Japan Today

Kaptankichigai comments

Posted in: Carpenter attacks neighbor with hatchet over noise See in context

@nicky- exactly. please tokyoites and JT readers and writers, remember, tokyo is not the epitome of japan.

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Posted in: Sting: 'I want 25 more years of music' See in context

10 summoner's tales was his best

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Posted in: Yuko Ogura loses legal fight to block publication of photobook See in context

snooooooooooorre. who cares? another untalented borderline AV trollop who won the lottery by being in the right place at the right time. zzzzzzzzzz

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Lonely youth take meals in toilets, and a new subculture springs up See in context

The song is cliche drivel meant to pull the heartstrings of anyone who lost a dear ole granny. Anyone falling for it is a part of the expendable masses. I notice she didnt take long to exploit the song for money in toilet cleaning commercials. Drivel like everything else for sale here. As for eating in the toilet, the metaphor is "Dont sh@t where you eat" and it is meant in a totally different context than literally, because where in the whole world would a society actually be f'd up enough to physically sh@t where they eat? Oh.. yeah... the same society that thinks the toilet goddess song is such a touching and heartfelt story....A dying culture. The bungled and the botched.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Police continue search for baby girl feared abducted from car in Oita See in context

Unfortunately, Mother to child homicides are far more common than abductions from a parking lot in this country. Odds are, this is a made up story to cover a heinous crime .

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Body of Japanese woman found below Niagara Falls See in context

Yes Mark, I appreciate the link too. Its very depressing. Haven't we all done an extreme pose to capture it on film? I know I have. If you watched the news, it didnt really look THAT dangerous. There was a grassy embankment. She must have REALLY lost her balance to have fallen all the way in. Tragic, truly..

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Posted in: Was I a date, a friend or just a potential English teacher? See in context

I like Foxie's and Patrick Smash's posts as usual. I have never, EVER had "sparks fly" when in the same room with a fellow expat and the conversation switched to Japanese. Humility is a virtue and you would have to be an ABSOLUTE TOOL to act like your second language skills represented some character attribute. Most expats are just trying to get by and will find friendship the same way they would in their homeland. Would you have treated Yuko this way were the roles reversed and you were in YOUR home country? There is NO contest here. There is NO competition among foreigners. We are all pioneers in a Globalizing culture and should treat each other as well as our hosts with respect.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Parents of 4 children in bus swept away by tsunami sue kindergarten See in context

Right Steve. everyone should avoid kindergartens in case another tsunami comes and the bus they are on doesnt turn back. How about when a kid gets a haircut? he/she is in the care of paid help... Or at the doctors office? Yes, we can all avoid these tragedies by locking our children n a padded room and never trusting anyone near them or allow them out of our sight.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Honey, do you mind going back to work? See in context

Steve, your opinion is just that. Stop trying to pass it off as fact. The 10 to 1 ratio you are pulling out of thin air to support your opinion is not true. Japan Gal is correct. 6 to 1 is the ratio and in most cases a bit high. This is for pre-schools and kindergartens NOT Primary schools. Also children do NOT require constant attention. Supervision, yes. Attention- no. Children, even small ones are capable of entertaining themselves and being autonomous in a safe environment. A happy mother working (if that makes her happy) is way more important to a child than a miserable one staying at home.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Honey, do you mind going back to work? See in context

Foxie is right except that it doesnt have to be the woman. Just one parent should work and the other maintain the home and manage the offspring. Plenty of ways to cut expenses. No none has to go hungry here.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Emi Takei has her sights set on Hollywood See in context

17 years old so with the 10 year Japanese maturity conversion she is 7. Yes, lets stop and consider her dreams and opinions on men.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Sunny side up See in context

his wife thinks he has been going to work for the last 2 months.

5 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: New magazine SAMURAI.JP launches in search of Japan’s lost values See in context

Paul Stanley has really aged well. Where's Ace?

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Posted in: 71-yr-old man arrested for beating 32-yr-old son to death See in context

anyone can kill anyone, but im sure you can google search bone and muscle density of 71 one year olds compared to 32 year olds as well as osteoporosis probability as well as arthritis statistics and I am sure you will find in your "research" that the average 32 year old is in better physical shape and condition than a 71 year old. Oh, or you could open your eyes, leave your computer and step outside and use some common rules of visual deduction. Its not a usual circumstance where a 71 year old man would overpower a 32 year old, statistically or speaking, or realistically. Stop projecting your own wishful thinking that you could overpower anyone.

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Posted in: 71-yr-old man arrested for beating 32-yr-old son to death See in context

Maybe the guy was asleep or drunk and pops grabbed a frying pan...

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Posted in: Beer is served See in context

@foxie-10 minutes to do it correctly??? im on my third beer in that time.

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

@tmarie- the job is what you put into it, as any job

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

I still dont see how a homemaker is a job to be ashamed of or insulted by. Why assume that any homemaker is not doing his/her share of the familial responsibilities?

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

@tmarie-why is being a home maker a huge insult? @scotchegg- I have no idea what in the world you are trying to say. Pretentious is not a language.

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context


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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

A marriage and household is very much like a business. Job duties need to be agreed upon in the job description categories. One job being the money maker and the other being the home maker with part time jobs being somewhere in the middle. Salaries need to be agreed upon as well as quarterly evaluations. If a job is not being performed to task, its time for termination and a re-hire.

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

How does a Japanese man "hand" over his money? Salary is paid via direct deposit into a bank or Japanese post account. The man doesnt have an atm card to his own account? I and my wife both have access to the money, although I work and she is a home-maker. She does a fantastic job of cooking, cleaning and raising the child as well a keeping the fridge stocked with beer. If i need money to go out to the bar,I either grab it from her purse or go to the atm. I NEVER ask. Neither does she. I dont see how that sort of circumstance (the husband doesnt have access to funds) could ever come into existence unless the dude was a complete moron.

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Posted in: 19-year-old man arrested for beating up woman's 5-year-old daughter See in context

Maybe he is some kind of boarder and was renting out a room in her house? I cant imagine how a mother would not be aware of broken ribs on her own kids and surely the siblings told her.

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Posted in: Man arrested over murder of woman near Yokohama Station See in context

in a private room at a video-viewing facility near Yokohama Station- what is that exactly?

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Posted in: Keeping up with Japanese metrosexual manes See in context

also- trying to emulate an image from a cartoon or comic book is neither masculine nor feminine- just childish.

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Posted in: Keeping up with Japanese metrosexual manes See in context

@cleo- there is a line between grooming/cleanliness and anti-masculine androgyny. I dont know what a "tough guy" image is but I imagine it has something to do with poor grooming? I sure hope the "better grooming" you are referring to isnt the plucking/shaping of eyebrows and wearing of make up which I think is what is fueling the "ladyboy" opinions. I dont think I am too far of the mark in saying that men should keep themselves clean and shaved with nose and ear hair trimmed as well as a neat haircut but wearing makeup and eyebrow shaping as well as 45 minutes of hair preparation as well as multi hair care products and a constant preening of the hair falls into the category of women.

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Posted in: Keeping up with Japanese metrosexual manes See in context

Lessons on how to also look androgynous amongst the most live at home, sissy boys in the world.

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Posted in: DNA on hotel maid’s shirt matches sample from Strauss-Kahn See in context

The last paragraph is so contradictory to the early reports that he had been in SUCH a hurry to leave that he forgot his cell phone. There is no such thing as responsible journalism. This story is getting more convoluted as details continue to emerge. And might I add, this is the most sexually graphic article I have ever read on JT! GO JT! Pull no punches!

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Posted in: VIP visit See in context

Looks like a nice enough guy.

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