Posted in: TV comedian Tanoshingo promotes '3D bra' See in context
Tanoshingo only has one joke. He acts gay and effeminate and then pretends to break character and talk in a deep, manly voice. It wears thin after about 20 seconds.
And I'm pretty sure he's not gay. Otherwise he wouldn't think his caricature of a stereotypical gay man was funny.
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Posted in: Hollywood tailoring movies for overseas audiences See in context
More like "Hollywood dumbing-down movies for overseas audiences."
Not that foreigners are dumb, but they won't understand the subtleties of American films, which are lost in translation, so Hollywood cuts those. Bad writing and acting also get lost in translation. Big, loud movies do well overseas, at the cost of American audiences. Once you know this, you see it everywhere. It is why they waste screen time on dialogue explaining something that would be obvious to American audiences. Franchises also have a built-in audience and cater to the international crowd to maximize profits. So the next time you see another "Pirates of the Caribbean" piece-of-crap coming out and you wonder who held a gun to Johnny Depp's head, keep this in mind.
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Posted in: 'Talent' Miyu Uehara dead after apparently hanging herself at home See in context
Probably didn't help her self-esteem that they put the word "talent" in parenthesis either.
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
Savoie legally has a stronger case. Noriko was given custody of the children as long as she agreed to keep them in the U.S. and not take them to Japan without permission. When she secretly took the kids back to Japan, she broke her end of the agreement, and the courts gave Savoie full custody. And while $6.1 million is a lot of money, the family was like SUPER rich (but perhaps not $6.1 million rich).
Child abduction by Japanese parents is a huge problem, which is why Japan is planning to join the 1980 Hague Convention soon. The case is about Japan as a rule refusing to recognize any and all agreements on child custody drawn in other countries, despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, Savoie shouldn't have become the poster boy for this issue.
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Posted in: Modern Japan: Origins of the Mind See in context
Let's not bash the book before reading it. The reviewer who wrote this article probably hasn't read the book and was looking for an angle while writing under a deadline. I'm sure a professor at Niigata University has some good insights into Japanese culture.
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Posted in: Somali pirates capture supertanker with $150 mil worth of oil See in context
roughneck, The supertanker was taken 200 miles from the coast of Oman. Twenty percent of the world's oil goes through the Strait of Hormuz between Iran, the U.A.E. and Oman. So you can't just "avoid" that route. I stick by my above solution.
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Posted in: Bare statistics mask human cost of Japan’s high suicide rate See in context
I agree with most of the article's conclusions, but they style is very trying.
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Posted in: Bare statistics mask human cost of Japan’s high suicide rate See in context
I wanted to stop reading after the first line. A flippant statement like that is not amusing in an article about suicide. The writing style of the rest of the article was also overly pompous.
Moderator: How about outlining where you disagree with the writer? That is what the discussion board is for.
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Posted in: Train shame See in context
I think I would tell her to turn down the Dixie Chicks too.
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Posted in: Japan happy as export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna rejected See in context
It'll be cold comfort in five or six years we'll be able to say, "We told you so."
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Posted in: Shark conservation proposal defeated at U.N. meeting See in context
Shark poachers kill the animal, cut off its fin, and throw away it's carcass. Shark fin is mostly cartilage and has no taste nor nutritional value. Just because its somebody's tradition doesn't mean its stupid.
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Posted in: Aki Hoshino in good shape at 33 See in context
She was cute a few years back, but she's had too much plastic surgery and she's barely recognizable now. I can't look at her anymore.
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Posted in: In the name of the Law See in context
It is only just now opening in Japan? I saw it on my trip home to the U.S. for the holidays. It wasn't worth the wait. It was boring, convoluted, and I couldn't understand a word Robert Downey Jr. said. I was never a huge Sherlock Holmes fan though. The stories seemed to follow a formula, and the mysteries were too easy to solve.
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Posted in: Unpaid overtime is killing McDonald's managers See in context
Still think eating at McDonald's is a victimless crime?
Japanese people are taught to be hard workers their whole lives with the concept of "gambaru." It is a part of Japanese culture. And the corporations have no trouble in exploiting the Japanese work ethic to the point of karoshi. McDonald's really should receive harsher punishment for this.
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Posted in: The dumbing down of Japanese students See in context
The problems are the emphasis of memorization over understanding, monster parents, and the inability to fail students who don't perform satisfactorily.
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Posted in: More terror suspects returning to fight after Guantanamo release See in context
Why not tag and release them? Implant a microchip with GPS on them while they sleep, release them, and then see where they go. They'd find Osama in no time.
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Posted in: Climategate: The fix is in See in context
He's right. Scientists also fabricated film and satellite images of the poles melting and sea levels rising. Just imagine if we had used all the money on global warming research on the war! We would have wiped out every Iraqi a long time ago!
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Posted in: The end is near as Hollywood does the apocalypse See in context
I believe that movie was called "The Real Cancun." The most realistic (and therefore the best) more ever made!
I'm sorry, "The Real Cancun" was the best movie ever made.
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Posted in: The end is near as Hollywood does the apocalypse See in context
When is Hollywood going to make a movie where the entire Earth becomes a paradise filled with chirping little birdies, purring widdle puddy tats and bikini girls frolicking on beaches?
I believe that movie was called "The Real Cancun." The most realistic (and therefore the best) more ever made!
If "2012" is half as good as "The Day After Tomorrow" or "10,000 BC," then this may rival "Plan 9 From Outer Space" as the worst movie ever made.
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Posted in: Obama's bow to emperor causes outrage in Washington See in context
Obama's bow was about 15 degrees too low, and he did it while shaking hands. Just shows he has only superficial knowledge of Japan and makes him look philistine. If Obama felt the need to bow, he should have done it at the same time and same angle as the emperor. Compare this picture to the one of MacArthur slouching next to Hirohito and still towering over him, showing the true position of the U.S. next to Japan.
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Posted in: S Carolina man gets 3 years in prison for sex with horse See in context
Here's his profile on the National Sex Offender Registry.{CDC96902-EB2A-400E-8BED-8ECEBEDE8D25}&sp=1&nm=1
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Posted in: Junichiro Koizumi moves into voice acting to become Ultraman King See in context
Is this a form of amakudari?
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Posted in: Man arrested for abducting four young girls for 17 hours See in context
Strangers have the best candy.
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Posted in: Azuki-flavored Pepsi See in context
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds good?
I heard they did a cucumber Pepsi a few years ago.
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Posted in: The McJob of Asia See in context
It's Boards of Education, not Board of Educations. No wonder she only works for a dispatch company.
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Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'