Posted in: Japan eyes 35% quota for women political candidates by 2025 See in context
Oh dear, it's happened.
North American political mentality has finally reared its ugly head here.
The problem with quotas is that you end up prioritising on what people are and not how competent they are.
This farce is just another case of replacing one problem with another.
If people are so desperate to have more women in government, the culture as a whole has got to change.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Defense Ministry seeks record ¥5.49 tril budget See in context
His incompetence with the economy is why he's so stingy.
The only reason he wants **allies to increase their defence budgets is because he knows that countries like Japan will likely buy more unreliable and incredibly expensive US tech and therefore claim some sort of victory.**
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Defense Ministry seeks record ¥5.49 tril budget See in context
Trump dislikes war because it's a waste of money and lives.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Foreigners to blame for livestock theft, according to Japanese media See in context
Well there we have it.
While Western media are afraid of calling out foreigners, the Japanese ones on the other hand are all too eager to do so...
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Man pleads not guilty to fatally abusing girlfriend’s 2-year-old daughter See in context
They should both be looked up until they die.
While we're at it, the copper and child welfare official should be prosecuted for utter stupidity and incompetence.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korea abductees' families urge Suga for help; North says issue resolved See in context
So many heartless comments...
I'm sure they'd feel very differently if it were **their relatives who got kidnapped.**
I expected a bit of sympathy for the victims' families here but looks like it's in short supply.
Japan doesn't have much of a bargaining chip to start with. NK won't listen to anything unless you hurt them in some way.
Economic sanctions seem to be the only solution.
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: 5-year-old boy in critical condition after being hit by car on crossing; driver arrested See in context
According to police, a 19-year-old man driving the car has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving resulting in injury, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police said the suspect, who cannot be named because he is a minor, has admitted going through a red light and hitting the boy as he and his mother crossed the street.
A 19 yo boy then. Should name culprits.
Law needs revising...
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempting to sexually assault woman walking home See in context
At least he didn't get away with it.
Must carry pepper spray.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan coast guard has brush with Taiwanese fishing boat off Senkakus See in context
This is exactly the kind of thing China wants.
Hope neither side falls for it.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't sued over disclosure of Abenomask unit price, order numbers See in context
Redacting should be made anti-constitutional regardless of the reason anyway.
I'm crossing my fingers he succeeds.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese actress Yuko Takeuchi, 40, found dead at home in apparent suicide See in context
I can't believe no one around her noticed anything.
Plus the fact that she apparently didn't leave a note.
The postmortem might clear some of this up.
Very suspicious.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: China's foreign minister may visit Japan as early as October See in context
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi may visit Japan as early as October, a government source said on Sunday, after the leaders of the two countries agreed to pursue high-level contacts to promote regional and international stability.
What a joke! China's the main reason why we don't have regional stability.
If ever this Wang turns up, make sure to mention Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Uighurs will you?
While we're at it, how covid got out.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Worried by pandemic, unmarried Japanese couples want legal protection See in context
Not to mention not having to change surnames on most documents would save a lot of administration costs.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: The reason why Japanese students don’t pronounce English properly See in context
Reason 1: Education system designed to make students pass tests. And not just in English.
Reason 2: Teachers who aren't bothered about making students pronounce English perfectly.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Bicycle traffic violations hit record high as cycling booms amid pandemic See in context
Not at all surprising.
I've often had to dodge cyclists while I was walking on the pavement, particularly mums riding with 2 toddlers.
What's confusing is that there are markings for cyclists on both roads and pavements in the same street!
While I understand cyclists not wanting to go on the road, the council should at least make the pavements wider.
As for the ones who got killed ignoring lights, it's people who got dragged into their recklessness I feel sorry for...
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan reveals 3 sea-based alternatives for scrapped Aegis Ashore plan See in context
It's amazing how politics get in the way of security.
Instead of constantly buying from the US, we should make our own, cheaper, more efficient and reliable defences.
US military tech is like Apple these days...
