Posted in: Japanese tourist in Thailand lured by travel freebies into smuggling meth See in context
Why are Iranians involved in drug traffics? I remember Iranians being caught for selling drugs in Japan. What do Islam think of drugs? Do they make drugs in Iran? Do they buy from Afghanistan or elsewhere?
Why do Australians, Japanese, Chinese, or any other nationality engage in drug trading? Out of greed! Some groups do it out of a need to finance their activities; FARC in Columbia. It’s not just the domain of certain nationalities or religious groups. Baiting somewhat? Luckily the guy had enough smarts to go to the embassy first, though he wasn’t to smart in accepting free trips.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump says Japan treats U.S. unfairly on trade by not taking more American cars See in context
Do you mean those non-existent import tariffs? When you look at the numbers, Japanese brands enjoy about a 90% share of the domestic market, where in America it is around 40%. Then in America, American brands make up about 50% of the domestic markets with imports making up the remainder. Sort of need to ask the question why? Japanese car makers and dealers have a pretty broad maintenance and dealer network, customer service is pretty much second to none. American car makers struggle to make inroads into the market because of a number of reason, protectionist practices not being one of them.
13 ( +14 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese journalist freed from Syria says sorry for involving gov't See in context
Why are you making him out to be a hero.
Not saying he is a hero, yet have a lot of respect for guys like him that go to these places where they run the risk of dying so you and I have access to real news, instead of being spoon-fed by the likes of Fox and other mainstream news outlets or your government.
Is it no different to when people bang on about servicemen being heros for going to conflict zones, yet they are armed to the teeth. Guys like Yasuda are armed to the teeth with only some pretty desirable lens choices.
He may well have caused some trouble, but not as much as the mighty American military machine has in these zones.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese journalist freed from Syria says sorry for involving gov't See in context
Kenji and other detractors
It is because of guys like this, you snd I can actually see what is going on in the real world without government filters. You call him a coward,but me thinks the description is more befitting of others. Welcome home Yasudasan, know that some do have respect for your work.
Ganbare... at last we finally agree on something, well said.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump warns that migrants who throw stones at U.S. military may be shot See in context
A better life? In “racist America”? With “orange dotard” Trump as President? Is this possible? Liberal Americans are “thinking of” moving to Canada due the subhuman conditions they are subjected to daily in the USA.
Yeah well, that is debatable at the moment.
> “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,*
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,*
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.*
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,*
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”*
Seems as though America has lost her way.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump warns that migrants who throw stones at U.S. military may be shot See in context
Dango and Bass
Asking for asylum and help is illegal? Unless the law has changed, I don't think so.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump warns that migrants who throw stones at U.S. military may be shot See in context
then again toting your child across borders illegally while you are breaking international law also goes against common sense and responsible parenthood.
Breaking international law? Any reasonable parent would do anything to give their child a better life.
These people can apply for visas like other responsible people do. Like I did to live in Japan.
Luckily for you, you had the means and the money to do so.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Trump warns that migrants who throw stones at U.S. military may be shot See in context
This is not a caravan, it's an invasion force.
Invasion forces typically have weapons. You know, the sort that America peddles every single day.
The Democrats are angry we're sending troops to the border.
No, they are angry with the use or intended use of excessive force.
At least we're not sending illegals to their mansions.
No, just work in a majority of them, repubs included.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Trump warns that migrants who throw stones at U.S. military may be shot See in context
Turning into quite the little authoritarian dictator......
Actually, the blood will be on the administrations hands..... The orange one gave the order to shoot.
26 ( +37 / -11 )
Posted in: Kanye West says he's been 'used' on politics See in context
The guy wasn't smart enough to see it in the first place. Not a fan of his music, yet he is an awesome musician. He should stick to what he knows.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Suspected bombs target Obama, Clinton, other top Democrats, CNN See in context
Burning Bush
Notice that it is getting ugly under Trump's watch. His often inflammatory speech enables his base to act like this, and to think that it is ok. Trump is the polarizing figure in American politics..... the best thing for America is to get rid of this clown..and elect a president that has the intelligence level than that of a 5 year old.
16 ( +20 / -4 )
Posted in: U.S. seeks greater agricultural tariff cuts by Japan than in TPP See in context
as long as the US of A does the same.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese quake shock absorber maker admits data fabrication See in context
And another... what a surprise!
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo's new Toyosu fish market opens; public tours to begin Saturday See in context
Looks a bit too sterile for me, loses a lot of the charm.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese tycoon going on SpaceX rocket says he trusts Musk See in context
And those who bash him for playing 'Little Star' on his violin - cool it. He can play it better than you.
Yeah. I think a little jealousy is at play by a few here......
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese tycoon going on SpaceX rocket says he trusts Musk See in context
The tech ain’t here yet folks. Nobody is going anywhere. Not a conspiracy theory.... it’s fact.
It was there in 1969.......or was it just a conspiracy?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese tycoon going on SpaceX rocket says he trusts Musk See in context
Hopefully, more like 'itterasshai'.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: World's largest Buddhist sutra calligraphy overwhelms visitors See in context
Amazing, and beautifully written. Would have hated to make a mistake.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Keidanren's plan to rethink hiring rules causing waves in Japan See in context
That pic speaks a thousand words
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Next battle in war over Kavanaugh: FBI probe See in context
Wait, the left have been moaning since July that there should be an investigation conducted by the FBI, they've been pushing and pushing for it and now that they have one,
Limited in scope... Restrictions dictated by the WH..... What's got the Repubs so worried?
