Japan Today

Ken comments

Posted in: G7 finance leaders vow to contain inflation, strengthen supply chains but avoid mention of China See in context

This group is no longer relevant.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Panel proposes Japan scrap long-criticized foreign trainee program See in context

Biggest problem is salaries in Japan are crap.

Iam currently outside Japan in a developing country for business and living standards are way above Japan.When the local colleagues here invite me to go out with them,I give them excuses because I don't have enough disposable income.The pay I get from my Japanese company is just enough for cheap packed food.The locals here assume Japan is a high wage country because of the image portrayed but when I go out with them I'm embarrassed because I can't afford.They end up treating me out.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. agree to work toward successful G7 Hiroshima summit See in context

Seems like there's nothing else to write about apart from G7 headlines and photo ops.I bet the writer follows them around,get's free snacks on the sides and doesn't have to go hassling and digging for real news.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to launch new visa track for skilled foreigners See in context

You get a beginner's salary when you come to Japan irrespective of your qualifications.Around 250,000 yen.Work for many yrs before a raise.

No Thankyou.

-1 ( +17 / -18 )

Posted in: 97-year-old man gets suspended sentence for dangerous driving resulting in death, injury See in context

97 year old driver!!??Almost a century.Wow.

With or without dimentia,how does someone at that age allowed to renew a license?

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Posted in: Video of Sri Lankan who died in detention in Japan shown to public See in context

Japanese hate to be criticized by foreigners even if it is for the good of the society. Anyone criticizing Japan is an enemy who should be deported immediately.I've been here for many years and witnessed situations where foreigners who've lived and worked here for decades try to correct Japanese people or try to point out some obvious wrongs in society only to be met by ここは日本です。国へ帰れ。This is Japan,go back to your country.

-1 ( +29 / -30 )

Posted in: Last students graduate: School closures spread in aging Japan See in context

One of my gaijin friends moved to the countryside and tried settling there,he tried farming etc but after a while he gave up as there was no market nearby for his produce and transport to the nearest town was not economically viable.

He got frustrated and a local old man who had become his only friend adviced him to leave the village because there was no future for a younger person there.He finally packed and left.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Woman arrested after stabbing mother’s hand with scissors See in context

This kind of incident is very prevalent in Japan.Spoon feeding till old age is a problem.A 27 year old should not be living at her parents.I had a Japanese friend who was in her 30's living with her parents,I challengenged her to move and get her own apartment,she moved but after just 6 months she ran back to her parents.When I asked her why,she told me" 一人暮らしはきつい。"Living alone is difficult". I'm a gaijin in Japan and have been living alone evdr since I came here as a student,I pay everything without relying on anyone or hoping from anyone,yet when we go out,she expects me to treat her out. Japanese are simply spoilt.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: Major Japanese firms offer biggest pay hikes in decades See in context

Only seishain will get the hike.Arubaito,Haken Shain,Keiyaku shain et al get nothing and that's where majority fall.Ask your agency.

9 ( +20 / -11 )

Posted in: Japan's 1st piloted flying taxi test held ahead of 2025 World Expo See in context

How much is the ride?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Travel industry counting on cherry blossoms to lure foreign tourists See in context

Last week I just flew in from transit in Qatar and into Narita,the moment we boarded the onward flight coming to Japan,masks magically appeared and all Japanese passengers all had masks.Other travelers had no masks and it was a really uncomfortable situation because it's like being told indirectly that you have to mask up.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan set to release treated water off Fukushima this spring or summer See in context

Since they claim the water is safe,why not dump it in Japan where no other country will complain.Or just use it for irrigation in Japan or drink it.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Posted in: More Indonesians in Japan's foreign trainee program due to weak yen See in context

Salaries range between 1,000 per hr to 1,300 per hr.and if one does Zangyo or nightshift,plus 25%

Working conditions are usually horrible,sweating the heck out in a factory line screaming at and cursing each other and hell breaks loose when you go to the toilet before the short 5 minute break.

Imagine if you have diarrhea or constipation.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: French man desperate to find clues on missing sister in Japan See in context

Some years back there was a similar case of Lucy Blackman.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan births at new low as population shrinks and ages See in context

GDP has completely nothing to do with the standard of living.You might have the third biggest economy but the standard of living for over 70% of the populace is third world standard.

If you travel overseas to most countries and actually get to live there you'll clearly see the disparities.Japanese people have been so much brainwashed by their gvt that keeps throwing this word GDP around.It's meaningless.Salaries for most people here are low.Then you have stupid TV programmes that are designed to further brainwash the populace that they live in a happy society where they keep on laughing on stupid TV nonsense.

I work at a Japanese company and have been here long and life for most Japanese people I work with is miserable compared to the countries that I have been to which have a much lower GDP.

GDP means nothing and should not be a measure.If you're smart enough you don't need to be told that.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Posted in: 50.1% of Japanese companies suffering from labor shortage: survey See in context

Salaries in Japan are quite low,not even in the top 20s.and when you factor in coat of commodities,life is so miserable for most people here.

