Posted in: Breaking the rules See in context
I would put the bin there for them bad butts :)..
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Iran offers help against militants in Iraq; U.S. orders aircraft carrier into Gulf See in context
I just hope the US doesn't mess around with Asia and create the same dog's breakfast they did in the Middle East.
Countries in Asia are not lunatic and crazy like the one in the Middle East... Only the Chinese government is a little nutty at the moment. The rest are quite peaceful with a sānitās nature...
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Australia backs Japan's collective defense shift See in context
Too bad for Aussie bought the defective and over budget Collin Subs from US
What are you talking about ?. Is it your habit to misquote factual information, or you can't read plain Australian ?
Six Collins-class subs were built in South Australia based on the Swedish designed Västergötland class. Harpoon missile may be the only weaponry from the US installed for the subs.
Here is the quote from your wiki link: 'The submarines, an enlarged version of Swedish shipbuilder Kockums' Västergötland class and originally referred to as the Type 471, were constructed between 1990 and 2003 in South Australia by the Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC)"
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: China, Japan blame each other for jet encounter See in context
@anbinh China even accuses Vietnam for all current troubles in Vietnam 's sea.
My understanding from using Google translate:
The article mentioned some new desperate new tricks China's ships adopted now to make some propaganda film. Spraying each others with water canon. Blocking Vietnam's coast guard boat using three ships on both sides, and the ship in the front in reverse gear.. Man, China must be desperate to blame someone, resourcing to Hollywood movies making camera tricks..
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan, Australia discuss sub deal, closer defense ties See in context
Australia could combine the best of the best technologies from Japan, France, Germany and Sweden for our new class Subs.
Stealth hydrodynamic with super strength hulls designs from Europe for better dive and speed, combine with the super quiet Mitsubishi propulsion system... Well, that would give our new sub fleets the capability of the sea wolf killer whales...
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Australia backs Japan's collective defense shift See in context
We certainly support Japan working towards a more normal defence posture to help it play a greater global and regional role, she told a news conference.
But he added: One thing I should emphasize is that we do want to see territorial disputation resolved according to international law, that is fundamentally, very, very significant.
There you go Japan !. A full support from Australia... No one in the right mind wants to see the current aggression from China to spread further south...
14 ( +16 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe meets pope See in context
I wonder if the Pope asked Abe why more Japanese aren't Catholics.
Nah, no need for such silly question from the man. I hear Pope Francis is a real people man, and would not question other believes. He cares more about religious teaching of the world peace, equality, hunger and poverty elimination, etc.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: China uses D-Day anniversary to praise Germany, slam Japan See in context
China uses D-Day anniversary to praise Germany, slam Japan
It sounds funny !... I guess it is all for a show supporting China's anti Japan attitude. I guess not many, even Germany are taking China regime praising words seriously, might even feel embarrass to have the country name mentioned and used in this way..
7 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: China hits back at U.S., Japan for 'provocative' remarks See in context
China owns these Paracels ,Spratly reefs for the past 50 years, and the nations around admit this. Besides, China owned these places for more Thousand years, Can any other nations provide equality or more evidence?
What kind of evidences are you talking about ?. No one recognised China's wildly territorial claim !. I guess that why the Chinese regim is so angry and aggressive atm. All one can find are statements from China claiming ancient Chinese maritime time explorers travelled these seas... Based on such wildly claimed evidences, I guess china will soon claim Africa, South America and perhaps the whole Antarctica... Lol
If India can provide these conditions, I will say yes, India can claim the whole Indian ocean.
There is no evidence suggesting India is behaving immaturely likes China.. This is the 21st century, time to grow up, stop the world domination dream, follow the international laws and join the world community to live in peace.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan temporarily halts aid to Vietnam over bribery case See in context
Last but not least, Vietnamese’s economy heavily depends on its past comrade-in-tunnel from electricity to raw materials, these dependences will make Vietnamese regime to be prone to strike a deal with Chinese regime. If that happens down on the road in few years, everything between Vietnam and China will resume 'normal', leaving countries such as Japan to hang dry in hot, salty and humid air.
I used Google translate to read this news paper and all comments which represents the voice of Vietnam Youth. China starts using large ships to ramp Vietnam coast guard ships... and China's navel ships are now pointing missiles and big guns at them.. It won't be to long before China to fire the 1st shot and all hell will break loose. This conflict will result in Vietnam democracy and China's isolation and perhaps breaking up into smaller states.
There was an article last week (I cannot locate now) tells you how Vietnam feels about the current large trading account deficit with China on low quality products. Vietnam would be better off not trading with China ..
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: China hits back at U.S., Japan for 'provocative' remarks See in context
About the so called international law upon the dispute territories, which is base on the distance. but Chinese keep claiming that they are base on history. The truth is if we base on distance, Taiwan is more close to the disputes islets with China, and Falklands is more close to Argentina. So China, Japan and UK are more agressive?
To answer your question, first we need to define whether the disputed land is an island, or just simply rocks and reefs ?. The questions of heritage and the independent desire of the local residents must be taken into consideration here..
For an example of Falkland Islands: The imperial UK established the first English settlement on the main island in 1766. The population is now more than 3,000 primarily consists of native Falkland Islanders, mostly are British descendants, and naturally it is their right to be part of the English heritage. Falklands are now a self-governing British Overseas Territory... Similar to New Caledonia of France. I don't think NATO or the international community can do much for Crimea based on the locals Russian heritage and desire to be part of Russia...
You should quote some better examples....
Beside the names of South China sea or East China sea... Can China make such heritage claims for Paracels or Spratly reefs or even Senkaku Islands ?.
Perhaps India can claim the whole Indian ocean and all near by Islands if follow similar reasoning used by China.... Time to grow up China !....
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Beijing in lockdown for 25th anniversary of Tiananmen crackdown See in context
Time for the young Chinese to rise up and start another Tiananmen event. Topple the aggressive and corrupted regime to join the free world of peace and prosperity...
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan temporarily halts aid to Vietnam over bribery case See in context
Mr. Perfect So it seems the Japan Transportation Consultants Inc. (JTC) make this a practice of paying bribes but Japan cuts the aid to Vietnam because their officials take the money?
They learn all the trick of the trade from the bad ass northern bro. Just remember these so called corrupted Vietnam officials received their monthly salary equivalent to a day of averaged wages in Japan. It would be damn hard for them to resist when millions of dollars are dangling in front of them on project tendering selection.
EthanWilber Someday Vietnam and China could bond together again to fight a war with US and Japan, who knows. History showed us that geopolitics has no dull moments.
This scenario will never happen !. I am sure Vietnam will shed all the shackles of communism and bad ass bro China after this territorial conflict. All problems of corruption, anti democracy, etc will be solved then...
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China hits back at U.S., Japan for 'provocative' remarks See in context
China, man up like a real superpower!. At least have a gut to admit your actions and challenge your opponent like a man. Stop the cry wolf game playing the victim.. China is nothing more than a big fat kid using weight to crush others in the skool yard.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. accuses China of destabilizing acts in South China Sea See in context
yosun & therougou....
Vietnam began to claim Paracell after 1976 and Philipine did the same thing for Spratly after 1980, these 2 pirates have been doing destabilizing acts and really deserve to be accused.
1976 and 1980. Sounds really current there yosun. Its very difficult to rationalize with people that can make up excuses like this.
Guys, time to go back to school learning some real history lessons fro the real world. I suggest not to learn from those China's sources !.
The real world's history is saying China claimed a naval victory of the Paracel Islands on 19 January 1974 against the South Vietnam government, established control over the Crescent Group of the Paracel Islands... This event marked the beginning of China's conquest of the entire south china sea..
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. accuses China of destabilizing acts in South China Sea See in context
U.S. accuses China of destabilizing acts in South China Sea !
It is a proven fact by China's bullying actions, not an accuse !
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for throwing 10-month-old daughter against wall See in context
@nandakandamandaMAY. 30, 2014 - 02:26PM JST
Probably frustration with her husband and her own situation.
My J wife threw our baby daughter across the room right in front of me once in a fit of anger.
Not that it excuses anything, but society here means that often people take out their frustrations on someone or something smaller or weaker.
I am not so sure how the law works in China ?. But in the western world, you would be charged by the child protection agency as an accomplice, for not reporting your wife's obviously child abuse behaviour..
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: China accuses Japan of dangerous flying in air zone See in context
I should clearly rephrase.... Just imaging how the PRC state runs media can always manage to come up with some so called 'anecdotal evidences' to support China's aggression acts... Such a childish and laughable defensive behaviour from a supper power wanna be..
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: China accuses Japan of dangerous flying in air zone See in context
It just imaging how the state runs media can always manage to come up with some 'anecdotal evidences' to support China's aggression acts atm.
"oh, look here!, they did something even worst to us last year, but we forgot to report the incident !. Lol.. "
Talking about stretching beyond the credible limit... LOL.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: China calls for new Asian security structure See in context
China's president called Tuesday for the creation of a new Asian structure for security cooperation based on a regional group that includes Russia and Iran and excludes the United States.
They should include the DPRK for a better pact.. It sounds amusing thought !
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Vietnam clamps down on anti-China protests See in context
@garymalmgren: You should give Vietnam authority some credits for trying their best to clamp down last week riots. There are many causes for the riot at Formosa construction site, including local workers are being mistreated and a some haven't been paid by China's contractors.... and I think here is the main one..
In the news last week reported a mass poisoning of 700 workers, mostly females in a shoe factory in the north. The suspected chemical used in the water is a odorless neuron chemical agent. Vietnam's official state media removed most reports and don't even mention this event:
Google translate to read this article:
This factory is located in the same northern province with Formosa construction site, where China nationals and local construction workers clashed at the site in the following day. More than a 150 injuries and two fatalities. It was a very volatile weeks for Vietnam !.
Be careful Vietnam, the Putin lesson plan on protecting its citizens is in the shadows.
I fully agree !
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: China says U.S. must be objective about Asia tensions See in context
I am not sure whether were you born in 1970s? In my childhood, North Vietnam was helped by PRC for kicking out the US from their homeland. Vietnam has become the darling of Soviet Union and started invading Cambodia. PRC has also invaded Vietnam back in 1978. China was not old kid. It was wounded badly by Vietnam before.
@Nathaw: I am the late 70s gen, luckily when most of the world's evil wars had just gone...
The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 and wiped out 1/4 of the country population of 8.4 million at the time. There might not be much of the population left if Vietnam didn't kick the murderous pol pot regime out in time.
What I really don't understand is: why big bro China supported and kept such an evil regime in power for so long ?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: China evacuates more than 3,000 nationals from Vietnam after unrest See in context
@smithinjapan: Riots involved senseless destruction of properties & violence must be condemned any where..
Just remember Karma.....there's smoke, there's fire.....
Google translate and read this: Poor Vietnamese fisherman are beaten up by China's paramilitary thugs on a weekly basis since this early year. These two are the lucky survivals this week... I would be damn angry too if hearing my countrymen are mistreated like this by China on a weekly basis..
Here is the news this week of a mass poisoning of 700 female workers in a factory in the north. The suspected chemical used in the water is a odorless neuron chemical agent:
This factory is located in the same northern province with Formosa construction site, where China nationals and local construction workers clashed at the site in the following day. Sadly, more than a 150 injuries and two fatalities. It was a very volatile weeks for Vietnam !.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: China evacuates more than 3,000 nationals from Vietnam after unrest See in context
In fact this is a chance for Vietnamese to kick out those selfish China companies! China companies bring no benefits to Vietnam at all! They used Vietnam's natural resources, poisoned the nation environment but refused to use Vietnam labors! I brought thousands of China workers to the country cause many troubles in society!
@Le Thi Bao Tram: Good on ya ! You've nailed there!. Many China's steel and chemical factories in Vietnam are installed with yesteryear technology, many couldn't even pass the sloppy environmental standard in China. I guess that why they shifted to Vietnam in the first place. If you are not careful, very soon, your beautiful country will become a dumping ground for China chemical plants swipe out the ecosystem. Chinese companies bring in many workers with nationalist attitude looking down on local people, creating more problem than benefits. I guess that is the new way for China to invade another countries.. Time to get rid of them bad old technology from your country.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Why there's bad blood between China and Vietnam See in context
That is correct from 1975 to 1978 the Khmer Rouge attacked Vietnam on a few occasions prior to the 1978 all out Vietnamese invasion and conquest of Cambodia.
@JoeBigs: I've been to the Mekong Delta region a few years ago. We visited the museums & memorials along the border towns of Chau Doc, Ha Tien, and other I can't recall the name. Many black & white photos displayed the atrocities committed on the polpot regime on border raids are sickening. How could they did such horrible things to many lady Buddhist monks are unspeakable. Some of us could not eat my lunch after ward, and those images are still in my mind.... just horrific stuffs...
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: China says U.S. must be objective about Asia tensions See in context
Kenny76 This is the longest post I have read.
@Nathaw: You asked for it !. I try to spend the weekend away from China's jungle politic.. Lol
PRC used water cannon not bullet at the moment. Getting the first shot.of bullet from PRC will be harder than winning the lottery. They are very conscious about not being seen as first striker
I hope you are right !. But when the new kid in the block is looking around for a fight to show off the new found ability, law and order will be ignored, the authority cannot stop the bully until it happen. Fact of life I guess !..
When it happen, you might not like to hear me saying "I told you so"..Lol. No one knows China better than Vietnam, and I guess Vietnam is preparing for an imminent attack from China.
@anbinh < but from history, China NEVER forgive anyone
That is the historical fact, you will pay for it now, or in 70 years time down the track...Lol
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe says Japan will stick to peaceful path but security policy must change See in context
When the largest kid in the neighborhood is looking for a fight to demonstrate the new found ability...... Then you don't have much of a choice, but be ready...
Options are: Moving house, installing new security and stay in door and be miserable, reporting to the authority and setting up an alliance with your neighbor kids, ready to defend to keep the peace in your neighborhood....... Japan is doing just that !
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: China says U.S. must be objective about Asia tensions See in context
Kenny76 Your posts are shorter than before. You are the longest poster in this thread. However there is no more debate in your posts. Anyway I hope Vietnam will go back to normal sooner than later. Otherwise, I will not go and visit. Guess Northern side may be safer.
@Nathaw: I am a scientist, it is in my nature to do a proper research and report with evidences for my informative comments. Spreading lies and rumors is certainly not in my nature.
Here are my new evidences from my research so far:
(1) The authority in Vietnam is cracking down and prosecuting and few hundred rioters, and found evidences of being paid by some bad elements to stage the riots and violence.
(2) I used Google translate and read many readers' comments from Vietnam's news websites. This gives me evidences of the general population's attitudes and felling on the current situation. All are calling for peace and calm, warning of bad elements inciting riot, condemning the senseless destruction and violence.
(3) China regime is stepping the aggression activities in south china sea and propaganda, spreading bad rumors to divide and conquer. I guess China is trying to justify, and rally the support of the world community on the current aggression.
(4) Vietnam's PM is texting his people, calling for peace and calm, and warning of bad elements inciting hate and riot, and calling people to stand behind and support the government. No one know big bro China better than Vietnam. I guess they are preparing for the imminent attack from China.
My predictions:
(i) China will fire the 1st shoot at Vietnam's maritime surveillance ships and then play a cry wolf boy with the world as usual. Step up the attack with warplanes and missiles. Vietnam fight back and all hell break loose !
(ii) Vietnam's government then gradually change to the democratic system of government. Finally shedding off all shackles of communism and the bad ass red bro north.
(iii) Vietnam will emerge and grow into a stronger country, foster stronger friendships and ties with Japan, US, India, Australia and all Asian countries. Vietnam will then take on the challenging role of "Peace maker" in the new world order, and will do well on that role.
(iv) Vietnam will become a peaceful and beautiful country and it is lovely for you to visit both the North or the South.
(v) As for China, I certainly hope she will grow up into a responsible new citizen of the world, and take on a challenging role of a caring and responsible bro like a normal big brother.
Well, what can I say ? I am a positive person and always see the best in people
some of my friends think I should give up my day job and become a political analyst for some news corps :)
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: China says U.S. must be objective about Asia tensions See in context
I do not get any cent for making rumors. >
@Athletes: Ok, I get it.... you are not being paid as one of the 30 thousand China's internet propaganda bots...
What ever you say... The fact is only the Vietnamese (Vietnam) can forgive & forget their mortal enemies like France and the US, and become best friends with in a few decades. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for China...
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: China says U.S. must be objective about Asia tensions See in context
How about the Singapore business, Korean business and Japanese business? Have they had tit and tat between imported and local workers? Sadly injuries and fatalities on minority side. Even Vietnam born Chinese who can not talk single word of Chinese have been targeted. It should be called as ethnic cleansing. It was politically motivated riot! Not the normal industrial conflict between local and foreign workers. Vietnam authority has blood in the hands for cheat provocation.
@Athletes: It's just an industrial disputed on the construction site run by those ultra China nationalists. No point in spreading rumors to make it sound bad and stirring up the peace. One of my friends is a Chinese ethnic with a family living in Vietnam. She calls her family every week, and life is normal, their ice cream business is booming due to the unusual hot summer there atm.
I won't read China's state news, because it designed for the tiny world in the bottle. Read those more accurate information by international reporters on site.
Here do a Google translate, and read this to see how the injured Chinese workers are being cared for by Vietnamese nurses and doctors. The injured Vietnamese workers are sent to the different hospital. I won't mind being nursed like that when sick :). Can you call this as a hostile act ?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
Posted in: Death of S Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about social media and internet culture
Posted in: Japan targets 60% emissions cut by 2035 from 2013 levels
Posted in: Death of S Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about social media and internet culture