Posted in: Apple tablet could stir up video game business See in context
What a terribly written article with poor/ill defined comparisons (game graphic quality, price etc) All are totally meaningless and irrelevant to the type of people who will buy this itablet.....cost? graphics who cares! Its a consumer religious article for job's sake!
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Posted in: Sony delays release of motion controller to fall See in context
jason6> fanboys are a form of otaku. Be ashamed.
Damien15>yeah right! thats why Sony needs to copy and put out a family friendly motion controller? You think Sony will be releasing hard core games for its new motion controller or will it be mostly party games like the Wii? Dream on!
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
proxy> interesting but is there any evidence that Japanese children do not get enough sleep in their early formative years? I very much doubt that your theory is applicable to the large numbers of Japanese men that is currently in sexual malaise.
Also, I never had 9 hrs sleep during my teens and none of your points apply to me.
Thx for an alternative view on the subject.
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Posted in: Hawaiian eye: Brenda keeps cool fashions coming See in context
She is one smart cookie! Well done!
“I knew that if I stayed in Japan, I would have prioritized my work first and my personal life second.
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
My comments reflect my opinion that your naive logic for some men to not have sex is that used by many Japanese men and is part of the reason for Japan's low birthrate. Please re-read my previous posts where I always link to the article. Read Drtoro's post on why a lack of progress is bad for the world and thus why this article has been written and why governments around the world are attempting to assist in their nation's sex life.
The last thing I will add is that evolution will weed out the weak...
Some men lack the progress for sex. So what? Is this end of the world? There are many reasons as I posted before. Physical strength, physical disability, Stress, culture, Social and economic factor, living atmosphere, custom, belief, confidence, preference, taste and interest. Some men made good progress. So what?
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
zenpun> I meant I was sorry for the tone of my original comment, NOT its message which still stands. As for harsh personality...maybe so..or maybe its just your naivety that makes it seem harsh.
As you can see from the responses to your post, your comments are just too black/white. Its like the world of sex/love between men and women comes down to 2 separate groups...the pure/decent/thoughtful men (which I assume includes you) and the other nasty/evil sex mad men who care nothing for others. Who are you kidding? Please understand that you are just dreaming a scenario where you can excuse your lack of progress in this area, which brings me back to my original point of why Japanese men are having less sex.
Having children in itself is not enough to keep society going as you need good upbringing to ensure that these children grow up better people, which is dependent on good parents and their relationship. Can't you see that your separation of relationships/love/sex/off-spring is just utter nonsense? If life was that easy to segregate then we would be a much happier race.
As for your "cloned with embryonic stem cells" ever heard of darwin?
As for the human race staying on this planet till the end..FAIL
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
Zenpun> Sorry to sound harsh in my first post, but I stand by my statement that it is attitude such as yours that many Japanese men suffer. It has nothing to do with porn and more to do with men being uneducated about sex and to replace such inadequacy in society, these men downplay sex as part of a loving relationship and illogically places negative stigma to men who do like sex (with 1 or many partners). Please stop blaming (the rich men/nasty girls) others and start doing something about enjoying your life....yes life is cruel, we all suffer but it is upto you to do something about it.
Besides that not having sex is not the life threatening problem. You never heard about the positive health aspects of sex? ( how about keeping the human race going by having kids? (yes I am talking on a long timeline but this is a REAL threat to human society)
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
This sounds like the comments of a typical mainland man? I guess you wear glasses too small for your head, side parting and considered a "nice guy" by the women.....stop hiding behind the stereotypical oriental facade and show yourself and live it. I was once like you...
For westerners sex is just a normal activity like sports. Sex can be bought with an expensive dinner or gifts. For true oriental men, it is not desirable. Some will feel like trading without soul. We can not judge all Japanese men as one stereo type.