So the left shouldn't complain (again) they should be happy they finally got what they wanted and if nothing comes up for the 7th time, we can put this all to rest and continue the voting and confirmation of the judge.
Once again, misleading. This is not the seventh investigation into sexual assault allegations.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says he and Kim Jong Un 'in love' See in context
Donald Trump
Kim Jong Un
72% - Really must be love. This sort of thing was all the rage in high schools. Seems like Donny can't get past the high school stage.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context
IF so innocent, why doesn't Kavanaugh allow the FBI to investigate?"He has categorically denied the accusations, why should he call for ANOTHER FBI investigation, he's already been through six of them.
Maybe because there were no accusations against him at the time, now there are. Allow them to be investigated. If he were so innocent, why not?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context
IF so innocent, why doesn't Kavanaugh allow the FBI to investigate? Seem to remember there was a U.S. President that stated he wasn't a crook, professed his innocence, and look how that turned out. The louder you scream about your good name the less convincing you seem. Trump is a good example of that.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Former taxi driver arrested for robbing woman cabbie See in context
Obviously not the sharpest. You would think that being a former taxi driver, you'd factor in the video cameras.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump: Heads of state 'were laughing with me,' not at me See in context
So what was the joke?
17 ( +17 / -0 )
Posted in: 4 women found dead in apartment in Kitakyushu apartment See in context
The point is they sought each other out, which means they had a desire and motivation to do something and accomplish a goal. You seem to think this is the limit of their capacity and their sad story was decided after that, and will search for all sorts of excuses to blame anyone but themselves.
No, Smith... that is not what was said or thought at all.
I, on the other hand, will continue to assert that if they had so much motivation to seek out like-minded people, they could easily have found a way out with the relevant support, regardless of any trauma suffered.
You don't know whether they could have found an 'easy way out', so that means you can't inject your own thoughts on whether they MIGHT have found an easy solution into the conversation.
"Anxiety and depression are more common than you think..."
Do all those people look for a group to kill themselves? Thanks for making my point.
No, you think he is making your point, because that is what you want to believe. His point was that on top of her mental illness, she was going through puberty, which is hellish for any kid.
"An old girlfriend I dated when I was in college suffered from all the issues and more you listed above, and she was diagnosed with a mental illness at the age of 14 - when her estrogens were kicking in and she was developing from a girl into a woman. "
Every single woman in the world has "estrogens (sic) kick in", but they don't kill themselves.
Not all women suffer from mental illness either, this woman's case was unique to her. Which is one thing that you to not understand...... Not all are the same.
Wrong. An inability to blame the fact that you just let it happen instead of actually working for change, are the real problem.
I was never anywhere near them, nor have any connection to them. So, laying the blame or responsibility at my feet does little to show your understanding of the issue..I have worked with abused, suicidal kids as a mentor since my early twenties.... What do you do to inspire change in a system or another person's life? Or do you go around calling them all cowards? Is that your idea of counselling?
Feeling sorry after the fact accomplishes what, exactly, Kaishu? In your own memories, where you wish you could have done more, what does that accomplish? what does not examining the system and trying to change it accomplish instead of just lamenting the result?
Feeling sorry after the fact is a human emotion, do you not feel the same? It gives motivation to inspire change. Did you go around calling your friends cowards because they decided to top themselves?
I support people, I don't wait until it's too late.
Do you really?
I just wish the government here, and people like yourself, didn't do that. Would have been easier to prevent. There could have been umpteen hotlines for these girls, that the family could have called too, instead of... "Shucks... haven't heard for a while from the daughter who said she might kill herself. Can you come check on her? I can't.".
Me too....... Have stated numerous of times about the lack of mental health support here in Japan. That is why I continue to do mentoring work. It is slowly getting better, and unfortunately there are going to be a few casualties along the way, while the system and stigma changes..... You are trying to change generations of thinking, just like in your or my homeland, of which neither are perfect.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Five shot, including a girl, 8, in Syracuse See in context
Americans have become so numb to the fact, just another day in the land of the free.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Veronica Mars' starring Kristen Bell gets revived by Hulu See in context
Yes, please. Always had a bit of a crush on Kristen Bell.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 36-year-old father arrested for beating 8-year-old son to death See in context
Do the Hustle
Let me guess, “He wouldn’t eat his dinner so I beat him around the head for discipline.” Just another tragic POS parent. And, the worst thing is, he will most likely get a suspended sentence.
I'd say it is more like the poor kid isn't living up to daddy's high educational standards, not getting top marks at school and never going to follow in his foot steps. Seems to be the problem with quite a few of these so called 'professionals'.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: 4 women found dead in apartment in Kitakyushu apartment See in context
Do the Hustle
It’s quite odd that, all those defending suicide quote the pressures of society as a reason. Up until 4 years ago there were 30-35,000 people killing the selves in Japan every year. Now, that number has dropped to 20-25,000 every year. I guess those blue lights are working.
There is no defence of suicide, just an understanding of why people do it. Suicide is not the answer nor should it be, but when in the throws of a mental breakdown due to whatever reasons, any form of coherent thinking goes out the window.
Attitudes like yours and Smith's; a lack of understanding and empathy - compound the problem. It's not just a matter of get over it, toughen up sister or I have problems too.
Here is hoping that you won't have to face the same, either directly or with a family member. Those around you might just show the same attitude.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture
I'm sure the 2000/hr bedmakers aren't complaining.
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort
Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like?
Actions of an addict. Perhaps a few days in juvie - does Japan have such a facility? - will sort…
Posted in: 14-year-old girl arrested for assaulting mother over smartphone use