Posted in: War fears See in context
Good morning from the USA :)! It as been said that, "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it..." The Japanese are not only poor students of history, but have self-imposed amnesia when it comes to their documented atrocities during and before WWII. If they want to poke the dragon with a sick, the dragon(China) will burst through it's cage like a Japanese rice paper wall and savagely end what we started on August 6, 1945. The Japanese need to check themselves and apologize to China! The land of the rising sun needs to realize that there is one country who still has not signed the peace treaty in San Francisco to end WWII. In case they have forgotten, that country is huge, powerful and rich, wait for it...China. Japan, stop this fascination with death and truly embrace honor and humility and have the courage to live and live in peace with all your neighbors. Therein lies true honor.
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Posted in: U.S. beats Japan 5-2 to win Women's World Cup See in context
Greetings from Keith in Maine, USA :), I am so proud and happy for our soccer team and our nation; USA . Wow! What a wonderful belated birthday present for all Americans. I am retired Navy and loved every minute of serving and traveling all over this awesome country of ours. This was the perfect fourth of July weekend. Thank you U.S. ladies and thank you U.S. soccer association, job well done, outstanding! My congratulations to team Japan and the entire nation of Japan. I guess in life, a little luck is needed, and the header from England was a bitter sweet gift to Japan. Bittersweet, in that, Japan knew how this story would end and what was coming down track so to speak. Their luck ran out in a 5-2 pounding and they had to "endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable...". The coach of Japan should be a better student of history and watch his comments. I have wonderful friends who are Japanese living and working in the U.S. along with amazing American born Japanese-Americans. I wish both nations continued friendship unconditional openness and honesty. Lets do this again in four years and in 2016, if you qualify ;). Don't worry, we'll be waiting :).
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”Sexual services worker”, well that’s a new one.
Posted in: American tourist arrested in Japan on charges of pushing sexual services worker down stairs
Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference
Posted in: TikTok returns to Apple and Google app stores in U.S.