Japan Today

KeikoTokyo comments

Posted in: Conservationists, Australian gov't not satisfied with Japan's whaling suspension See in context

arrestpaul, & need I remind you of your calls on other posts saying;" torpedo, ram, & sink the Eco-terrorist hippies"! Is that not violent tactics towards SSCS YOU were calling for? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

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Posted in: Conservationists, Australian gov't not satisfied with Japan's whaling suspension See in context

arrestpaul, by actively seeking out & setting out to destroy vessels, helicopters, & peoples lives while they are no where even close to the whaling fleet, is that what you call defense? Sorry but the rest of the world see that as aggression. Just as ramming GP vessels long before SSCS entered Antarctic waters, now that is aggression, intimidation, & violence, but I guess it did not work for J-whalers...

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Posted in: Conservationists, Australian gov't not satisfied with Japan's whaling suspension See in context

Arrestpaul, you are right, the J-whalers should have sought sanctuary in Chile's waters, had the NM impounded, Capt & crew given sanctuary in a Chilian jail & prosecuted for violations of having a vessel carrying whale meat, better than facing SSCS right?

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Posted in: Russia's Medvedev says he's sending weapons to disputed isles See in context

& now with America looking like it may pull military forces out of Japan looks like Japan is all on its own to deal with this! No more BIG brother to protect us! Time to heal some bad diplomatic choices & stand on our own 2 feet!!!

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

Oh, & going agaist & ignoring quotas imposed by the IWC prior to the introduction of the "global moratorium", a moratorium the rest of the world has abided by bar 3 countries. Or how Japan has organised another pro-whaling group in an attempt to over ride the IWC,(not even Norway or Iceland have been so brazen or arrogant), is this all the "good faith" you are talking about?

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

Showing "good faith" to the IWC would be abiding to motions that have been passed by the committee, several times. "Good faith" would be not hunting in an IWC designated sanctuary. "Good faith" would be not bribing 3rd world nations for their votes & corrupting an international organisation for our own purpose. Is this all the "good faith" you speak of when you talk of Japan & that they have shown the IWC?

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

mikehuntez;"The IWC Keiko would ensure that whaling countries would share the quota in a manageable way"

This was tried prior to the moratorium, & the very reason the moratorium was bought in because Japan & others REFUSED to abide by the quota numbers & hunted with reckless abandon. & as was shown/proven in the WikiLeaks documents Japan was in no way going to stay at low sustainable numbers, but had every intention of raising the numbers once the moratorium was lifted.

As for "good faith" & Japan providing data to the IWC, the IWC has several times passed motions requesting Japan to stop its "research" program as it was of no use or benefit & the main source of division within the IWC. Now if Japan was so interested in acting in "good faith" & accordence with the IWC then JARPA2 would no longer be being continued, would it not?

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

mikehuntez;"When their numbers drop then we do another moratorium and take it easy for their recovery like they have now. I have no problem if Japan wants to take less than 1% of the population"

That is the problem, Japan currently ignores the moratorium & hunts under the guise of research. Even before the moratorium was in place & the IWC issued catch quota's Japan ignored them, that is why the moratorium had to be bought in in the first place. & as for simply do another moratorium do you think that is as simple as clicking your fingers & it is done?

Whale numbers have been slowly recovering but are still not at a level to allow commercial hunting of them, this has been proven many times over, & by using non-lethal research. As for,if Japan wants to take 1% of the numbers, then surely to be fair other countries must be allowed to do the same, not just 1 country, so then you have 88% of the population being taken if just countries in the IWC are allowed this 1%, but then other countries would also figure they should get their share & you have the population decimated again & made extinct.

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

arrestpaul;"Yes, when the whalers are attacked by the eco-terrorists, they have a right to defend themselves."

First off the Japanese actively track down SSCS & attack them prior to them being anywhere near a whaling vessel.

"If you have to lie to make your case - you don't have a case."

Very good point, & Japan lies using "scientific research" BS so it can commercially hunt whales in a designated sanctuary, & the world see's this as a lie & ids why it causes Japan so much embaressment, & as you stated they,"don't have a case"

Ossan;"stripped them of their valuable blubber (flensing) and throwing the rest overboard in what must be one of humanity's most horrible acts of waste of animal life and natural resources."

You should take a close look at what Japan does in the Antarctic then dumping over 70% of the dead whale overboard, in breach of Antarctic treaties, & as you say a "most horrible act of waste of animal life & natural reasource."

