Posted in: China says carrier group drills near Taiwan will become regular See in context
Will China be the reason for the World War?
As the world is aware how keen and aggressive China is coming up in South China Sea now. And how it is deploying its military along with the warships in it let me highlight nuclear powered warship. Its time for every country to join together in order to stop the web which China is spreading just to expand its boundaries.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Maoist rebels kill 22 Indian security forces in gun battle See in context
Many who believe the Naxals are still battling for land, water, and forest are mistaken. As of now, Naxals have murdered over 50,000 members of the security forces. Naxals are specifically inspired by Maoist ideology, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now directly funding these Naxal terrorists in India in order to establish anarchy in the region. As a result, the Indian government must take the requisite steps to combat terrorist activity within the region.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China pushes to expand virus origin search to other countries See in context
If China is not wrong, then why did it has been hiding the data? Why is China again and again claiming that the virus was neither developed not spread by China? But world also knows from where this virus originated. And as the world is aware how much WHO led down every country after the investigation which took place at Wuhan lab, China. As after the investigation WHO keeps on changing its own statement. Even WHO was blamed to be corrupted or threatened by CCP.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: China approves radical overhaul of Hong Kong's political system See in context
Hong Kong's political structure is being used by the CCP's interference into the justice system. The explanation for this is clear that the CCP needs to place its own representative in Hong Kong's parliament to make encroachment of Hong Kong simpler, and the CCP can't wait until the Sino-British Treaty expires in 2049.
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Posted in: Myanmar insurgents warn of growing conflict as neighbors press junta See in context
Who is behind the current situation in Myanmar, as the CCP invests heavily in Myanmar's internal relations, particularly in Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan states, as well as the entire Myanmar region? Terrorist groups along Myanmar's border have previously encouraged China to assist them in establishing chaos in Myanmar. China is providing substantial assistance and assisting in the development of industries and infrastructure in Myanmar, with the goal of becoming the primary beneficiary of Myanmar's vast oil and natural gas reserves. China's influence in Myanmar manifests itself on multiple levels.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit See in context
Isn’t it too late for UN to act?
Uyghurs who are the minority in China has claimed that they are being killed, raped, suppressed to an extend where they are not even allowed to access or enjoy their basic human rights. When the world has stood up against the genocide of Uyghur practiced by CCP. Now China is afraid of being accused. But isn’t it to late as many have sacrifices their lives to get justice?
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Posted in: China warns foreign companies not to engage in politics over Xinjiang See in context
Isn’t it weird how China contradicts its own statement and ways? On one side it does not want any company, organization, or nation to involve or speak up about the CCP. Whereas on the other hand world is aware how CCP involves itself in its neighbor countries internal politics. Which is clearly seen in Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, and others.
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Posted in: Taiwan reports largest ever incursion by Chinese air force See in context
Is China aiming to do something destructive?
Recently China has asked its military to be prepared for the impact and it has deployed its warships and military in South China Sea as well. Whereas now when the world is aware about CCP’s expansion policy and slowly raising against it I don’t think CCP will take long to complete it mission as it is clearly seen how it has created mess in Myanmar. Before it creates global mess again every country must stand together against the global threat or I would say common enemy.
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Posted in: Philippines deploys more navy ships to disputed sea amid row with China See in context
It is good that now Philippines is also showing its presence in South China Sea along with US and Japan. As slowly world is understanding the tactics of China. As now China is invading too much and deployed its military and war ships in South China Sea just to show its power and highlight its expansion policy.
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Posted in: Firebomb attack at Suu Kyi's party headquarters in Myanmar See in context
How much citizens of Myanmar have to struggle just because of the CCP’s interest in Myanmar??
Citizens of Myanmar are getting killed and are being dragged out of there homes at mid night. And now the bomb blast at Suu Kyi’s party headquarters. Clearly shows that how CCP could vanish any barrier which comes between Myanmar and China which could be threat for China to acquire it.
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Posted in: China sanctions UK lawmakers and lobby groups over Xinjiang as rift widens with West See in context
Is China in position to put sanction on anyone?
