Posted in: Amazon yanks Japanese rape simulation computer game See in context
let's play fair: i don't like video games, I think they're boring and shortminded. However, which crime is "worst" (in terms of more punishable), killing or raping. I think it's killing, isn't it? and I haven't seen any banning on such kind of games, and I don't see any complaint about morality and ethics refering to the "sick" people who are using them. So, why on earth any game (gaaaaame = FICTION!!!!) about any other kind of crime should be removed from shelves? I see, this is double puritan america moral: we can kill somebody but we can't show, let's say, a kiss. I personally don't give a pee about people who finds funny virtual raping as least as I don't care about those virtually killing. However, I think both should have, at least, the same rights and deeds in the fullfilment of their dementia.
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Posted in: Japan’s Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity See in context
a homogeneous thing is just if most of it is the same, not all of it. we're not living in Plato's ideal world. Not even dymonds are 100% pure, not to mention any thing related to life and people...Japan is socially homogeneous to some extents, being big differences in age, gender, occupation, education, or location. Genetically, I've read it is pretty homogeneous, which is not a contradiction to be a mixture of two main origins, ie, a old jomon substract and a posterior continental influence. And a part from all of this, Japanese have in their minds the idea of being homogeneous, despite the linguistic differences across the country and the obsession for forging specific omiyage at each and every village.
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Posted in: Students help foreign tourists in Akihabara See in context
it can be helpful for tourists who can speak English. Being from a country with tones of English tourists who can't speak anything but it's mother tongue, and sometimes with lots of difficulties due to the large number of pints in their bellies, I can reckon that they will be very happy to listen to this news, and keep traveling around the globe with the idea the rest of us have to master their gibbering.
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Posted in: Security robot See in context
useless, as most of robots...unless the dorobo is a retarded one who feels threaten by a toy.
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Posted in: How would you evaluate George W Bush's presidency? See in context
he deserves being put in Guantanamo, for life.
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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context
why some here keep blaming shinto state religion for the nuclear bombing of Japan? this is like saying that a girl has been raped because of wearing a skirt far too shor! As far as I know, the bomb was made in the States thanks to German scientists...which happened to be either catholic or jewish, at least, culturally. The States expended a lot of resources to develop the bomb and eagerly needed of some field tests. Being too late and hardly acceptable to use it in Nazi Germany, the only possible target was Japan, which population was not considered even equally human by American people. So, what's the point of such silly statements? Shinto was used to brainwashed population as much as ethinic propaganda was used in Nazi Germany, Communism and the love for Mother Land in Russia, or the defense of our capitalist way of living in the States. Whom not guilty, please, throw the fist stone!
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Posted in: Hot to trot See in context
no comment on this? I'm completely speechless...anyone can understand the picture? What kind of "man" needs this whaeveritis...simply speechless
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Posted in: Tourists to be barred from Tsukiji tuna auctions for a month See in context
I don't like tourists, any kind of tourists. I agree with the Tsukiji authorities that they should be ban to visit the market. In fact, I would extend this banning to all these Japanese visiting Paris, they bother me to see La Giocconda properly, and also in Firenze, with they ridiculous hats, and in Barcelona, taking pictures of an unfinished church or that market in Les Rambles. I even think that the auction of tuna in Tsukiji should be banned it self, due to the risk of tuna extintion all over the world, and all those ships chasing tuna and whales, just banned from the Earth. Then, we all would be happier and the world, a better place.
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Posted in: Hostesses See in context
liste, Steppenwolf and jerseyboy, both of you are right.
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Posted in: International Tokyo Toy Show 2008 See in context
fake dogs in fake house for fake people in a fake country
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Posted in: 4 robot makers join hands to compete with South Korea See in context
robots are toys, toys are for children....that's why there's only interest in domestic robots in Japan and far, I haven't seen any interesting, useful domestic robot.
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Posted in: Akihabara becoming increasingly weird See in context
so....otaku is the 'normal' state of a human being?
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Posted in: Hostesses See in context
"What kind of losers pay money just to talk to girls?" well, that's Japan! I'd dare to say 'ALL' j-man go to these places. it's a complete charade, as most things in Japan (politeness, for example), but it's part of the 'put a coin, press the button, get a ca' philosophy in Japan. Why facing you're not interesting enough to attract any body? why just bothering trying it? you pay a 'reasonable' price and somebody (the 'middle' man/woman) gets what you want for you. You don't even have to think of it! The rest is just theater, but japanese like these comedies, guys!!! btw, i don't see the point paying to talk, it's like paying to have friends...nevertheless, those girls are usually gorgeous, sweet and charming...
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Posted in: Porn producers look for more daring locations See in context
I bet for yasukuni!
