budget constraints when they speak of sending funds and aid to other nations or the defense spending. Oh, and even Bush visited NY, and New Orleans after those disasters. Perhaps make a statement to retrieve funds from those involved in the current LDP scandal to support the very people you are supposed to be ministering? Now that would be leadership.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese officials begin on-site inspection of Daihatsu HQ See in context

If you’re so worried about safety, buy a tank. If you’re trying to be economical then Kei, you can’t have both.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Kishida says he will act to restore trust amid fundraising scandal See in context

Matsuno is about to receive the largest bonus of his career and a lifetime supply of Ginza Wagyu

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo’s Shibuya district bans public drinking on New Year’s Eve, cancels countdown celebration See in context

I don’t get it, Times Square, NY can pull it off but Shibuya, Tokyo can’t?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Political funds scandals may signal early end of Kishida gov't See in context

The level of corruption in this country is staggering.

Them getting away with it continually is insane.

Why Japanese people?

Vote them out.

They probably would if there was a viable alternative available to them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Kishida steps down as ruling party faction head amid funds scandal See in context

Folks still remember the last time a party other than the LDP was given a shot. Can you believe it was actually worse? And that’s when the opposition was actually united and halfway organized, unlike the fragmented & discombobulated mess it is present day. Perhaps one day there will be a movement, but I don’t see it anytime soon, no matter how bad public opinion gets. There’s just no other viable option right now.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: G7 leaders speak with Ukraine's Zelenskyy; agree to Russian diamond ban See in context

lol way to Jack up the value of diamonds. Well played G7, well played indeed.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: UK unveils tough new rules designed to cut immigrant numbers See in context

Wait a min, I’m no expert on UK politics, but isn’t the Prime Minister a product of immigration or something like that? lol @ the hypocrisy. And here I thought US and Japanese politicians had some nerve. Wow

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S., others vow to triple global nuclear energy by 2050 See in context

First - 10 CFR Part 52 - that is a US specific governing policy not a global one.

Second - The planet will be fine with whatever happens. It’s humankind that will primarily feel the impact and suffer the consequences of climate change. The irony is not lost due to humankind being the primary manipulators of such.

Be it nuclear or otherwise, or be it with or without the presence of humans, this rock will continue its journey around the sun.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Osprey with 6 aboard crashes into ocean near Yakushima; one death confirmed See in context

I can’t believe the misinformation spewed among the comments here. The Osprey isn’t any worse than most other rotor wing aircraft when it comes to safety. Here’s just one example: In the 33 years since the Osprey started flying, 51 service members have died in crashes. In the first 33 years the H-60 Black Hawk flew, more than 180 American service members and civilians died in non-combat-related crashes. Fear-mongering is unbecoming. Accidents happen with any and all aircraft and motorized equipment, but to say that the Osprey has the worst safety record of any aircraft is false and an outright lie.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Kishida unveils ¥17 trillion stimulus package as poll numbers slump See in context

Well let’s see, according to other articles here and other publications, corporations are recording record profits all the while receiving subsidies on a never before seen volume. Then they are now being offered additional subsidies should they increase wages. How about this instead, reduce subsidies currently being received unless wages are increased in relation to the record profits that are rolling in?

Mr Kishida, nice try on attempting to buy an increase in approval ratings, but until you get big business to come around, it will be all for nothing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Police capture 86-year-old gunman after 8-hour hostage drama at Saitama post office See in context

And, as envisioned in the American constitution, what if it is the government itself that is the one acting criminally against the people? 

The obvious seems to continually evade you. This is not the US, this is Japan. There are plenty of other forums on a plethora of platforms that would allow you to post on that debate.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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