Japan Today

Justin Goodman comments

Posted in: Newcomer defeats anti-U.S. base incumbent in Nago mayoral race See in context

A large part of the resistance was protecting the last healthy coral reef on the main island of Okinawa and also the habitat for the dugongs. Now that they have been breaking the reef with concrete blocks and chasing off the dugong there’s not much left to fight for. The school bully has already spit in the sandwich the choice here was to eat it or starve.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: LGBT’s retail hell: Despite progress, sector lags behind See in context

Although I believe that same sex marriage is morally wrong, I don't believe that people's personal lives are relevant to the workforce. Workplace discrimination is therefore illogical. Of course personal lives are relevant to the workforce! Example: My employer gives 3 days bereavement leave when a parent-in-law passes away. I'm legally married in Canada to a same-sex spouse. Without company policy or government policy, my only options in Japan are to take holiday-leave which my heterosexual co-workers wouldn't have to take (discrimination), to work while my husband attends the funeral alone, or to out myself and ask for special permission to attend the funeral of my parent in law, in a country that provides no protections for LGBT people.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe says Japan will stick to plan to relocate U.S. base to Henoko See in context

Can someone please drag Abe 4 kilometers out to sea and let him try to find his way back on his own (as is being done with the protesters by the Japanese coast guard).

I suspect that even if he does get the Henoko base constructed he'll lose Okinawa in the process.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Gay candidate hopes to raise awareness in election campaign See in context

To those of you who treat this as a non issue, that's because you don't have to deal with it. You don't know what it's like to be married in one country but not in another, nor do you have to worry that if you ever lost your job you and your spouses' lives would be uprooted and have to be moved across the world simply because the government of the place you reside doesn't regognise same sex relationships. Maybe it's a small issue to you, but to the admittedly small percentage of the population who are LGBT having our relationships recognised equally means a lot!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Onodera tries once again to get Saga support for Osprey deployment See in context

Funny how the government hears mainlanders' opinions but could care less about the opinions of Okinawans.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Buoys floated off Futenma replacement site in Okinawa See in context

or, we can of course remove ALL the bases & ALL the US Military

This is the best idea yet! how do we get started?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Is pouring more financial aid into Africa the best way to help that continent develop? See in context

fund green energy projects and give Africa a means to industrialize without becoming another China. As Africa becomes the next world factory, at least it'll be a green one.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Navy helicopter crash-lands in Kanagawa See in context


a lot of time has passed since 2006 and various adjustments have been made since then. You will not see the cordoned-off no-access to J-police kind of scenario now.

Perhaps you are forgetting the helicopter crash in Okinawa last August that resulted in my town being a no fly zone for any non american planes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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