Japan Today

Karen Mascola comments

Posted in: Tokyo residents seek to block building of massive data center See in context

I worked as a data center tech. The biggest pollution is from the noise. They are incredibly loud all the time. I have a noise meter on my phone and it regularly measured in the 90 decibel range. They don't take much more water than a regular business because a chemical coolant is used if it is setup for coolant.

It will have multiple diesel generators the size of large trucks and possibly solar power back ups. The drain on the power supply is no joke. Generally the local power company will have to create a substation just for the datacenter. It's enough power for a small city. But power loss must be prevented to avoid downtime from any business housed there.

Putting something like this in a rural area has multiple problems including, lack of power infrastructure; Lack of data cables that transmit to and from the data center and lack of trained staff or people that would want to work in a rural area. The data infrastructure alone would be billions to install. It's not a little local cable like what goes into a house. And the cables are all buried in the ground.

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Posted in: 21-year-old man arrested for abusing 3-month-old daughter See in context

FizzBit- an injury to the baby's cranium= skull fracture. Slapping or punching a three month old baby is unacceptable and quite frankly he is lucky the child didn't die. It is child abuse and it would not surprise me one bit if the baby ends up with shaken baby syndrome or a form of epilepsy caused by head injuries. There are many other side effects from blows to the head such as detached retinas that cause blindness and busted ear drums that lead to deafness. These are consequences of abusing babies, toddlers and children.

The man needs some jail time, counseling and parenting classes. He also should not be allowed to retain custody of the baby.

Babies cry, that is a known fact. Parents have the duty to properly take care of the child. It is helpless and completely reliant on the caregivers.

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