Posted in: Senior surfer See in context
Inspirational, as I'm approaching 60. Although I can still manage to catch a few waves, there are times when I feel I'm getting too old....but then I remind myself that the Pacific Ocean has more power than I :)
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Posted in: Have you ever climbed Mount Fuji? What was the experience like? See in context
Once with my wife and daughter on the first day of the official climbing season in July 2018. We had decided on a whim to climb Fuji - san the previous day, having seen the announcement on the TV news. Actually it was my daughter's idea , so we hired a car and purchased some provisions, including, for a giggle, a can of oxygen. We stayed up most of the night watching a Fifa World Cup football match, slept for an hour then drove from Tachikawa to the fifth station car park. Viewing the sunrise from there was magical, uncrowded and serene, indeed a memorable experience. The climb was fine until about the 8th station when my wife began to flag. My daughter and I split contents of wife's pack between us and made her inhale about half the oxygen, after which she powered to the summit. Cold and blustery up top so we didn't hang about too long. I convinced my wife to inhale rest of oxygen but by then myself and daughter also suffering a little from altitude sickness. The descent through the scoria was difficult and the lack of toilets uncomfortable. My daughter ended up supporting her Mum physically after she had fallen twice. Consequently, we were happy to get back down, about 5 hours up and same time down. By then the fifth station was heaving with tourists , queues for toilets, buses with engines still running pumping out diesel fumes drivers all chain smoking so unpleasant. Overall a memorable experience but unlikely to attempt it again.
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Posted in: Japan reports 198,873 new coronavirus cases See in context
"Also would be good if people mention their health condition if got infected and didn't die"
I returned a positive rapid antigen test (first time) on Sunday morning after experiencing mild symptoms ( sinus congestion , slightly sore throat and bit of a headache) for three days prior. On Saturday I was low on power and my body ached but I attributed that to going snowboarding, for the first time in four years, on Friday. On Saturday night I awoke with a fever and sore throat but in the morning fever had broken & I felt I was on the mend. At 59 years old I'm firmly in the veteran category , but am generally fit & healthy. I have had 4 doses of the Pfizer vaccination, received back in NZ, last one was in July last year. Apart from a slightly runniny nose and occaisonal cough I have been symptom free for two days now. Ain't gonna die anytime soon as i wanna see some grandchildren :)
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan has disappointed many people who love Japan and have a potential to like Japan. The border closure not only made many tourists who had plans to visit Japan upset, but it also will make them more cautious of Japan at least for the next few years. See in context
The government's inept handling of nearly every aspect of the pandemic response has only served to highlight Japan's need for across the board reform. Younger, forward thinking more flexible leadership would be a good starting point .
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Saudi control of Newcastle — victories over reality See in context
Sadly, football lost it's moral compass a long time ago. If indeed it ever had one...
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Australia-New Zealand travel bubble begins after 400 days See in context
Hopefully this is a first step back towards normality, if indeed it still exists...but imho this illustrates that lockdowns , business & border closures supported by government subsidies do work in controlling covid outbreaks.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo high schools ask students to certify hair color not altered: NHK See in context
It is largely for these inherent weaknesses in the Japanese education system that my wife & I decided to raise & educate our biracial children in NZ.
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Posted in: NZ's Ardern says many restrictions to be kept in place when lockdown ends See in context
@ Tokyo-Engr
"If she is in fact talking about a gradual removal of restrictions, Level by Level (i.e. Level 4 to Level 3, etc.) this would be considered reasonable, I hope there is a Level 2, Level 1, and then normal......"
yes, this is precisely what is being proposed
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese firm offers spouses apartments to avoid 'coronavirus divorce' See in context
top post laugh of the lockdown so far thanks :)
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Posted in: Japanese health care facilities stretched thin, doctors say See in context
@since1981 don't lose heart, your comments may convince some voters to explore alternatives to this current crop of "leaders". Ganbatte kudasai neh!
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Posted in: 18 trainee doctors who ignored dining ban infected with coronavirus See in context
Very frustrating to read of this 'regrettable' action taking place.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo hotel to trial newly-developed wooden straws, ban plastic See in context
A small step in the right direction imho. It would also be nice to see a campaign aimed at reducing the amount of unnecessary plastic packaging, perhaps beginning by educating (or attempting to educate?) Japanese consumers regarding sustainable alternatives?
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Posted in: Women in Tokyo strongly back single-sex transport amid security fears: global poll See in context
Sadly, it would appear that women only carriages are necessary, as these chikan / up skirt filming incidents keep on occurring. The real issue which needs to be addressed imho, is the everyday behaviours towards women of "average Kazu Tanaka" , the majority of whom, it would seem, have no idea what really constitutes sexual harassment. Didn't the Deputy Prime Minister say when he was in Manila a few months back that, "Sexual harassment isn't a crime in Japan" ? Apparently, this is technically true....
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Posted in: Ukraine's rare earth elements could help keep U.S. military aid flowing
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash
Posted in: Ukraine's rare earth elements could help keep U.S. military aid flowing