Japan Today

JWTNSSN comments

Posted in: Abe defends Japanese automakers against U.S. import probe See in context

Trump is trying to force Japanese to buy cars that even Americans dont want to buy. My its time for detroit to review its marketing and build a nice solid economical car everyone wants to buy.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Newcomer defeats anti-U.S. base incumbent in Nago mayoral race See in context

CrucialS- The heritage organization is a right wing hate group think tank motivated by racial animosities towards certain groups of people. Maybe you should read this instead, www.g2mil.com/okinawa-solution.htm, please take notice the person who part these ideas together actually served as a marine.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Newcomer defeats anti-U.S. base incumbent in Nago mayoral race See in context

I don't think the Okinawans necessary hate Americans or US Troops, I think it because they do not like how their being treated by both Americans and Japanese. If this is absolutely necessary then I think its time for the marines to provide a more compelling reason, other then we won the war and the land was bought for and paid for with American blood. If this is the case then whats move the us military to mainland Japan, were we should have been in the first place.

Most Americans seem to forgot that they never wanted us here in the first place. The only reason this base is being built is because their being bullied into it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Newcomer defeats anti-U.S. base incumbent in Nago mayoral race See in context

It will be a shame to see Nagos, such a beautiful town destroyed by the USMC. I don't think it really matters where the marines are. Their only combat unit station in Okinawa is in Okinawa for less than 6 months a year.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Posted in: Anti-U.S. base mayor leads ahead of Okinawa election: poll See in context

Let’s see if Tokyo and Washington would respect the outcome.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context

Ray Payne- I agree the relationship between Americans and Okinawans on and individual basis is quite good, my wife is Okinawan I know this well. However if the Okinawans want a reduction in force without this intrusive replacement, which most Americans would not except as well. It is the for the marines to understand that this land does not belong to them. If a hotel tells a marine to leave then that marine should be respectful and just leave.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context

I spent 3 years in Okinawa as a corpsman and 1 year as a civilian. I remember all the protesting every day, I remember seeing the second class feelings from the locals. It’s seriously time to just leave.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context


We don't have to worry because Toguchi will win since he is actually campaigning on more than one issue and planning ways to improve the people of Nago's lives.

This is a decision that should be made by the Okinawan people.

Your computer has spell check.... or it just doesn't acknowledge idiotic statements all together.

Oh well, I was born with more severe form of Dyslexia. So if you have a problem with my language process disability, which affects my ability to properly perform at grammar and spelling the that is your problem. Just because I have ADA disability doesn't make me an idiot so do not call me one.

It seems like you have disparaging views towards certain groups of people.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context

Ray Payne- Americans in Okinawa do not consider the Okinawans as infidels. We respect the Okinawan people and live among them harmoniously. 

Futenma Marine Corp Air Station should have been relocated many years ago to the back side of Kadena Air Base where the navy is located. Kadena has two large air stripes seldom used. 

Or, if not Kadena, relocated to the backside of Camp Hansen with a single air strip - as Futenma now has. After all, this is where the troops are.

This could have been done in the 90's, however the Marines are not designed to be a deterrence force in the first place and it really doesn't matter where their at. If the excuse is for rapid response to North Korea, both Mainland Japan and South Korea are much closer. The 3rd Marines were originally planed to be deactivated in the 90's. After the resource I have done, its time to respect the Okianawan people and remove the marines as the have ask us to. Many people seem to forget that they never wanted us their in the first place. When did it become our right to tell someone else what to do.


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context

Okinawa politics unfortunately seem to be more about the USA than the Okinawa people.

In the eyes of most Americans, Okinawa is only about what is best for the US Military. Most Americans and Japanese consider the Okinawan people to be infandels.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Campaigning starts for Nago mayoral race; U.S. base issue in focus See in context

I wonder if Tokyo and Washington will actually respect the election results if the anti-base canident wins. we already know the answer, MOST LIKELY, NOT.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context

Well, I hate to break it to you, but that is actually how governments work. If Onaga wants to be special, he really should stop protesting US bases and start campaigning for Okinawa to secede from Japan if he wants it to be different.

In this case maybe Hawaii and Guam should just secede from the United States as well. I guess when it comes to the US governments need for security and financial support, its not about the will of the people its about what America tells you to do.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Deputy minister resigns over Okinawa gaffe See in context

Knobby Roads- These comments were not technically correct their have been recent fatalities with Okinawan Civilians as a result of the US Milataries arrogance towards the host community for example a 20 year girl was brutally raped and murdered by a US Marine Veteran and a Truck driven by a drunk Marine killed a 60 year old man.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Deputy minister resigns over Okinawa gaffe See in context

It’s derogatory to an innocent and oppressed minority wh o never wanted to become part of Japan or support the US military in the first place.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context


Well then I guess everyone has a say in Okinawas future with the exception of the Okinawan people. I think it is quite obvious that they only reason they support the US military today is because they are forcibly enslaved.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context


If the marines leave Okinawa, I believe nothing would happen and the Okinawan People would only benefit from this. They have never wanted us here and it is not our place to tell them what to do. It is time to leave. Their is no question that the marines have outlived their purpose here, their not designed to be a deterrence in the first place, they where design as an expeditionary force.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context

Yubaru- What would you say is the primary reason for the bitter protesting against the US military in Okinawa, would you just denounce them as paid protesters, since you seem to look down upon the Okinawan people.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context

The US military has outlived its purpose in Okinawa. The land belongs to the Okinawan people, not the USMC, if they want the US military to leave then it is time to respect the will of people and leave.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan says U.S. military aircraft mishaps more than doubled in 2017 See in context

extanker- I am American and I served as a corpsman with the marines and the submarine force. I currently live back and forward between Hawaii and Osaka, I used to live in Okinawa as well. I understand that most Americans serving are honestly good people. However if the Okinawans want us to leave and reject the replacement as they have done so. Then it is time for US military to pack up and leave. The us military has outlived its purpose in Okinawa. The reason for the bitterness towards our troops is due to the fact that they feel taken for granted.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. military copter makes emergency landing on remote Japanese island See in context

It is time for the marines to come home, why are they still occupying Okinawa after 7 decades.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan says U.S. military aircraft mishaps more than doubled in 2017 See in context

Extanker- maybe it’s time for you to start treating them with respect instead of trivializing them. There complaining about everything because you treated them with impunity.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan says U.S. military aircraft mishaps more than doubled in 2017 See in context

I think it is time for the marines to show some respect to the Okinawan people for the first time in 7 decades and finally leave like they should have they should have done decades ago. The $8 billion, every year, saved from shutting down the bases could fund matinance programs for these aircraft.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you believe marijuana, which was legalized in California on Jan 1, is a harmless drug? See in context

I wouldn't recommend smoking it but hep has been good for anxiety problems

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Gov't pledges economic support for Okinawan city accepting U.S. base See in context

wtfjapan- I am sick and tired of my country disrespecting other cultures if the Okinawans want us to leave then it is time to leave. WW2 was 7 decades ago, so get over it, because the Okinawans are not actually Japanese in the first place. From my understanding the Japanese only want the base because the Okinawans pay for it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: 10 sailors missing after Japan-based U.S. Navy destroyer and merchant ship collide near Singapore See in context

I have only been on submarines, however this is still sad to see. This might have been a machanical problem.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. continues to fly Ospreys despite Japan's request for halt See in context

Put the US Militaries insensitivities and total disregard for the Okinawan people on full display.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: New Okinawa minister says Japan-U.S. SOFA should be 're-examined' See in context

I think its time for america to stop intervening in Japans domestic affairs

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan asks U.S. to refrain from flying Ospreys in Japan See in context

ZENJI- Their are many Americans who do not want this aircraft as well.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan asks U.S. to refrain from flying Ospreys in Japan See in context

It probably doesn't matter if the marines left Okinawa, the only combat unit is in Australia and nothing has happened.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Search suspended for 3 U.S. Marines missing after Osprey crashes off Australia See in context

I wonder if there try to cover the cause of the accident.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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