The EU, UK, Canada, and U.S. authorized a few individuals from Xinjiang's political and financial order this week in an organized activity over charges of far-reaching maltreatment in the north western locale. according to rights groups one million Uighurs are accuse authorities of forcibly sterilizing women and imposing forced labor.
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Posted in: China sanctions UK lawmakers and lobby groups over Xinjiang as rift widens with West See in context
Is China in position to put sanction on anyone?
The EU, UK, Canada, and U.S. authorized a few individuals from Xinjiang's political and financial order this week in an organized activity over charges of far-reaching maltreatment in the north western locale. according to rights groups one million Uighurs are accuse authorities of forcibly sterilizing women and imposing forced labour.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan says North Korea missile launch threatens peace See in context
Is China behind the North Korea’s missile launch?
There is no doubt how good China and North Korea relation is. World knows how much china is interested to capture South China Sea. Whereas it has been deploying its military and war ships in South China Sea and recently asked its military to be ready for the impact. What all I can conclude is North Korea is just a face of impact whereas China is the one behind the impact. Because China has got North Korea’s back in South China sea as well as on land too.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China threat to Taiwan closer than most think: U.S. admiral See in context
I don't understand one thing. On the one hand, China talks about peace and says it wants to improve its bilateral relations with every country. On the other hand, it invades and meddles in the internal affairs of other countries.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: West sanctions China over Xinjiang abuses; Beijing hits back at EU See in context
How can China even bring up the subject of human rights and target nations that are more powerful than it? Whereas China is the only nation that does not even allow its citizens to enjoy basic human rights, and now that the CCP has created issues in Myanmar, Xinjiang, and many other nations, the world is looking to China as an anti-human rights nation.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Espionage trial starts behind closed doors for 2nd Canadian detained in China See in context
Michael Kovrig is a diplomat on whom China has put the allegation of being a state secret. If the activities of Chinese individual are raised then, many countries can arrest Chinese individual like UK, US, Afghanistan, India, Japan etc. At last, the only solution is those countries who are facing problems because of the activities must boycott the common enemy.
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Posted in: China protests over Japan-U.S. statement on human rights; blasts U.S. 'evil past of genocide' See in context
Who All Are Protesting??
They all are the members of CCP who are just protesting to prove that CCP is innocent. As now CCP is being stated as Global Threat and Anti-Human Right, because of its genocide practice in Myanmar, Hong-Kong, Xinjian, and many others.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Myanmar faces growing isolation as military tightens grip See in context
Who is behind the current situation in Myanmar, as the CCP invests heavily in Myanmar's internal relations, particularly in Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan states, as well as the entire Myanmar region? Terrorist groups along Myanmar's border have previously encouraged China to assist them in establishing chaos in Myanmar. China is providing substantial assistance and assisting in the development of industries and infrastructure in Myanmar, with the goal of becoming the primary beneficiary of Myanmar's vast oil and natural gas reserves. China's influence in Myanmar manifests itself on multiple levels.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S., Japan warn China on 'coercion, destabilizing behavior' See in context
Now when US and Japan can realize the double face and tactics of China. Then why other countries cannot. After continuous warns China neither stopping not getting afraid for its rapid expansion and encroachment in other countries. Why can’t world see how it is practicing genocide in Hong-Kong and Myanmar.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Concerns rise over Sri Lanka's move to ban burqas See in context
The burqa and hijab are signs that banning the madrasa and hijab of Muslim men's supremacy over Muslim women is a good step toward resolving Muslim women's freedom, and there is some hope that they will eventually get their rights as well. And all this ban happened within less than 15 days of Imran Khan’s visit in Sri Lanka. Which is clearly visible that how uncapable Islamic country president is.
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Posted in: Myanmar security forces kill 12 anti-coup protesters See in context
Who is behind the current situation in Myanmar, as the CCP invests heavily in Myanmar's internal relations, particularly in Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan states, as well as the entire Myanmar region? Terrorist groups along Myanmar's border have previously encouraged China to assist them in establishing chaos in Myanmar. China is providing substantial assistance and assisting in the development of industries and infrastructure in Myanmar, with the goal of becoming the primary beneficiary of Myanmar's vast oil and natural gas reserves. China's influence in Myanmar manifests itself on multiple levels.