My Japanese friend is now looking for a visa to go and work as a truck driver abroad.He doesn't speak English though but he's determine d to go.

0 ( +20 / -20 )

Posted in: Japan has stopped printing its current yen bills; Mt Fuji only element to be retained in new set See in context

It costs 3 yen to mint 1 yen coin.

A completely worthless coin.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: As yen tumbles, gadget-loving Japan goes for secondhand iPhones See in context

I have an old phone that has what I need.

I can never waste my hard earned money every two years on something that will be out in another two years.Plain stupid.

I went to a recycke shop recently and found lot of Japanese people scavenging for everything from used clothes to household stuff.They pretend not to be shopping when they see gaijin but truth be told,many gaijin live way better lives than Japanese.But because this is Japanese country,the locals have a easier access to eg cheap housing,family and friends connection,jobs and no problem with documentation and language.Life here is low quality and very difficult to save.South East Asians who used to value Japan are no longer interested in coming here and the ones already here are looking for exit.

-14 ( +12 / -26 )

Posted in: Japanese man arrested in Indonesia for protesting against G20 summit See in context

What visas do G20, G7 etc officials have when they go for these meetings?






0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: German named CEO of medical company Olympus See in context

I hope he has 3 passports to neutral countries.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

Posted in: Micronesia denounces Japan's plan to release Fukushima water into Pacific See in context

Japan has enough land to drill on the ground and bury the water there.It is very easy and no one will complain.Why insist on dumping it into the pacific?

Or since they claim it is safe after filtering the isotopes,they can build swimming pools around Japan with the water.What's the problem?

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Posted in: 60% of people with foreign roots questioned by Japanese police: survey See in context

Asking what's the issue exactly just shows the level of discriminative attitude and mentality in your mind.

The article clearer points out the obvious and you choose to ignore.

Japanese police as well as some Japanese nationals are hypocrates so stereotypical, suffer from inferiority complex and that's why they try to show they're machoistic by targeting minorities to prove to their populace that they're doing something.

What they do not know is that their targets take note of these altercations and share with their friends overseas setting a stage for a tit for tat when Japanese nationals visit foreign countries.

2 ( +22 / -20 )

Posted in: 31-year-old woman arrested after newborn baby found in toilet See in context

I once worked as a contract employee at a large manufacturing company where there were many foreign part time and haken shain.

When it came to medical checkup,we had the checkup within the company premises and men were to go on a different day and women on a different day.I made a mistake and went on the day the women were scheduled to go.To my surprise I stumbled upon all of them undergoing pregnancy tests. Most were South East Asians from the Philippines,Vietnam etc.It was an embarrassing situation and a nurse hurriedly came and told me men were to come for medical checkup the following day.

I later learned that if the women were found to be pregnant,they would be fired.

I don't think there were any Japanese women there.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: WHO director in Asia accused of racism, abuse indefinitely put on leave See in context

So much in common with Taro.Fast forward,look at the current cases in Japan.

Pride comes before a huge THUD.

-7 ( +22 / -29 )

Posted in: Sushi chef drops knives on train, causing panic and delays See in context

I always go camping and I don't have a car.I carry my backpack and in it is my camping gear including my camping knife which is neatly sealed and always at the bottom of the bag.

I used to work for a company that sells camping gear including camping knives and that was the general rule.Make sure it's completely wrapped and not within easy reach.

22 ( +23 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan vows to work for 'more resilient' African economies See in context

Key words.UNSC,Gold in Liptako.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Kishida pledges $30 bil over next 3 years for Africa See in context

Japan wants a market for it's products and penetrate into the African consumers.

Japan needs resources which Africa

has in abundance.

Japan wants a permanent seat in the UNSC and needs votes from African countries.

Japan wants it's companies to get a foothold in Africa.

Japan wants to compete with China in Africa.

All the above plus many more.But as usual,Japan is a late comer.Chinese and Europe dominate.U.S.Corporations have also made huge inroads.Just a week before this meeting,US corporations signed contracts and agreements worth US$44 Billion in Africa.

Meanwhile Japan makes pledges and after the meeting is over,comes back to Kasumigaseki,teeth gritting,kentou suru,dou shiyouka,until the next Ticad and the pledge cycle repeats itself.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to pledge around $30 billion in African aid at conference: report See in context

The mentality here in Japan about the African continent is more than 30 years backwards.

If you want to know,just go and see for yourself.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan seeks to organize Sri Lanka creditors' meeting on debt crisis See in context

but also its diplomatic interest in checking China's growing presence in the region.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Kishida shaken as list of lawmakers linked to Unification Church grows to 20 See in context

When I first came to Japan as a student,I got a part time job where I met a Japanese lady who took me out for dinner and after she asked me to join her and her friends.She drove me to a hall which had a locked door and when the door was opened,it was full of people in suits.I was the only one without a suit and maybe the only gaijin.She introduced me and told me to sit beside her.People then started reciting and chanting and in between we would be told to raise our hands and shout "Saikou"

After all was over,she told me not to tell people at my school or part time job.I avoided her like a plague after that.She tried to corner me several times but I told her no.I think there're so many weird cults here.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

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