As for your comments of a great "tradition", since when was going to the Antarctic to hunt whales a great Japanese tradition?

"As foreigners neither you nor I have any authority to tell any people in other countries what they can eat or not eat"

Less than 1% of Japanese population eats whale, is this the great tradition you are talking of, & a huge waste of taxpayers yen to fund it?

"YES Australians brought the entire world hale population to the brink of extinction"

Very interesting Ossan, & just where did you get that fact?

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

Ossan;"The Anti-Whaling nations United States and New Zealand supported the compromise."

I think you need to get your facts straight there again, NZ supported a plan to reduce numbers, stop hunting in Antarctic territories, & a phase out of whaling in 10yrs, as did Aus, Japan refused this outright as shown in the WikiLeaks documents,"a no-starter" as Japanese officials called it.

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

Oh & the "deal" you speak of when you read the Wikileaks papers you see American officials stating take the reduction for the short term, but in the long term they would increase numbers, which is not how Japan was selling it to the rest of the world, once again more lying & corruption to get what it wants, just like a little child throwing a tantrum, & I guess that is why & how the deal failed & was blocked by Sth American, & European nations, not just Australia, because they saw it for what it was, another lie & bluff.

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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context

davidattokyo;"waters where Japan is conducting it's ICRW compliant research activities for the benefit of the goals stated in the ICRW."

There has been 2 resolutions past through the IWC stating Japans should stop hunting whales under the guise of "research" as it has no viable use, & that better research can be done using non-lethal methods. Just as Aus, NZ, & a host of other nations has joined forces to do, & a group that Japan was invited to be a part of but refused because it was non-lethal.

Ossan;"In June Japan had agreed to the IWC proposal that would elimate research whaling, resume limited commercial whaling with numbers reduction and IWC onboard monitoring. But Australia squashed that possibility."

Once again with this tired old line, so you can understand the actual figures, there would have been NO reduction in numbers of actual whales killed, the number of actual whales killed would have gone up. The "reduction" in numbers would have been from Japans self imposed quotas, which it fails to reach anyway due to SSCS. That is why the "deal" failed because it was not in the interest of conserving whale stocks, or about reducing actual numbers of whales killed. Secondly it would have simply changed the name from "research" whaling, to "commercial" whaling. If Japans hunts are purely about "research" & so important, & in the interest of the environment then why would it be so happy to give it up for "commercial" whaling?

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Posted in: U.S., Japan discussed action against anti-whalers: WikiLeaks See in context

Once again japan has been caught out trying underhanded backroom deals, just as bribing 3rd world nations for their votes in the IWC. Is funny that the Japanese Fishing minister was doing the negotiations when it is supposedly "research". If it truely was research & not commercial whaling then would not a "scientific" minister be involved? & when you read the papers you can see why the deal failed as it was not an cut in 'actual' whales taken, but a cut in Japans self imposed quotas, which is more whales than we kill annually now, so would NOT have been an act of conservation as some have tried saying.

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Posted in: Anti-China protests held in Tokyo See in context

Yet no report on the global protests that took place outside Japanese Embassies everywhere on Friday?

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Posted in: Japan, China agree to make efforts to improve bilateral See in context

Funny how the article fails to mention the anti-Chinese rallies in Japan, flares thrown at Chinese Embassies, Japanese arrested carrying knives around Chinese Embassies, or how Japanese politician continue to berate & belittle the Chinese in the media! Very one sided, but then again it is JT I guess...

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Posted in: Gunmen attack Japanese consular car in Pakistan See in context

Gee that is soooo strange just after Japan annouces a nuclear deal with India, Pakistan's nuclear enemy! Coincidence? I think not.

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Posted in: Threats keep dolphin protest out of Taiji See in context

Doesn't seem to be keeping all protestors away;


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Posted in: Threats keep dolphin protest out of Taiji See in context

Gurukun;"I still don't see where outsiders have the right to dictate what they do in Taiji."

Then what right does the Japanese government have to impose sanctions on other countries because it does not like what they do? Is that not interfering or trying to dictate to other countries?

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Posted in: Threats keep dolphin protest out of Taiji See in context

Gurukun;"I don't know about you, as much as I love dolphins, I would be weary about getting into the water with a 'wild' one. They have been known to kill people as well."

Please provide even one example of this, but you cannot because there is no such example, but on the other hand the number of reports of dolphins rescuing & assisting mariners in shipwrecks, or at sea is countless, as are stories of dolphins warding off sharks around swimmer/surfers.

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Posted in: Threats keep dolphin protest out of Taiji See in context

Gurukun;"Just because Taiji carries on thier tradidtions,"

Exactly when did the 'tradition' of killing mothers & babies start in Taiji? Because all I have read states this is forbidden & will bring bad luck onto the whole town,(maybe we are seeing this bad luck through all this!)

Next when did the 'tradition' of capturing dolphins to sell to marine parks start? There is no mention of this in Taiji's history or 'traditions'. So while other villages around Japan & the rest of the world have moved on & make money from tours viewing these animals free in the ocean Taiji wants to stay in the 16th century, yet also wants 21st century advances, motor powered boats to hunt in, selling to marine parks, etc, etc...

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

Zenny11, that still does not explain or give a reason why they no longer follow their beliefs & traditions on not hunting pregnant females, babies, or lactating mothers as this brings bad luck does it...

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

So exactly how long has the 'tradition' of chasing dolphins in motorised boats banging metal poles been going on? For centuries if you believe davidattokyo's propaganda! How long has the 'tradition' of slaughtering pregnant females, babies, & lactating mothers been going on? Because all I have seen & read on the subject this is exactly the opposite of the Taiji whale hunters tradition, & it brings bad luck by their own beliefs. So what 'traditions' are they defending again?

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

Zenny11;"Like there is a law in japan the prohibits you from taking a photo or film of someone and using it publicly without their permission"

Then maybe you should also tell that to the hunters who follow these people around filming them, you cannot have one rule for one group & not for the other side. Do the ICR ask permission from SSCS & Greenpeace crews to post the video shot of them from Japanese boats on the internet?

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

They claim they are doing for 'tradition', when did the 'tradition' of selling live animals to captive marine parks start? Because this is what is actually funding the hunts. At the same time it was 'tradition' to have slaves in America previously, it was 'tradition' to use Asian migrants to work in mines & manual backbreaking labor in both the US & Australia, it was 'tradition' to feed the christians to the lions in Greece, are these 'traditions' continued today just for the sake of 'tradition'? Just as European countries were hunting whales centuries before Japanese, but they have realise it is barbaric & no longer necessary, maybe it is time for Taiji residents to do the same, just as they have with their whale parade, I am sure it was not a motorised whale used centuries ago...

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

kyoken;"Most customers are white smug bourgeoisie people who claim to protect the earth and want to show the marine world to their little ones in these "Seaworlds" all around the world."

Japan has more "SeaWorlds" than any other nation, 36, the US has 32, & no longer allows the capture of dolphins for shows, nor the import of them.

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Posted in: Taiji mayor defends dolphin hunts See in context

“We will pass down the history of our ancestors to the next generation, preserve it. We have a strong sense of pride about this,” Mayor Kazutaka Sangen told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview.

Then what about the tradition that it is bad luck to kill, pregnant females, calves or lactating mothers? This was a HUGE part of the traditon, yet today they do not follow these same traditions & then use 'tradition' as the argument to continue it!

"The fishermen who try to block the film crew are presented as rough goons."

Here is footage of these same men physically assulting someone who not doing anything wrong;


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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context

Ossan"It approached the >AG with water canons to force the AG to move away (further from the whaking fleet)."

Just for a start, so therefore turned to approach the Ady Gil.

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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context

Ossan;"Nonsense. No video shows the position of the whaing fleet"

By your own statement the fleet had passed the AG, therefore chasing from behind would drive them to the fleet, NOT away.

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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context

Oh & Heda once again if a vessel is approaching another from the port quarter it is the responsability of the master of the overtaking vessel to communicate the position & intentions of the vessel to the stand to vessel,(vessel with right of way, Ady Gil), further more it is then the responsability of the master of the vessel of the overtaking vessel to keep to course, & pass at a safe distance. Are you now saying the master of the Shonan Maru 2 gave these co-ordinates but then changed course, or are you saying crazy Komura ignored all maritime laws & deliberately rammed & sank the Ady Gil?

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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context

Heda Madness;"The official word from the ICR was that the AG was at a standstill."

But I thought the AG raced in front of, then slowed in collision course with the SM2? The ICR video states the AG was moving in front of the SM2, as documented in the video they released, then pulled from YouTube, stating cavitation behind the AG? Well this is the report the ICR has been promoting? While as Ossan states the master of the SM2,(as stated by the ICR), held a parallel course with the AG, therefore if the AG accelerated at the last minute their courses would have been parallel & accelerated beside it & NOT collided???

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