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Posted in: Myanmar forces kill 7 as crackdown on protesters continues See in context
How many lives of Citizens of Myanmar has to sacrifice to gain freedom?
Its time not only Quad members but every country must stand together against the global threat China. How much genocide CCP will spread in Myanmar. What about their basic human rights what about their right to live? They are being killed out on street we must stand to stop the common enemy and stop the common enemy.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: At least 4 people shot dead in Myanmar anti-coup protests See in context
Citizens of Myanmar are in Great Danger!!
CCP got its influence so much that it is trying to implement same things as it does in its own country. Whereas no one can forget the Tiananmen square protests in 1989 in China. International organisation like UN and independent nations like Japan must take necessary actions in order to stop CCP otherwise Myanmar may also face the same consequences.
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Posted in: Quad leaders discuss vaccine production, China See in context
When even quad members can identify the threat. Why can’t other nations? Its high time we must think who broke the economical backbone of every country just by developing virus. And why does WHO statements keep on changing? And who is the one who is spreading its land and military? Its time to unite to fight against the actual virus who is playing games to conquer every country like it is doing in South China Sea, Hong-Kong, Myanmar and many others.
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Posted in: Top U.S. commander fears Chinese invasion of Taiwan by 2027 See in context
Its time to stop the global threat. As China follows its expansion policy which is clearly seen as it shares its boundaries with 14 nations and is having disputes with all of them. As China always looks upon encroaching and extending its boundaries and keeps an eye on nations with high minerals and natural resources and the world is aware about its eye on Taiwan. US commander told about 6 years but I think it won’t take more than 2-3 years to acquire Taiwan as it is investing high in its military and asked its military to be ready for the impact.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Security forces search Myanmar protest district room by room See in context
How cruel CCP can be??
After many warnings CCP is still interfering and raising the mess in Myanmar. Whereby it is doing same as it does with its own citizens. As Citizens are not able to access their basic human rights, they are not able to even raise their voice and if they do so they are even threatened, dragged out of their houses at midnights or killed.
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Posted in: Airline IT provider hacked; frequent flyer data breached See in context
When it comes to any cyber-attack or cybercrime or any hacking thing China and Russia are the countries which are highlighted at most times. As China was recently sued for the data shadowing of Citizens of Hong Kong.
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Posted in: Chinese foreign minister defends Hong Kong reform proposals as 'reasonable' See in context
Now China is defending the reason for the mess it has created. Really is that the justification for hundreds of deaths and injured? I don’t understand why China has the habit of interfering in other territories. And how it invade after the world is well aware about its expansion policy.
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Posted in: China announces over 6% economic growth target; boosts defense spending by 6.8% See in context
As China has always looked forward towards its expansion policy and for that it needs a strong defence, but it has never considered its own citizens. As China is focusing more on defence rather than developing itself internally and providing basic human rights to its citizens. As they are not allowed to express their views and if they do so they are threatened or are put behind the bars. Whereas China has won only 7 out of 15 battles so far.
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Posted in: 38 killed in violent day of protests against Myanmar coup See in context
Citizens of Myanmar are in danger!!
After UN asked China not to encroach in Myanmar it did not stop even after that also. And if it is doesn’t then handful of citizens of Myanmar will be alive. As those who are raising the voice are put behind the bars or dragged out of their house at midnights and are killed. Human rights are being openly violated in Myanmar as it happens in China.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Two men arrested over theft of 1,200 meters of copper cable
Grammatically, this sounds like the Taliban have taken over Japan
Posted in: Senior Taliban officials make 1st known visit to Japan since takeover
The law allows public photos of everyone. But you are not free to do whatever you like with it. If…
Posted in: Fukuoka Stock Exchange exec arrested for taking upskirt photos
Posted in: Could obesity drugs help with alcohol cravings? New study suggests potential