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
The Japanese learn so little and so late about sex that by the time they finally meet their partners, they are already deeply rooted in their adult stereotype of salaryman/housewife. Both these "roles" are so intense (long working hrs/stress/little positive feedback/support etc.) that having a sex life seems like just another "task" to fit into the typical week. It would be interesting to interview those Japanese that still have some kind of sex life and query how spontaneous their sex life bet is that its planned days in advance and strictly limited in duration/experimentation.
as an example of the above, an ex of mine had a messed up up bringing regarding sex...somehow she was taught that having too much sex would increase the chance of cancer (wtf?!) She only had sex once a month with her previous bf and is now a career woman with no interest in sex. She just views sex as a chore with no positives. sad really.
btw I think all the posts blaming porn in Japan is just mis-placed and an easy target. Porn in Japan is no more prominent than in the west and it is actually the opposing problem of a lack of sex education.
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Posted in: Ex-soccer player Honda, wife divorce after 6 years of sexless marriage See in context
sammuraisteve> spot on....its such weird behaviour...its like they make all the "effort" at the beginning then once they are married, they can't be bothered anymore.
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Posted in: Okada confident Japan can reach World Cup semifinals See in context
why not just say that Japan will win the world cup by beating Brazil 10-0 in the final? Thats just about as plausible.
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Posted in: Self-centered zombies running rampant through Japanese society See in context
....I wonder if the recent trend in the UK of playing music on their mobile phone speakers happens anywhere else in the world. This is possibly the worst habit that self centred kids in the UK act out in public.
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Posted in: Hungry gang members eat 351 lunches and run See in context
seems the recession is hitting even the yakuza gang leaders...
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Posted in: A whole new class of EOS See in context
pawatan> read the article..the 70D has an ALL NEW sensor...
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Posted in: A whole new class of EOS See in context
nessie> spot on! LMAO
JohnBecker> true, but noise control is one of the few things that canon has done better than nikon in recent years so my hopes r high that this increase in pixels might not be detrimental to the quality of the sensor (oh and for all u "lens" lovers above..the sensor is just as important as the lens....u can buy a canon L lens but if u put it on a 1000, the pics are not going to look anywhere as nice as if u put it on a 50D)....I caveat this with the obvious fact that each person has different level of quality requirement from their photos.
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Posted in: Netherlands beats Japan 3-0 in friendly See in context
I didn't catch this match but after watching the recent england/netherland draw where the dutch only drew with 2 horrendous defending erros, this makes me think that Japan is getting worse and worse at football. The Japanese sides of the early 2000's were at least always hard working and willing. I feel bad for the Japanese public when the world cup starts
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Posted in: Norika Fujiwara to play saucy singer in musical 'Cabaret' See in context
Good job! ..but why does my brain keep nudging the words "Madonna" into my head?
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Posted in: 'Inglourious Basterds' one of many tricky movie titles See in context
In the UK I have seen posters for the film with the letters of "basterds" replaced with bullet there has been censorship issues...
Beelzebub> Which films do u need to watch to be able to use such AMAZING words in yr post?...human laxatives? I read yr post and need to go to the toilet!
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Posted in: World emerging from deep slump but can it last? See in context
Most economists and analysts seem to agree
The return of the lemmings....these were the same people who contributed to the decline by their inability to/biased analysis...who trusts these over paid, under skilled morons?
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Posted in: Reiko Ohara's life comes to a sad and lonely end See in context
seesaw> sorry, but do u not get my point above? She CHOSE not to have friends who truly cared about her...u wishing makes no difference to the situation SHE created.
but yes RIP...that I do agree with..I may sound bitter but I am human and any death is sad...I just wish people weren't so naive about it.
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Posted in: Sony PS3 See in context
yeah great time to re-release a failed console...I'm sure all the poorer people out there will dash to the shops to buy a slightly cheaper console that they didn't want in the first place.
..and what the hell is the second women looking at?
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Posted in: Reiko Ohara's life comes to a sad and lonely end See in context
So much empathy keep reading yr celebrity gossip mags, its good to know you are not in touch with the real world.
Beelzebub>For them it is worth it and thats fine as its a personal decision what you do with your time on this world, BUT what I hate is when naive people like aj2o1 and zoechan make celebrity's lives somehow beyond reproach. That somehow they couldn't help being in the position they ended up in, which is just absolute rubbish.
