Posted in: 45-year-old man arrested for arson after argument with mother over breakfast See in context
Mommy and Daddy(?) should have booted both of them out of the house 20+ years ago.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Gonoi attends White House ceremony for women of courage award See in context
Why so much focus on what she wore to the event?
To me it was totally appropriate for her to wear the gi. A clear message she is a fighter and won't bow down to male dominated and mandated norms.
14 ( +15 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stalking after breaking into home of ex-girlfriend in Hokkaido See in context
Get a job, get a life.
Makes one wonder if his attraction to her was amorous or financial support.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: One dead, 2 injured in knife attack in Hokkaido convenience store See in context
You don't go into a convenience store at 6:50 am expecting to be stabbed.
Sorry, but asking for a friend, just exactly what time does one go into a convenience store expecting to be stabbed?
A heinous crime regardless of the time of day and regardless of the life circumstances of the perpetrator, he needs to be put away, permanently.
9 ( +13 / -4 )
Posted in: Detained senior police officer, accused of raping 3 women, commits suicide See in context
The officer, who was on suicide watch,
So Suicide Watch means watch the inmate commit suicide.......??
Well, that saved the local government some money, but got to wonder if he didn't do the same thing while in Okayama and how many other silent victims he had.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. Marine arrested for drunk driving in Okinawa See in context
After getting all the punishments in Japan for his crime, this drunken idiot will be deported but will face no charges in the back to normal for him.
Nope. He will also be punished by the Marine Corps and has probably ended his career. Your comment displays your lack of knowledge of military discipline and punishment. Not that it matters.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempting to set fire to his apartment in Hokkaido See in context
From sex assault to arson, everything here seems to be justifiable.
An offenders excuse offered to the cops at the time or in later interrogation, does not make the excuse "justified". It's just a lame excuse, period.
If, on the other hand, the excuse is accepted by the police or the court later, and the offender is released without punishment, it then becomes justified.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Foreign-born Miss Japan sparks debate on what it means to be Japanese See in context
So, question to the purists here. My two adult sons, who are half blooded(?), Japanese/American, the eldest born in Japan and the younger born in the US, both living, working, raising their own combined 6 kids, both owning their homes and paying taxes here in Japan since they were old enough to do so, are also NOT Japanese? Both had dual citizenship until they were 21, when both decided to forego their US citizenship. And since their kids are also not 100% pure blood Japanese, all born in Japan, are also NOT Japanese?
10 ( +13 / -3 )
Posted in: Man stabbed, robbed while walking home in Kanagawa See in context
I might be reaching here, but it seems that the assailants may have known the victim was carrying a large amount of cash. Randomly robbing someone over what the average citizen carries in their wallet or purse normally isn't something two guys on bikes would do.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: ANA Boeing 737-800 domestic flight turns back due to cockpit window crack See in context
Make America great again get yourself Made in USA products.
America First, not safety first.
Made in America? Yes, 20+ years ago.
Inspected and maintained in Japan? Yes, for at least the last several years
Why was the crack not found by ground maintenance crews before the flight? Could be that particular part is not on the preflight inspection list or it is and was skipped
Before pointing biased fingers at the manufacturer, maybe do a little homework.
Remember the Takata airbag issue a few years ago? People getting killed by a Japanese made product that's sole purpose was to save lives. Hmmm...
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder after dragging police officer along with car See in context
The cop was after Inoie for illegally parking at 3-45 in the morning?
What an officious cop!
Not sure if this was supposed to sarcastic, but to a cop on patrol finding an illegally parked car at 3:00~ in the morning could lead to the discovery of other illegal activity. And guess what? The perp was unlicensed and stupid enough to try and make a run for it.
Kudos to the officer for being alert and doing his job.
12 ( +17 / -5 )
Posted in: Meet Japan's female marines who are training for war See in context
Kudos to the women for making their place in such a demanding job.
To those commenting on why having a prepared and motivated military is necessary, it may be educational to remember that it takes both sides of a potential conflict to take part in honest political discourse. Now go take a good, hard look at how honest the 2 currently potential adversaries have been historically in their "political discourse".
13 ( +16 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. to provide Japan quake support See in context
Ah, the good ol' "I hate anything the US does here." commentary from the same voices.
OK, good enough. But if YOU were now living without shelter, running water, operational toilets in the dead of winter with the constant threat of another earthquake or landslide, I have to wonder how fast you'd be to turn down ANY assistance regardless of where it comes from.
I personally contacted the command at the local Marine Corps Air station in southwestern Japan to ask if they were going to offer official support. The answer was not at that time but it was being considered. Maybe this was what they were waiting for.
Kudos to those that will be involved in whatever assistance effort is carried out.
15 ( +19 / -4 )
Posted in: Wajima quake damage See in context
Spelling corrections:
My fear is the casualty count is going to grow exponentially once recovery crews can get in there to find........
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Wajima quake damage See in context
This a several blocks area that was completely devastated by fires caused by the major quake.
