Posted in: Planned Mount Fuji light rail line could transport 3 million hikers per year See in context
Surely it was a mistake in insinuating or understanding that the ticket price would be ¥10,000 per customer! It was just some weird mistranslation from the original story in Japanese that makes it sound like that?
No one in their right mind would pay ¥10,000 for a ticket to go from the base to the fifth station.
I mean a one way bus ticket from Shinjuku to the fifth stage cost less than ¥4000 so…
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Uniqlo sister brand GU opens first U.S. store in New York See in context
This fall is may be the first time that I’ve seen that they stepped up their game a little bit in the fashion department.
i’m not a fashion trendsetter myself but there’s been an increase of what I find appealing there.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji crowds shrink after overtourism measures implemented See in context
4 night bullet climbs under my belt. I’m done.
Each time I swore I’d never do it again but I kept going back for more.
Even descending in the heat of the day was brutal…. I can’t imagine climbing during the day.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: 20 years after mother, 3 children murdered, police and relatives appeal for help See in context
A great deal of more thought needs to go into the headlines
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
The first paragraph of the above was meant to be a quote
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
Biden threw his support behind Harris, the party’s instant favorite for the nomination at its August convention in Chicago.
It is obvious that The author of the story has no clue… or is intentionally misleading. Given the track record of the media these days, I guess I would probably say the latter.
Harris, as a vice president, was probably hated as a presidential choice more than Biden himself. And by her own party. Just like there was absolutely no way that Biden was going to be the nominee, there is absolutely no way she is going to be the nominee.
If you actually like Harris and think that she will get the nomination, well…. Good luck with that… her receiving the nomination at this point with only cement Trump‘s reelection chances, which I think is inevitable at this point, even without Harris being on the ballot.
1 ( +11 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan's weekly COVID-19 cases rise for 10th straight week See in context
Are we even caring? i’m done with it. To be honest, I never really started in the first place.
“and even men are walking around with parasols these days”
Bahahaha The perfect comment. As irrelevant as it may sound, it is perfectly relevant and consistent.
yup, that pretty much says it all.
-4 ( +17 / -21 )
Posted in: Palestinians in Japan raising voices in defense of their homeland See in context
The Palestinian people must carry on with their struggle to return to their STOLEN land, homes, and properties at any cost.
be careful they may take you literally and start killing babies lighting them on fire and raping women in front of their husbands before they are slaughtered
-13 ( +1 / -14 )
Posted in: Online reservations begin for Mount Fuji climbers to ease congestion See in context
Visibility and lower temperatures aren’t an issue. I’ve done the bullet climb five times. Only an idiot would climb at night under dressed without a light.
The issue is altitude sickness by not allowing your body enough time to adjust to the altitude.
sometimes I’ve had no issues and sometimes I’ve had acute migraines. I’ve seen many people in worse condition than me getting physically sick and some extreme cases needing to be evacuated.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan enacts revised law for swift removal of defamatory online posts See in context
too broad and will lead to wide censorship far beyond "defamatory posts".
this is the actual intention, of course.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji climbers from Yamanashi side to be charged ¥2,000 as tourism rises See in context
above the tree line, ALL mountains are boring. It’s the breathtaking and spectacular views from the mountain of the surrounding area which are absolutely stunning.
i’ve climbed Fuji-san 4 times. Technically it’s an easy climb but can be hard on the body stamina-wise if you do the bullet climb.
15 ( +16 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan Airlines gets first woman president See in context
It's good for diversity however will that solve all problems that company currently face?
diversity should never be a goal. The goal should be to get the best.
if diversity is your focus then you’ve lost already
One can only hope and have faith that JAL didn’t buy into that poisonous ideology and the new current president is the best they could hire
11 ( +17 / -6 )
Posted in: 2023 marks Japan's hottest year on record; 1.29 C higher than average See in context
This summer was a shocker, never experienced anything like that in the Kanto region.
this was my 23rd year in the Kanto region and I honestly feel it never changes. It’s always bloody hot during the summer. My first year in Japan was the shocker (coming from Canada).
2 ( +10 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to partially lift ban on ride-hailing services from April See in context
Meant to throw quotes around the first part of my post above… @abe234
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan to partially lift ban on ride-hailing services from April See in context
Great decision to NOT LET UBER gut out taxi drivers' salaries, and benefits, and were allowed to do it in other countries with absolutely NO responsibility at all. Governments should force some responsibility onto Uber. and not just say..We're just an APP. I expect the quality of the taxi service to fall with someone not even bothering to help get your luggage out of the taxi as they just sit in their front seat. Especially if they are a foreigner who wishes to apply "their standard" of service compared to the high company service we have in Japan. Keep the taxi company involved, keep the salaries up, keep the service up, and keep the benefits up. It doesn't have to be a race to the bottom, just to feed the shareholder.
couldn’t have said it better myself. And I think most people get and understand what you’re saying.
The reason you’re getting so many down votes is because The same most people don’t care about about that and they only care about saving themselves a buck when they take it.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Figure skating icon Hanyu announces divorce; blames slander, stalking See in context
Roy, you can’t blame anyone for thinking he’s gay and married to the same sex.
The article doesn’t even stipulate and keeps calling, whoever it is, “his partner”. Usually a telltale sign when trying to avoid saying so. Also his excuse for getting a divorce is somehow because of his inability to protect his spouse. One of the most bizarre excuses I’ve ever heard. However, it would kind of makes sense coming from a gay who might think he’s under some kind of persecution. Not out of the realm of impossibility.
Also, this boy is quite effeminate for a male so it’s not surprising that someone would assume that he’s gay.
I have no idea if the man is gay or not (nor do I care for that matter) but even if he isn’t, that was probably one of the gayest excuses to get a divorce that I’ve ever heard.
6 ( +12 / -6 )
Posted in: YouTuber arrested for allegedly slandering woman in unblurred video See in context
Seems more like a civil case…
I guess that’s how the justice system rolls here in Japan though.
what a joke
-8 ( +7 / -15 )
Posted in: Kishida cautious on same-sex marriage, separate spouse surnames See in context
Is it 2023 or 1823 here?
i wasn’t aware same sex marriages were allowed in other countries 100 years ago…
relatively speaking, I think it’s a much more recent trend. Like since 2004 or 2005 in earliest places and even more recent in many
Japan isn’t that far behind the curve.
I find Japan likes to think things through thoroughly and doesn’t go off half cocked.
And to their credit.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji gets season's 1st snowcap, 5 days later than last year See in context
At least it is still getting snow, if not enough is done to ameliorate the effects of climate change it may come the year where there is no snowcap
correct!! I predict if we don’t turn this around there will be global famines killing billions by the early 1970s, we will be in another ice age by 23 years ago, we will deplete the ozone by 40 years ago, we will kill everything in all the lakes and oceans with acid rain, also by 40 years ago…. And so on and so forth… we, my friend, are on the side of science.
So all we need to need to do is listen to the scientist and just do what they tell us to do and everything will be fixed. Because it’s only two weeks to flatten the curve. We got this!!!!
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: American cyclist dies in expressway accident in Yokohama See in context
Maybe in Japan that is true but there are bicycle friendly places in the US where bicycles can use the shoulder of an Interstate highway.
highly unlikely a supposed professional cyclist would not have had that info provided to him is some way.
I reckon alcohol and subsequent bad judgment was the leading cause of death
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: American cyclist dies in expressway accident in Yokohama See in context
after a party that ran until 3 AM and then home on the freeway. no matter what country you’re from there’s no way that this guy wouldn’t have known that it wasn’t legal to ride a bicycle there.
3 AM after a party… I wonder if there were other forces at work here… alcoholic forces
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 arrested over video of unhygienic acts at Yoshinoya restaurant See in context
Ryu Shimazu, 35, and Toshihide Oka, 34
This is the kind of thing you’d expect a couple of stupid teenagers to do, not grown men in their thirties. Surprised the article doesn’t mention their status of employment, as seems to be the standard.
35 is barely out of puberty these days
also, not to knock anyone’s chosen profession but, if you’re a male at that age and working at a Yoshinoya as a non-manager, there has to be a reason for that.
-3 ( +6 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to end COVID-19 border controls on May 8 See in context
Hervé L'EisaToday
"Two weeks to flatten the curve" was the clarion call of the authoritarian power-grabbers. People easily gave up basic freedoms for the illusion of "safety".
It's about time to fully return to normal living, and to prevent the state from repeating such a power grab.
i’m sorry to say this but that was just the beginning. The above was just chum
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan reports 8,639 new coronavirus cases See in context
Yeah “it’s not over yet” like the flu “is not over yet”
49 deaths out of a population of almost 126 million…
Are you waiting for zero? That’s a long wait for a train that ain’t coming…
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan reports 6,512 new coronavirus cases See in context
I don’t get what everyone is complaining about with regards to people still wearing masks and etc
they aren’t mandated so you don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to.
I don’t and I haven’t worn them for quite a while now and even I’m getting annoyed at hearing people complain about them…
what do you care if someone is wearing a mask etc.? has no impact on you. Enough already!
isn’t that what pro-choice is all about?
2 ( +9 / -7 )
Posted in: All-male BOJ selections another blow for gender equality in Japan See in context
@Micheal Machida
Power is never just given to you.
This part of your comment is true.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Prices to rise in Japan on over 10,000 food items See in context
I’m a business owner so luckily I will be able to keep up with this by increasing my own prices
I feel sorry for those who are in a position that their wages/salaries will not increase
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Gov't considering mask-free school graduation ceremonies See in context
@Elvis is here
No one can deny masks keep you warm in the cold Tokyo wind.
If you do, then your opinion is not worth ¥1.
it’s currently -25 in my hometown and if you consider the windchill factor it is -40°
i’m sorry but Tokyo is not even close to a temperature that could be even considered cold
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan reports 125,108 new coronavirus cases See in context
@Kenchi Glad you're okay Kenchi
thank you my friend!
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan reports 125,108 new coronavirus cases See in context
30+ is obese. Doubt you're near that number
according to the formula I found online I guess I would be 23.8
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe
Imported Basmati rice is cheaper than Japanese white rice.
Posted in: Japan's private rice imports hit record high
Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture
Posted in: The EU was built for another age – here’s how it must adapt to survive