Japan Today

KakiOko comments

Posted in: Check-out time See in context


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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context

BAHAHAHHAHAAA...God, I LOVED reading this story. Paris denied entry based on her drug conviction. Serves her right. God, it's good to see her slapped in the face with the repurcussions of her snubbing the laws ways. Break the law, get denied entry to certain countries, have it impact on your business...Oh MY, how could they. After all, I'm ME. I'm famous for being...umm...the daughter of a rich guy. I only wish I could laugh at her in person as she was escorted to her departing plane.

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Posted in: 38-year-old man admits to groping 100 girls See in context

He's been reading too much hentai and its world has become a reality to him. It seems to me if you start viewing school uniforms as a form of lingerie, then its time to get some professional help

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Posted in: Ex-PM Rudd named Australia's foreign minister See in context

Kevin's in the position he was made for...the man speaks excellent Mandarin...I am sure we will be seeing him in the area a bit.

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Posted in: Clinton, Gates denounce planned Quran burning See in context

The terrorists were killing Christians before this, they will continue to do so after this. Nothing will change. They would find or invent another reason anyway. But the pastor still shouldn't do it.....it brings Christianinty into the gutter, burning books like that. The Muslims who execute Christian missionaries and execute people for carrying a bible are pathetic, ignorant murdering scum who shame their religion, so I don't see why Christians should sink to their level.

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Posted in: Pressure builds on Florida pastor who wants to burn Quran on Sept 11 See in context

He is just as extremist with Christianity in a bad way as the terrorists are with Islam. Both groups are crazy and stupid. They should get together and blow each other up and let the rest of the world just get on with living in peace.

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Posted in: 17-year-old arrested for reporting around 3,000 false crimes See in context

They should put him to work in the police call-centre

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Posted in: Marauding monkeys have Y200,000 bounty on their heads See in context

LOL, Citizen12, well said......not to mention the damage caused by a bunch of rampaging J-Cops running through the house with a net trying to capture said monkey, trampling the family teasets, overturning the cabinets, breaking the ceramic cups, and stealing panties from the drawers and wash-lines.

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Posted in: Australia's Labor Party to form minority gov't See in context

It surprises me that after all the big disagreements on policy between Labor and Liberals, it finally came down which party had the better national braodband scheme. A lot of seats were lost because both parties didn't address environmental issues enough so that the Green Party got a few extra seats as a result, meaning both parties missed out on a majority by 4 seats each. The the independents came in and listened to the pitch from both parties to decidewho to support and it came down to the type of broadband network envisioned for the nation. Well, with the billions of dollars from the new mining tax no longer going into the pockets of overseas investors, they should be able to pay for it at least....about time the nation benefited more for digging up the resources we got and selling it overseas.

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Posted in: Wrong corpse presented to family; correct remains cremated See in context

sorry "guts" should read "guy"

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Posted in: Wrong corpse presented to family; correct remains cremated See in context

Disillusioned, you raise a good point. The old guts "skeletal remains" were found in his apartment. WTF? How does it get to skeletal remains before a family member is discovered. It makes me seriously question whether the family deserve to be so out-raged at the mistaken identity made by the mortuary. If they sued and I was the judge, I'd be questioning if they deserved any money on emotional distress.

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Posted in: China calls for compromise on N Korea talks See in context

So what you are telling me, Martinli92, is that when North Korea blows up a boat and kills 46 sailors, they are not escalating tensions in the area? And that when the US does a naval exercise in the area, then it's just asking for trouble? You are very deluded, my friend. BTW, I think Sth Korea and US should be applauded for holding back in their actions after the torpedoing...equal to the mature, professional, controlled holding of fire by the Chinese currently to the presence of these ships in the waters.....which according to you is due to "weak-spined intellectuals" and hence a negative. I guess knee-jerk reactions to perceived threats is seen as a positive in North Korea....it's obviously run by spoiled children.

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Posted in: China calls for compromise on N Korea talks See in context

Martinli92 - the only party being irresponsible here is North Korea. It has always maintained a belligerent attitude everytime the rest of the world simply looks in their direction. You accuse the US/Sth Korean forces of escalating tensions by conducting drills in the yellow sea. Why do you think that is? It's because North Korea threatens war every other week!! Of course armies are going to prepare for war if a belligerant nation keeps talking war - especially after torpedoing and killing people. Seems currently the US and Sth Koreans are not letting North Korea go the usual path of causing an incident, threatening war, getting sanctioned, and then showing up to a meeting and dangling compliance and peace in everyones face to get the sanctions removed. Seems this time everyone is tired of North Korea's bullshit.

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Posted in: China calls for compromise on N Korea talks See in context

Each time North Korea does something to upset everyone else, they get sanctioned, and so they close all dialogue......only to come walking back to the negotiation table and getting the sanctions overturned. This time they try to come back to the table - to get those sanctions overturned again coz it MUST be killing them - and they get re-buffed. Serves them right.....let them stew, and make them honour past commitments before letting them come to the table again......Just like a little child who has thrown a temper tantrum and told to leave the dinner table until they learn how to behave in a civilised way.

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Posted in: Saitama woman held over death of 11-year-old son See in context

This needs more details.....it's just the bare facts. I hope there is a follow up article to detail why. Poor boy.

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Posted in: Obama: U.S. combat in Iraq over; 'time to turn page' See in context

What a waste of time, money and human lives....on all sides. GW Bush should never have been given authority over anything more complicated than a GameBoy console.

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Posted in: 8 youths arrested for stealing cigarettes See in context

In Australia this would be a signifigant crime....a PACKET of cigs goes for about $16 Australian dollars....9 cartons would make it a big haul.

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Posted in: Obama: U.S. combat in Iraq over; 'time to turn page' See in context

So endeth a shameful period in America's history.....but I bet, even as I write this, Fox News is spouting gibberish about the victorious outcome in Iraq and the good things America brought to the country....like....hmmm....somebody help me out here...what was it all for, again?

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Posted in: Purse, cocaine not hers, Hilton tells Vegas police See in context

Oh man, she must really think everyone is stupid to lay this crap down. The judge should just sentence her to jail appropriately for possession and then add extra time for insulting the intelligence of the court.

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Posted in: Former principal rearrested for committing lewd acts with primary school girls See in context

"REarrested"....he did this before, he was arrested and he admitted to it. You DON'T get a second chance with children in my opinion. Zero tolerance should be the policy. Sick pervert is waiting for the stern talking too and reprimand, looking appropriately ashamed, all the while thinking about his next jolly time with a child. Lock him up with some REAL sexual exploiters I say.

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Posted in: Beck, Palin: Help us restore traditional American values See in context

God help (haha) everyone from an America run by a Palin/Beck mentality. It would be the end of a progressive society, instead a throwback to to more simple minded, religiously mis-guided, bigotted America that has no honor at all. It's leaders might as well put on robes, wear crosses around their necks, live in caves and threaten Christ non-believers with "nucular" destruction.....I'd laugh in their faces at their idiocy if it wasn't so serious.

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