My fear is the casualty count is going to grow exponentially once recovery crew can get in their to find and recover the bodies of victims that would not or could not escape, not mention the likely many, many rural areas in the mountains that have yet to be reached by rescue teams.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested after hitting police officer with hammer in Shiga Prefecture See in context
A guy stopped at 5 a.m. tries to run and then pulls a hammer from his coat to beat the cop.
Yeah, nothing suspicious there.
But let's all jump on the "Cops are Bad" bandwagon.
Had the cop not stopped him and he had committed a smash and grab or assaulted someone 15 minutes later, there would be the same folk on here asking why the cops weren't around.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Man gets 20 years for policeman's 1971 murder after 45 years on run See in context
Today 09:26 am JST
So the answer is anarchy?
Because that's what violent protests against established government is, nothing more, nothing less. If the protesters wanted real change, the only right way to make that happen is to take part in legal, nonviolent involvement in democracy. Ie: vote.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for killing sleeping husband by beating his head with vases See in context
She was quoted as saying she got fed up with her husband always trying to take care of her.
Well, that's a new one, for me anyway. Usually it's the opposite.
Also, why was the "male acquaintance" the one who called the cops? Makes one wonder how "acquainted" were they and was his call more a preventative measure for self preservation? Hmmm.....
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: SDF member arrested over murder of 82-year-old man in Kyoto See in context
Soldiers are trained to kill. He just does what he does for a living. Give him some sympathy
Another uninformed comment from someone who knows 0 about the military.
Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are NOT trained to kill indiscriminately, and 99.9% have higher morals and respect for life than many civilians.
This scumbag deserves what is coming to him and it would do well to remember that the military is merely a reflection of the society they come from.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Former child welfare facility worker arrested for molesting girl, posting video on SNS See in context
For those decrying the Japanese police interrogation techniques here, did you miss the part where he posted a video of himself performing the act on SM?
It wasn't going to take much of an interrogation to get him to confess since the cops had a selfie video of him doing it. Not to mention the other 10 videos on his phone of similar deviant crimes perpetuated by this pervert.
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Thousands of tons of dead sardines, mackerel wash ashore in northern Japan See in context
The JTUC (Jump To Unsubstantiated Conclusions) cult is strong here.......
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Thousands of tons of dead sardines, mackerel wash ashore in northern Japan See in context
Today 07:02 am JST
Radiation sickness
Based on what evidence?
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Teacher to plead guilty over drowning deaths of Japanese teens in Australia See in context
How do you drown in a lake ?
Really? People drown in lakes all the time. It is possible to drown in far less water than a lake would hold.
I'm not sure how the teacher exactly contributed to this.
The teacher apparently failed in his responsibility to monitor his students to prevent them from being in the situation that caused their deaths.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Search efforts continue after U.S. Osprey crashes into sea; one death confirmed See in context
So many aviation engineering experts commenting here........
Have any of these "experts" who are decrying the operational abilities of this aircraft type ever actually worked on aircraft of any type?
I have. 22 years on active duty, 16 years in military aviation, 8 different types.
Maybe reserve your criticism to topics you actually know about.
And how about a little compassion for those still missing, likely dead, and their families, friends and colleagues.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stabbing woman outside apartment in Tokushima Prefecture See in context
Police said Yamashita has admitted stabbing Fujikawa but denied intent to kill.
Really? Stabbing someone in the neck, even with what sounds like a small bladed knife, certainly could easily result in the victim bleeding out quickly, ie death.
Hopefully the victim recovers physically, but it will take far longer to recover mentally and emotionally.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: House of Representatives staff member arrested for shoplifting See in context
Likely not the first time for this guy.
Also no "I was hungry and didn't have any money." excuse for this one.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Common-law couple plead not guilty over death of 2-year-old girl See in context
Another innocent angel murdered by pure selfish motives. Imagine the trauma her older brother also suffered finding his little sister dying. I would not be surprised to learn all the children lived in some amount of constant terror from birth.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for spitting on woman on Osaka street See in context
According to the warrant, the man, whose name hasn’t been released,
And just why hasn't his name been released? Nor his age? If he's under age, the report would likely say so. Ripe for speculation.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Police investigate report of someone spreading white powder on street in Hyogo See in context
Google Hash House Harriers.
It's a type of running club that uses flour and chalk to mark a running trail.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Malaysia arrests 7 Japanese men suspected of phone scam operation See in context
Today 07:40 am JST
More than likely these 7 will be extradited back to Japan before they face the type of corporal punishment, especially since the Malaysian police were tipped off by the Japanese Embassy.
I'm not saying the Malay and Singaporean criminal justice system isn't draconian, but that's an internal issue having little to do with this report.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Ishiba curries favor with Trump on economic front
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire
Posted in: 4 Japanese detained in Thailand over alleged role in scam operation
Who? Add it to the list of things you don’t know.
Posted in: Trump says he wants to negotiate about Ukraine. It's not clear if Putin really does