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Posted in: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message See in context

"You want Trump to publicly denounce Duke"? - comments

Donald J. Trump already had that chance. Three times in succession on live television. He didn't.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message See in context

"This is an article completely attempting to discredit the GOP." - comments

Really? The Main Stream Media, like FOXNews, haven't changed what Speaker Ryan said. Ryan, as a Republican and Speaker of the House said in this transcript:

SYKES: I know. But has tweeted something that at some point does Reince Priebus or somebody else need to get him on the phone and say, “Mr. Trump you have got to stop tweeting these things. These things are no longer accidents.”

RYAN: Yeah, I really believe he needs to clean up the way his new media works. Most importantly, as you know, one of the few times I spoke out against him during the primary very forcefully was in this area. When he failed to disavow supremacists, white supremacists.

source: 'Ryan Says Trump Tweet Was Anti-Semitic' July 6, 2016 by Ed Brayton

Quite the opposite from some misrepresentation, the article further confirms . . .

"House Speaker Paul Ryan was among those who spoke out against a recent Trump tweet that showed an image shaped like the Star of David over Hillary Clinton’s likeness and a pile of money." - article

What Trump fans have latched on to, is a wild claim that only they know the truth about anything Trump tells them to believe.

They blame the MSM, like FOXNews, for presenting facts. Then they blame the Democrats for the facts reported and confirmed by hundreds of recordings and reports.

This article presents the truth. White Supremacists LOVE the Trump because. as Spencer says: “Trust me. Trump thinks like me,” Spencer said. “Do you think it’s a coincidence that everybody like me loves Trump and supports him?”

Donald J. Trump has just given the bigot permission to hate race and religion and his White Supremacists, like David Duke, Holocaust Denier, have already made that abundantly clear. Now they want everyone to stop talking about the Hate Trump promotes. They can't have it both ways.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message See in context

"Speaking of white supremacists, Dr. King had some words about this" - comments

The comment presents: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom", (note, without citation).

What timetable of a man's freedom is the article's "Richard Spencer, . . .(demanding as he) matter-of-factly called for removing African-Americans, Hispanics and Jews from the United States."?

When the White Supremacists use Dr. King's words to justify their racism and defend the prejudice of Donald J. Trump, they might as well quote Jesus in defense of Hitler.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message See in context

"Trump has repeatedly re-tweeted messages from Twitter users with questionable profiles, including an individual with the handle “@WhiteGenocideTM.”

"And late last year, he re-tweeted inaccurate and racially charged crime statistics that vastly overstated the percentage of whites killed by blacks." - article

The Americans must remember, these are the types of decisions and represent the thinking and judgement Donald J. Trump will bring to every situation and circumstance a President may face.

Trump then is not only irresponsible he clearly has no conscience and no sense of the harm he has created for millions of Americans.

Still, the GOP-tea could have sent Trump a 'Certificate of Accomplishment' and canceled Cleveland. They didn't and now the GOP-tea is permanently tied to the racists who cheer their candidate, Donald J. Trump.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message See in context

"I don’t think people have fully recognized the degree to which he’s transformed the party,” said Richard Spencer, a clean-cut 38-year-old from Arlington, Virginia, who sipped Manhattans as he matter-of-factly called for removing African-Americans, Hispanics and Jews from the United States." - article

Some have criticized the repetition of claims of racism, prejudice and bigotry. The article, "Energized White Supremacists Cheer Trump Convention Message" tells a very different story.

Donald J. Trump refused to condemn David Duke, Holocaust Denier, three times and the reason is clear. Trump is looking to these brown shirts to enforce his chaos propaganda.

Little surprise then: “Trust me. Trump thinks like me,” Spencer said. “Do you think it’s a coincidence that everybody like me loves Trump and supports him?” - article Is it any surprise every racist supports Trump? That's not a coincidence, it's Trump's battle plan and it's sick.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: The populists are revolting See in context

"Populist actors use this sense of crisis, breakdown or threat to pit the people against the elite and associated enemies, to radically simplify the terms and terrain of political debate, and to advocate (their) strong leadership and quick political action to solve the crisis" - article

Shallow belief and lack of any awareness paired with instant gratification tweets isn't rightly called "populism".

It is, in fact, the cultivation of fear based on instant rumor and conclusions.

The article provides several conditions of the "populist" but fails in its conclusion.

The conclusion: "let’s drop the surprise, the shaking of heads in disbelief, the paralysis brought on by continually asking ourselves “how can this be?” Instead, it’s time to acknowledge that populism is now a central part of contemporary politics: time to get used to it".

Dr Benjamin Moffitt's suggestion, that somehow accepting falsehood and manipulation of violence, as a standard of behavior and critical thinking (get used to it), is both irresponsible and beneath his obvious intelligence.

When the conclusion is that 'it's ok to act dangerously and speak irrational taunts to provoke fear and violence' the critical thinker doesn't "get used to it". The critical thinker offers something better. That starts with respect and identifying the dangers of reckless "populism" which amounts to thuggery and nothing more.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Attacking Trump, Democrat VP candidate Kaine makes campaign-trail debut See in context

“When Donald Trump says he has your back, you better watch out,” Kaine said, with Clinton sitting at his side nodding. “He leaves a trail of broken promises and wrecked lives wherever he goes. We can’t afford to let him do the same thing to our country.” - article

Well documented and under the gun on fraud charges in Federal Court at California and New York State, Trump's appeal to the hate filled and prejudiced will likely become the running joke about Trump for years to come. Along with destruction of his own brand name.

With Trump as an adversary, there's little the Democrats need do except put his foolish and deceptive assaults on an endless loop. There sure are enough of them to fill time from now to November 8th.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast' See in context

"Trump sells himself as the salvation of the American middle class, but he is a manifestation of all the greed and disdain which prompted its decline in the first place. His signature style of bluster and bullying to achieve his selfish agenda has been the central theme of his message, which appeals to a minor shred of the population who respond to such primitive shows of aggression, but it’s clear that only one person matters to Trump – himself"

source: 'Trump Admits To Union-Busting At His Vegas Casino, Will Pay Settlement To Workers'

There has been some todo over 'responsible' comments. Here's one. It responsibilty shows Donald J. Trump, for all his lies, cannot out run criminal complaints. Trump, "settled a lawsuit from the National Labor Relations Board leveled against the Trump corporation for illegally retaliating against workers who tried to unionize".

The only thing Trump should fix is his obsession with deception and fraud. That'll fix him.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast' See in context

Donald J. Trump: "the billionaire businessman declared the nation’s problems too staggering to be fixed within the confines of traditional politics." - article

At leaste the Republicans have made clear they are on board with a Dictator.

'Nothing to see here, move along.'

Trump is really a fabulous fraud.

A loser business, on indictment for fraud, and the GOP-tea love his racism.

The November election is the National IQ test.

A loser fraud like Trump should do just fine.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Republicans divided ahead of big Trump speech See in context

An endorsement from one's daughter is about as impressive as a child hoping for Santa Clause. Who really cares if Trump's child thinks Trump is a really cool guy?

Obvious;y. Trump's kid is happy to send women to prison if they have an abotion Trump plans to outlaw.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Republicans divided ahead of big Trump speech See in context

Donald J. Trump is a racist. Ask David Duke.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Republicans divided ahead of big Trump speech See in context

Listening to Tom Barrack is like listening to a Trump success audio tape. One loser endorsing another loser. Trump isn't a problem solver, he's the Tom Barrack iteration of a dummy pulpit of stupid comments. GOP-tea idiocy.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Republicans divided ahead of big Trump speech See in context

When Trump gives his "I Have A Dream" speech everything in America will be solved. That's the kind of Messiah Trump is. Perfect and Infallible.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Ted Cruz booed as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump See in context

"Why the disparity? Liberal socialist policies that keeps Blacks down and they keep voting for more and more government entitlements, they will never prosper or reach the level of people that work in the private sector, embrace self-reliance and avoid Big government like typhoid fever!" - comments (note: 656 words in source post)

If the comment wants to make social policy in the States, it would have better effect at Cleveland than the JT comment string.

Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, was booed because he said Trump wasn't deserving of any American's vote.

That race is the subject of the comment seems far divergent from rejection of Trump's racist band of supporters and the GOP-tea.

Which is it? Some 600 words that ignore facts?

Or, the GOP-tea is so paranoid that Senator Cruz showed Trump is a paper tiger and his supporters nothing more than racists with a gauze of wealth protecting their hate by Trump's command?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ted Cruz booed as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump See in context

LOVE! The clip where the GOP-tea insaniholes threaten violence on Senator Cruz's wife.

The Republican Party: 'we'll beat your wife!'

Making American Hate Again only happens one threat of violence at a time.

Trump! 'Violence Is Our Reason And Our Goal'.

Because it gets us TV time!

Honestly, threatening Senator Cruz's wife?

That is the Republican Party since they were bought by Donald J. Trump and Uday and Cousay Trump?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Ted Cruz booed as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump See in context

"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz . . . was booed lustily by delegates when he ended his speech without offering Donald Trump his endorsement — or even saying he would vote for the New York billionaire." - article

Cruz cost Americans 24 Billion in his Government shutdown of 2013.

Even as crooked as Cruz is, with his religion based visions of Government, he showed some Americans that being detestable and ignorant doesn't mean one has to vote for Trump.

Someone had to say it. Who better than the most detestable Republican since Nixon or George W. Bush?

Trump is only as strong as his racists make him. They are the real minority in America. Fascists always hate that when it is pointed out.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

Eric Trump is claiming Trump, the elder, knows how to run business.

The New York Attorney General wants to have that knowledge tested.

When the fraud case goes to the jury, Trump's son can still praise his father, but not for business.

Because Trump's business is a fraud, just like his phony Campaign and phony Campaign speeches.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

"The point is we cannot have the voting public base their choice and votes on "emotion" - comments

Trump is the one who created an emotional cry against Mexican ans Muslims. Trump is banking on emotion to carry him to the White House. Emotion? That what 'scare and sell' is based on.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason,” [Al Baldasaro] the New Hampshire state lawmaker said in a radio interview Tuesday.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said that Trump and his campaign don’t agree with Baldasaro’s comment. The U.S. Secret Service said it was investigating.

The Trump Campaign has nothing except these psychopaths who see Secretary Clinton in every reflection.

This nutter, Al Baldasaro, is an excellent example of the promotion of violence by Donald J. Trump's rabid pronouncements and prejudice.

Since Trump acts like a jackass, the jackass in every GOP-tea-er over flows their gums in these ignorant and illegal threats.

Al Baldasaro's arraignment should be interesting.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania Trump's speech See in context

"The pushback from the Trump campaign was hard. At one point, campaign co-chairman Paul Manafort blamed Hillary Clinton for the controversy, though he offered no coherent theory on how she could have orchestrated it." - article

Paul Manafort offered no coherent theory on how she could have orchestrated it.

Remember kids, when living a lie, or multiple lies in Trump's case, there's no truth except you're right and everyone else is wrong.

The Trump Campaign has been based on that simple ideology since day one. No wonder why the GOP-tea understands Trump so well. He's a liar's liar.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania Trump's speech See in context

American politics is so infantile and boring.

Wrong. Trump is changing all that.

Tonight Trump gives his 'I Have a Dream' speech.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

Manafort even tried to blame Hillary Clinton for the controversy over Melania Trump lifting passages of her convention remarks from a speech that Michelle Obama delivered in 2008.

When a Campaign Manager is on hallucinogens anything is possible.

Lucifer, public hangings or lynch mobs.

More of the best of the best of the best of 'Donald J. Trump's American Freak Show! LIVE!'

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania Trump's speech See in context

"The speech required her to overcome her wariness about public speaking and the traditional role of the politician’s wife, as well as her heavily accented English, to present herself to the public as her husband’s partner, a poised mother and wife passionate about issues affecting women and children."

(Obviously Melania is in favor of Trump putting women in jail for having abortions.)

All anyone will remember is how nice Trump's daughter looked and wonder why her accent was so strong. Aren't the Trumps Americans? Where's Trump's Birth Certificate and Tax Returns?

The Real Loser? "“I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama,” McIver said. “No harm was meant.”

A direct lift from First Lady Obama's speech and the Campaign thought they would use it to have another fraud on innocent Americans.

There's lazy and then there's stupid. Americans will get both with Donald J. Trump.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Melania Trump ignites GOP convention after gloom, turmoil See in context

By all reports Melania didn't want any of this.

Not only was she absent from the VP announcement she bailed on Cleveland skipping Trump's Papal Arrival by chopper at Cleveland today.

A wealthy privileged person isn't going to waste their time with 'those people'. Americans.

It is very hard for someone as attractive as Melania to have any real freedom.

A Campaign for Trump's Dictatorship will only show the fractured reality of Trump's actual life.

What was surreal was the shot of Trump appearing 'Wizard of OZ' above the RNC Delegates blathering his omnipotence, again.

How sick it all is. Melania will have a break down and spend the next four months on an "International Tour". Keeping her out of the spot light is now job one at Trump Central Command.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

“They don’t understand why justice wasn’t done,” Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort said. “Frankly, that plays right into the narrative of why things need to change in Washington, because there’s special justice for some and it’s not equal justice.”

Mr. Manafort needn't worry.

Trump trial for fraud begins August.

Americans will see justice done and Trump will cast his vote from jail.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania Trump's speech See in context

"For Mrs. Trump, 46, a Slovenian-born former model who is Donald Trump’s third wife and 24 years his junior, the controversy marred a moment in the spotlight that had been months in the making."

Will Trump deport her? Any political speech writer would know not to steal others work and present it as her own. Trump's staff sure has a lot of holes in it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Liar. Lock her up. Shoot her. GOP denounces Clinton See in context

"Liar. Lock her up. References to Lucifer. Shoot her for treason."

Come On! Melania has already thrown her speech writer under the bus. Call off the dogs.

The level of dementia Trump has inspired is the only unifying factor in the GOP-tea.

They're all crazy together so they don't seem crazy to each other.

Have no doubt, threats of physical violence of promoting violence is a dangerous ploy. The Trump Campaign is being investigated by the Secret Service as a Trump staff member is tied to threats against Secretary Clinton.

Since Trump's Campaign of hate began, violence has united its fans. Now they turn their irrational fears on the Democrats and, even at the level of Delegates at the RNC, one from West Virginia have called for a public hanging.

These Republicans Trump just made his btc, are a mixed bag of the unstable and ignorant who are always at the heart of every public danger. This is the band of reckless deviants who want to rule from Trump's Towering Inferno of Ego.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump nominated as Republican presidential candidate See in context

If some thought the potential for danger has subsided from Trump's rabid fans the danger has only begun.

A trend towards unstable and mentally disturbed proclamations are coming from 'Trump Land'.

The RNC Delegate from West Virginia provides an excellent example of how dangerous the mentally unbalanced can be once inspired by dictatorial styled mind control.

A real danger, read on . . .

"Folk, a United Airlines pilot and a Republican member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, caused controversy with a tweet calling for Clinton to be publicly executed."

"On July 16, Folk wrote that Clinton "should be tried for treason, murder, and crimes against the US Constitution... then hung on the Mall in Washington, DC."

"His tweet, which has since been deleted, prompted United Airlines to suspend and investigate him. United Continental Holding Inc. tweeted Sunday that the company is "appalled by his threatening comments" and wrote that his tweet is not representative of it."

source: 'From Spankings to Executions, Violent Rhetoric Against Clinton Escalates'

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Melania Trump ignites GOP convention after gloom, turmoil See in context

Meredith McIver has claimed responsibility for inserting passages in Melania Trump's speech that resembled parts of a Michelle Obama 2008 speech.

Thank goodness.

Melania can go back to being a fake wife of the fraud Trump University founder and forget her plagerized speech about how much she loves her husband.

Pathic. This 'Trump Family Fraud Show' shouldn't be renewed for another season.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Melania Trump ignites GOP convention after gloom, turmoil See in context

Donald Trump Jr. is pathetic.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

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