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Posted in: Reiko Ohara's life comes to a sad and lonely end See in context
The poor woman...may she rest in peace and find happiness in the next life.
i just wish it weren't the way here that single yet successful women died alone
sorry to sound harsh but her dying alone was HER CHOICE...of course her illness/death was unfortunate and bad luck and not a choice, but everyone dies in the end and whether you die alone or with people who care about you was HER CHOICE. She chose her career and this is what she KNEW would be the end result, fatal illness or natural death. She deserves no sympathy from anyone.
btw I dare say the agency acquaintance was just sighing for potential % cuts of salary that they missed because of her illness..and yes I have met Japanese entertainment agency people for all those out there who question my cutting remarks...and yes I am (getting) divorced from a Japanese entertainment person and know all too well what these people are really like in person. They care about no-one but themselves...they use phrases like " I am an artist and I have to do this or I am not me" or "I have no time for anything else because I would be doing a bad job otherwise and I can't let that happen no matter what else happens".
At a press conference she commented on her separation, “I was also the ‘man.’ It was like having two husbands living together.” This is a perfect example of the excuses such people make...pathetic!
What pisses me off is that these people knew that they would always choose their jobs over anyone else, but they still got married...and probably ruined the lives of the other 2 men...I am certainly a mess and seeing a counselor at the moment. SYMPATHY for her..BAH!
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Posted in: Japan stocks snap 9-day losing streak See in context
explanations / rationalizations for short term price movements in stocks and exchange rates
and academic theory is nothing but attempts at rationalising/explaining human behaviour/relationships with the external world....
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Posted in: N Korea says it is open to new dialogue on nukes See in context
ossan> totally agree....the rest of the wprld should just ignore NK....then lets see what other rubbish excuse they can use to threaten others again. Their regime are just a bunch of cowardly schoolyard bullies and the best way to deal with such people is to ignore them and starve them the attention they so patethically seek (This biliateral dialogue "offer" just epitomises this). Until NK apologises fully for its recent actions and comes to the 6 party talks as an equal then no energy should be wasted on such idiots.
....and yes, this policy would mean that the NK people will be even worse off in the short term but has this current (intermitant)cycle of appeasement actually been of help to them and their daily lives?
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Posted in: Japan stocks snap 9-day losing streak See in context
all nonsense...not one of these "quotes" from analysts/strategists can be substantiated with anything but academic theory that are not applicable in real life market conditions...zzzz
JT> please stop posting these pointless articles!
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Posted in: NHK announcer finds herself in a big new world See in context
seesaw> would you play golf at 9am in the morning during weekdays?
...yes I may seem mean, but thats only because I know this type of person very well from personal experience and they are all the same. I just wanted to inform you lot about the off-screen lives of these people and not the candy coated rubbish they churn out.
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Posted in: NHK announcer finds herself in a big new world See in context
any spot her routine outside of work?....basically doing rubbish family, no real friends outside of work....sad situation to be in.....but people like her chooses this life.....they live for their work, they live for their fans (ratings) and care for little else. She will hit 40 and will likely be discarded by the broadcaster....leaving her nothing to fall back on.
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Posted in: North Korea threatens to shoot down Japanese spy planes See in context
disallusioned> not sure where u get that pov they buy nearly all their military hardware from the US and even then these are usually 2nd gen stuff (the US loathe to sell full versions of their latest kit to anyone - look at the continuing saga with the JSF and their export customers). SO Japan most definitely do not have the most high tech military in the world....btw I have actually sold some military wares to the Japanese Army, so I know what I am talking about here.
and as for drills versus reality....u should talk to people who have actually fought in a war. It certainly opened my eyes after meeting some lads who came back from afgan.
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Posted in: Coca-Cola plus Catechin See in context
how about calpis and coca cola?
coc-pis anyone?
btw I think coke is pretty nasty stuff in terms of health....everyones taste is different but everyone must realise they are drinking some nasty artifical rubbish.
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Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'