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan ready to become permanent U.N. Security Council member: Motegi See in context
Why bother.
Russia and China would never allow Japan a seat.
Besides, Japan would probably have to cough up more.
Best let others waste their resources.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese sex business operator sues state over virus cash handout snub See in context
It's actually very simple.
If the government wants business to cooperate, the government should cooperate in return.
The pachinko parlours that refused to close during the pandemic are the ones who shouldn't receive anything. They should be fined instead.
11 ( +13 / -2 )
Posted in: Teacher arrested for stealing bag containing ¥1 mil from man in convenience store See in context
Hope the owner learnt from his stupidity.
I've heard of people carrying maybe 300 000 in cash, but 1 000 000?
Sounds very dodgy...
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Don't pursue strike capability or NATO-like Asia, scholars tell Suga See in context
Create an Asian NATO? Why? So that the US can moan about members not paying their "fair share"?
Most people in Japan are NOT interested in waging endless, meaningless foreign wars.
Build up Japan's defenses, but don't touch article 9.
These "scholars" seem to be suggesting Japan remain weak and appease China. Yeah, Chamberlain tried that.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Suga hopes for 'forward-looking' ties in letter to S Korea's Moon See in context
Nothing will change until SK stops abrogating agreements it makes with Japan.
10 ( +12 / -2 )
Posted in: China must back off, says Taiwan See in context
China's not showing it that much but the CCP's getting desperate.
With average salaries going up and factories leaving, the economy is slowing down.
And if it slows down too much it'll cause unemployment to rise and people will start criticising the government. They can't afford any hint of an uprising...
They're just using the old tactic of blaming other countries.
China has broken apart and joined up so many times.
The question is, when will it implode next time...?
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan to seek record defense budget under Suga See in context
Instead of throwing money at the US and playing catch up all the time, which is what successive administrations usually do, how about being efficient and leapfrogging China and NK by developing more advanced defensive technologies?
If Suga's so eager to spend, he should start with pension and health.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Taiwan president says she has no plan to talk to Suga See in context
China's foreign ministry said late on Saturday that Japan had told them such a thing "will never happen", after Beijing sought clarification from Tokyo.
I hope Japan never said that.
Suga and Tsai should talk, especially now that SK can't be depended on.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: 77-year-old man arrested for attempted murder of common-law wife See in context
Police said Shinkai was drunk when they arrived and quoted him as saying he can’t remember anything that happened.
I'm sure he can't...
Probably his only way out.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe tweets that he has visited Yasukuni Shrine See in context
How pathetic. A desperate attempt to not be forgotten...
9 ( +11 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese lawmakers call for military drills with U.S. around disputed isles See in context
Even if Japan was allowed to have nukes, the majority of people would be against it. Not to mention how expensive they would be.
The constitution doesn't need to be changed in order for the Japanese navy to do its job.
It doesn't matter how important the Senkakus are. Ceding territory to another country, especially an aggressive one like China, would just be asking for trouble.
11 ( +13 / -2 )
Posted in: As sports embraces activism, what should Tokyo Olympics permit? See in context
It would be naïve to think sporting events aren't already political. The fact that nations compete against each other and anthems are played proves it.
Having said that, most people watch sports to enjoy the games and support whoever and not to have politics shoved in their faces.
Ōsaka should not have been allowed to do that.
She is being paid to play, not be political.
If sporting events allow things like this to happen, then they'll have to allow any political point of view.
Somehow, I doubt they would ever let a tennis player to wear a MAGA hat...
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: South Korean sex slave campaigner charged with embezzlement See in context
Don't worry. They'll still find some way of blaming Japan.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Abductees' kin urge new gov't to make progress with N Korea on issue See in context
I feel sorry for the victims of all this, but I don't see how they could possibly be returned seeing as Un is even less reasonable than his dad, not to mention him being controlled by his sister and Abe having promised but never delivered.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump and Musk's dismantling of government is shaking foundations of US democracy
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
This will be a new disaster. Will trump want a part of Japan for security reason and build a trump…
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO