Japan Today

kaminokaze comments

Posted in: Man gets 20 years in prison for kidnapping two young girls See in context

20 years could be enough if the court can share the profiles of his cell mates and it can convince the public that he is going to get the same kind of "conversation partner".

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 4-year-old boy hit and killed by car driven by 80-year-old woman See in context

If you've been with 4YO you know how fast they are. I experience this with my own 4YO. They act in milliseconds. Therefore, I always keep my child left to myself where I can grab him before he does some dangerous thing. I see many Japanese parents don't do that. They keep the child to the right side (roadside) for some reason (which I hate to see). it looks like this grandfather couldn't cope with the speed. I understand that any driver should be responsible for the loss of life on the road, but there are cases drivers are really helpless. If the ball they carry rolled onto the road, or they think there is something cute on the road / other side of the road, kids do not think twice to jump in. A Tragedy.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for locking 2-month-old son in freezer See in context

ok, so you put your 2 months old cute son in the freezer to play a trick with him. are your sure it is your 2-month-old son, not the 200.

because yeah, that makes a lot of sense. thank you for the explanation. D*A.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

@Dirk T

/// The best that you, dear Gaijin, is to become that odd successful gaijin and leave the rest behind ...///

That is exactly how I lived my life here. But, there is a moment where you have lived so long, you don't value odd success anymore. you seek healthy relationships. starting to think about your retired life. what will happen to your children? how would they be treated like? Despite they've lived here for their entire life, your children will always get the gaijin treatment. I don't want that to happen. I do not want my children to think less of themselves. uh!

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

///You and your family have been treated like rats for 11 years and you still live there?///

I never said that!

Nope. I won't live here for one day if such an incident has happened to me. Fortunately, never happened to me personally. God! But I was able to comprehend what is happening to my fellow ex-pat community.

so my decision is a judgment call.

///People with low-level skills are treated like "rats" everywhere.

Professional foreigners are not treated like rats in Japan.///

I know for a fact that many foreigners who live in Japan want to leave because of this unwelcoming behavior.

Not some language school students or easy recruits at construction sites. They are experienced PHD holders, software engineers, researchers, who generally make more than a double compared to Japanese nationals (15M+). So a big No. I am talking about professional+ here.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

''Which is understandable, as most of these "teachers" are not qualified to teach in their home countries.''

Wow! So you guys teach your young using these 'unqualified teachers'. Somehow paying less is more important than the future of a generation? Wow! Just wow!

I mean if you think these teachers are unqualified, what are your policy makers are doing? Playing pachinko?

6 ( +24 / -18 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

"Their country.. their rules.."

We are in 2022 here. Talking about forigner community in a country with a steady drop of population and government is even importing forign labor and desperately looking for foreign skill. "Their country.. their rules.." is called 'island mindset' where you've not seen 'others' for prolonged time and now you think somehow it is a pride that you survived in an island.

16 ( +37 / -21 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

I've been here for 11 years now and fully regret comming here. We as a family, planning to move elsewhere. There are lots of places where foreigners do not get treated like rats.

9 ( +42 / -33 )

Posted in: Suspected groper fractures pelvis after jumping from train platform in escape bid See in context

Oops. 30m is like jumping off of 4th floor. Looser and an idiot.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Kyoto schoolgirl loses lawsuit against bullies for causing her mental illness See in context

I was one of the smallest built when I was at Junior and Middle.

I was bullied so much in the Junior and Middle that I cried almost every day.

It is not just feelings and physical damage that occurs, it affects your personality, it affects your education, it affects your achievements. It may even affects now.

Urge of revenge is so intence, if there is nothing called the law, I would be planning to offer the same horror to their life right now.

Thanks to the circle of friends that I could built in the final years of the mid school, bullies could not reach me.

I have just one advice to the parents who have adolescents...

Help your kids to buildup good friendship with their friends. A strong one. That will reduce 90% of these chances. Isolated kids are often targeted by bullies. At least, that is my experience say.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Sri Lanka scraps $1.5 bil Japan-funded light rail system See in context

@7000, your mother nation became 'these countries' wow!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 116 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 449 See in context

People who complains over the less number of tests leads to less number of cases, where the hell those dead bodies go? If japaese are not doing the right thing, we should see stockpiled dead bodies all over the place.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 57 new coronavirus infections See in context

Just after more cases getting reported, number of cases tested are decreased by 10 times. what logic explains that?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Office cluster pushes Tokyo coronavirus cases to 6-week high of 55 See in context


It is even worse. viruses are not counted as 1 + 1 = 2 , its exponential! that means if we continue the same there will be at least 8 times of that number. and think about spreading it to poorer countries. (it already is there)

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan lifts state of emergency for Tokyo, 4 other prefectures See in context

Abe lifted his, but I am not lifting mine.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Osaka police ask public for help on girl missing for 17 years See in context

Toyota crown, very criminally rated car!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Aso says no tax cuts for time being to counter pandemic See in context

@Michael because some feminists can't understand very simple statement without casting it to a hateful speach and then play the victimhood on their own casting. We need skillful human. Including women and men.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Stocks rise on hope that worst of economic plunge has passed See in context

Isn't that BCG vaccination that did the majic. I suspect.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 60% of small firms can survive pandemic if it ends in a few months: poll See in context

Weaker fails, Stronger remains. Opportunities opens up. Newcommers take the chances. Society evolves. Thats how it was and thats how it is going to be. Unfortunately it will annoyingly disturb the lazy life we are used to live. We will have to buckleup. Wave is coming, time to ride.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: IOC to allocate $25 million for costs related to Tokyo Games delay See in context

Does that supposed to be a joke? "Bazinga!"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka mayor under fire for saying women dawdle at shops See in context

I have done a research on this in my high school.

For the same list of shopping items....,

Working women tend to spend 46% more time when they shop in weekdays.

On weekends and holidays it is staggering 209%.

Non-working ladies tend to spend more time in weekdays than weekends.

Men are less likely to do shopping in groups while women tend to go in groups.

Women spent more time on reviewing items than buying the product.

Women tend to buy more items than what was in the shopping list originally.

Regardless of the gender, both men and women regardless to the product buy more when they are hungry.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe asks citizens to be more diligent on social distancing See in context

Thankfully, my boss closed the office just when there were 100 cases in Tokyo. Very Responsive and responsible Japanese guy in his 70s. Such people are very rare here.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: 18-year-old woman arrested over death of 9-month-old son See in context

She is 18 years old and has 9 months baby. Must have been pregnant in 16. Unknown father. That itself is a tragedy! I wish that happens to no one.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Over 210,000 hotel rooms secured to treat coronavirus patients See in context

Boasting about 120,000 face masks? although, 210,000 hotel rooms looks little promising.

but reading this made me frightened. Japan is not ready for the wave. well, does anyone ready? I was watching films about wining alien invasions 1o years ago. lol.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 22-year-old mother arrested for strangling 9-day-old son See in context

Does anyone have read about post birth mental disorders? My wife once saw our baby boy doesn't have his head anymore. How creapy is that? Being a mom is a unique thing a man never can experience. There needs to be some family arround in these hard times. Thats how we were. Unfortunately modern society is more isolated. Things like this could happen. Sorry for the baby.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan records 503 coronavirus infections on Wednesday; biggest daily jump since start of pandemic See in context

c'mon, don't be upset. this is the cherry blossom blow. this was expected and shows the incompetency.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't to give ¥300,000 in cash to each household in need See in context

If it walks like a duck and if it quacks like a duck, then It is a duck.

I works like a Japanese and pay my taxes like a Japanese. (arguably more)

And then, what matters is my vote to LDP?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo confirms 68 new coronavirus cases; 27 at Taito Ward hospital See in context

Yes, you are correct Madame Koike, but unfortunately you and Abe are not doing much to prevent this. "Lock Down Japan for 2 Weeks" and get rid of your people from miserable death and foreseeable major economic loss.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Posted in: Plane on medical mission to Japan catches fire at Manila airport, killing all 8 aboard See in context

very unfortunately, and rarely, bunch of good people on a small Jet.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Dolphin show See in context

There should be a limit to this dumbness.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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