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Posted in: Police raid 'blind-date cafe' in Tokyo, taking 31 high school, college girls into custody See in context most countries the 'age of consent' is 13 to 16, that means that above that age, anybody can have sex with whoever one likes, and below that age is consider 'sexual abuse' by default. In my country, it's 13 and the only thing to be taken into consideration is there has been any kind of 'trick' to deceive below 16. Above this age, unless there has be violence, nothing can be said, unless parents complain. Another thing is if there is money in between, then the legal age for prostitution is 18. Pimps are illegal. Btw, my country is in the EU. The consent age in the Vatican is 12.
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Posted in: Do you consider the word "gaijin" racist? See in context
nope the difference of politeness between 'gaijin' and 'gaikokujin' is only in the Japanese side. 'Foreigner' and 'person from a foreign country' difference for me.
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Posted in: Unsuspecting passenger returns cannabis after sniffer dog test botched at Narita See in context
??? police dog failed to sniff the drug police officer smuggles drug in somebody's else bag police officer lose track of the bag is this a comedy? is these people serious? btw, 142 gr. of cannabis is 1M yen worth?????? 7000 yen /gr??? cocaine is far cheaper in Europe!
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Posted in: Man disguised as schoolgirl arrested for trespassing in Ibaraki school See in context
he will confess soon that actually he was doing so to get the money from the insurance. btw, will he be punished for not wearing the proper shoes?
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Posted in: Man leaps to death from Tokyo's Rainbow Bridge See in context
he was looking for the side of the rainbow, and slip up?
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Posted in: Hydrogen sulfide gas suicides raise specter of terrorist attacks See in context
there's many 'easy' products to be used as bombs or poisoning gases...fertilizer ((NH4)2SO4), a little gasoline, a little aluminum, a little coal, and boom. However, you also need a terrorist to do the job...plenty of them in Japan, I guess...
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Posted in: Three gang members arrested for killing man in Ibaraki See in context
what a save country!!!
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Posted in: You can't ignore the world's second-largest economy and call yourself a serious investor. See in context
1) Japan is not the 2on economy in the world any more, and is going down everyday 2) Japanese companies in stock market don't give dividends 3) Investing in Japan is giving free money to big corporations, don't have any decision power at all, expect they (or the Government) will do whatever they want with it (devaluations, fraud, bankruptcy, bribery) and get few or nothing in return, only the possible increase in value of the stocks. 4) Factual impossibility of direct investment in Japan, despite is done along middle companies, which will steal the line of business from the partner whenever the learn how to manage it, with total impunity and biased judicial system. Thats Japan!
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Posted in: 'What are Nazis?' Today's kids can't handle movie subtitles See in context
I'd like to know how many Americans (for example) would know who was Hiro Hito or General Tojo...or something more easy, that the Magnificent Seven or High Noon are remakes of Japanese Movies (stories, in fact). Even Star Wars is a kind of samurai story...American public know about Nazis mostly because of Hollywood movies (everybody knows why). What about other fascist parties, like those in Italy or Spain, or the atrocities committed by Stalin in the Gulag, or the Turkish and the Armenian...Less in the media, less knowledge among the common people. Most probably even ignore the massacres in Nankin or others of the kind.
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Posted in: Schoolgirls See in context
outdated uniforms for the children, ugly uniform for the obachan. I see where the bad taste, the love for uniforms (uniformity) and silly hats is born in Japan....
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Posted in: American singer Jero to appear in TV ad See in context
I don't like hip-hop, I don't like enka, therefor, I don't like Jero's style. Hip-hop + enka sounds a little like mixing flamenco and bagpipes: It has already been tried, but didn't success.
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Posted in: A place you'd rather be See in context
"beautiful natural landscape"??? in Japan? hahahaha!!! and a Hilton Hotel...again, the same old Japanese snobbish nouveau rich behavior...
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Posted in: Why is Japan considered Western and China not? There is no map of the West. See in context
Japan, western? distance(Japan, China) << distance(Japan, Disneyland ) <<<< distance(Japan, USA) <<<<< distance(Japan, Europe) Japan is the clean version of China
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Posted in: Japan running short of butter See in context
switch to olive oil and stop imitating tasteless Americans. BTW, where the heck use butter the Japanese? Another option is importation, but we all know that opening the markets to foreign uncontrolled products might cause a huge cataclysm in the Japanese economy, something called 'free trade'...
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Posted in: Osaka's symbol Kuidaore doll on sale See in context
poor city, Osaka, which only symbol is this! I've eaten twice there. Any place is far better, despite it's pretty cheap.
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Posted in: Dreams take flight with paper planes See in context
another example of useless Japanese research efforts...
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Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique
Posted in: Emergency dispatches by Tokyo Fire Department in 2024 exceeded 930,000
Posted in: Emergency dispatches by Tokyo Fire Department in 2024 exceeded 930,000
Clearly needs some mental health guidance if he wanted to kill himself.
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture