Japan Today

kennyG comments

Posted in: Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine See in context

These old men does not represent Japanese people

Funny.... in every sense when visiting here in a long time

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine See in context

Why not build a memorial for the innocent war dead with a chapel in which visitors can reflect on the horrors of war?

Ever been to Yushu-Kan and read those innocent war-deads' letters to beloved family?

They believed and promised " come back to Yasukuni and meet each others at Yasukuni

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Posted in: Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine See in context

Just imagine for a second, German leaders, like Merkel and Scholz visiting Hitler's, Nazis and Gestapo's tomb, offering their respects.

Yasukuni is not just a Tojo's tomb

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Posted in: Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine See in context

The media loves to wallow in these rather ridiculous spectacles endlessly.

Leave them alone

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Posted in: Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine See in context

Cabinet minister Takaichi, more than 90 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine

So What?

3 ( +16 / -13 )

Posted in: S Korean court orders Japan to compensate former 'comfort women' See in context

Japan today・・・・ Being ruled by wrong ones.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korea's top court orders stolen Buddhist statue to be returned to Japan See in context

Read history.

Learn how the Peninsula has been persecuted Buddhism.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korean scholar acquitted of defaming sex slavery victims during Japan colonial rule See in context

Sexual crimes( Sex slaves issues ) on the battle fields are universal issues past and present, east and west.

Historical debates wrt The Korean comfort women issue under Japan rulings during WW2 is, in essence, different from those Sexual crimes( Sex slaves issues ) on the battle fields ,which exist past and present, east and west, not to mention, Japan is THE ONLY COUNTRY which had officially apologized to these so-called victims.

These morons are simply ignoring the very fact that North-Korean flavored lefties have been long instigated anti-Japan hatred within South Korea , based on completely fake narratives, which have finally been exposed by genuine Korean Academics with good wills.

NO ONE believes  Yoon Mee-hyang, ex-president of Chong Dae Hyup, nor Lee Yong-Soo, the ad-tower of so-called " I am the evidence !" weird cult.

Unless, intentionally posting as such, STOP and try to find out if you and the entire world have been fooled by this historically and world-widely the biggest fraud show.

What happened in Samarang, Indonesia is not equal to this SK vs Japan comfort women issue.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: S Korean scholar acquitted of defaming sex slavery victims during Japan colonial rule See in context

Hecks. Perhaps they are all tired of your kind of same old garbage repeated.

Read the book by this author first and come back. She never denied genuine victims on the battle fields

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Do you think there are Japanese abductees still alive in North Korea? See in context

In Un's Korea they may have starved to death.

Yet, modern Yangbans under Kim dynasty have never worried about starvation, not to mention, Kim's family members and relatives. NK kidnapped them for the purpose.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you think there are Japanese abductees still alive in North Korea? See in context

What could make anyone think they are all dead anyway? Those who already returned all alive except Mr Jenkins, Unless , Yeah, NK could kill all of them alive then to make their official statement so far real, which is not just a joke

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context


Whatever, regardless, how could Abe's decision in 2014/15 would make think it is not fair to unilaterally blame NK Huh?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

LegrandeToday  02:30 pm JST

[ Which families got deprived from being reunited with these two Minoru Tanaka and Tastumitsu Kaneda, a Zainichi KOREAN? Nobody. ]

Wrong again-

Tanaka was a restaurant worker when he left Japan in 1978 from Tokyo's Narita Airport. After leaving the country, Tanaka disappeared and his relatives were unable to reach him

So what on earth have his relatives been saying about him since 1978 ???? Who the heck are they? Did they ever show up or have they ever cooperated with other members of AFVKN? Oh wait, what about her mother who dumped him at nursing home or even his father ? Who did he intend to meet at reunion party then? any info?

And regarding Kaneda, yes I suppose because he's a Zainichi KOREAN that he doesn't matter, right?

It does matter if he returned to his home peninsula unintentionally this way as notorious North Korea's returning campaign by Man Gyong Bong 92 was still going on those days. Do you get what I mean?

So what about his family and relatives information? anything?

NK had taken them over there as it knew they both didn't have any families and so decided then to return them for short home coming ceremony.

Additionally, you conveniently avoided mentioning the fact that Abe was afraid that both men would opt to return to the North, which is the real reason Abe decided to reject the North's offer and kept a lid on this information.

It just doesn't matter. What matters here is It was not that Abe rejected these two, but was the NK trap that he rejected to end this issue by this cheap show which intended to force Japan to give up all others.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

Yes WELL DONE Abe you deprived two families from being reunited with their loved ones lol

Which families got deprived from being reunited with these two Minoru Tanaka and Tastumitsu Kaneda, a Zainichi KOREAN? Nobody. These two grown up in the same nursing home , worked in the same noodle shop were targeted by NK spy as no families. SURE it must have been the hardest decision between get two for just while and lose al else or give the two up and keep hope to get them all... yet it is so idiotic to try to transfer any inch of the cause of these inhumane incidents to be severely blamed back to Japan from NK by this decision.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

Yes of course you were able to confirm they were in fact 'totally brainwashed' and so do not appear to be making wild assumptions in support of Abe's actions, even though we now know that Abe was in fact helping a South Korean Christian cult that brainwashed Japanese citizens and bilked them out of their life savings...as I said the facts are too inconvenient for a lot of people.

Abe's action? It must have been anyone else's action regardless of who in LDP or even in other major oppositions ( excluding the North flavored ones) . Too obvious NK pigs demanded to end this issue finally and completely and irreversibly for free aids by letting these two visit here for short home coming stay. Well DONE ABE!!!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

By returning these seemingly totally brainwashed Japanese for short home-coming stay, It is obvious NK tried to force Japan to jointly declare that the issue has been completely and finally solved . NO WAY Japan could be fooled by such cheap trap.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

Shows that the Japanese government has also been lying when it says it has been doing everything within its power to get abductees back, and that it is also false to unilaterally blame the North....100% proof positive and too inconvenient for most people to handle.

No. it says it has been doing everything within its power to get ALL abductees back. Hence, it would NO WAY let the North to formally end the entire issue halfway like that if Japan by accepting the one whom NK had been lying as already dead, and the other who was not even on the official 17 victims-list, the 100% proof positive that North had been hiding and lying about the facts. Stop quibbling on insignificant detail no matter how you want to blame and hate Japan.

The government of Abe, who served as prime minister from 2006 to 2007 and again for eight years through 2020, rejected North Korea's proposal on the grounds that accepting it would allow Pyongyang to terminate negotiations on the abduction issue, the sources said.

There was also concern that the two men could go back to North Korea soon even if they returned to their home country, as they might have been unwilling to settle down in Japan, the sources added.

"We thought it was an unacceptable proposal," one of the sources said.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

Japan under then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rejected a North Korean proposal to return two Japanese men, including a victim of abductions by Pyongyang, in around 2014 and 2015, sources involved in the negotiations have revealed.

Source please. Regardless, it just proves NK has been brazenly lying through the course of 21 year history of negotiations between two nations about this issue ......only if you know what it has been like.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea willing to talk with Japan, but claims abduction issue resolved See in context

Ah, when the shoe is on the other foot! Many times Japan has said they are willing to talk business with neighbors but issues of history or island disputes have been resolved. Doh!

Where and when did the treaty/agreement which had finally and completely resolved this issue and stated as such ever be concluded between Japan and Kim dynasty ? IDIOT.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Kishida says he is willing to meet Kim Jong Un over abductions See in context

It’s not WAR where those happened we are talking about. Moving on like this just by receiving urns without no full explanation? Come on. They were not the one who willingly visit NK and got abducted or detained.

It’s like you could move on by forgiving the very criminals even if your beloved children had been treated like this. Stop Joking.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Kishida says he is willing to meet Kim Jong Un over abductions See in context

Amazing there're so many JT posters who believe NK and what It says

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Kishida says he is willing to meet Kim Jong Un over abductions See in context

Moving on like this? Imagine the victims were those of your beloved home countries.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Taiwan says last wartime 'comfort woman' dies at 92 See in context

As usual, too many sickening posts from those who wish Japanese Military , as a then- national policy, enslaved the 13 year-old girl

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan protests to China over ambassador's remarks on Taiwan See in context

Do not get into problems that do not correspond to you, have good relations with China and do not interfere in their affairs as a good lapdog of the US..

There're no good equal relations with current CCP China, either you chose what Korea used to be like or not....if you know what Xi talked to Obama in whispers

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan enacts law for GPS trackers to prevent international bail jumping See in context

Ghosn should have headed up a French AM maker operating in CCP China, or in Russia, and should have seen if he could have claimed the same garbage, being supported by the garbage

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: S Korean, Japanese leaders meet again to improve ties See in context

Wrong. It's got to be both sides, and if one side needs to do more work to acknowledge history and make amends it is Japan, hands down.

Nope It is SK. hands down.

Yoon is 95% responsible for the current thawing in relations, and Kishida is just stepping in for the photo.

Because it was bunch of SK former presidents who were responsible 100% for the worst relationship ever. What the heck do you demand really? admitting for untruths like fake confessions as the leader of a nation?

As for Anti-JPN sentiment, that also goes both ways, with people here driving around in black trucks

Heck, to be returned to those performing Harakiri against Japanese rising-sun flags with Abe's face in the center in broad day-lights on the street and national campaign of " No Japan" which seem having disappear as if like idiotic fashion gone with winds

and calling children "cockroaches", setting fire to international schools and not being punished, denying history and altering textbooks,

Blame your families who teaches how to draw the hate against Japanese cereblating Kanto-eartquake or wishing NK missiles land on Tokyo and make them draw such pictures in ordinary school hours

and then some.

What the heck is this them some?

No more saying the sex slaves were "well paid prostitutes" my friend.

Do you even know Korean history of prostitution? Talk something, if you can, about Comfort women for UN/US even after WW2, or the fact so many Korean women got busted all over the world in modern times.

What exactly do you call them Huh?

Let the truth set us all free.

Yeah Really but seems you ain't

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: S Korean, Japanese leaders meet again to improve ties See in context

Excuse me respectfully as it seems we have a miscommunication.

I do not advocate , endorse or support of defend the colonization of any sovereign nation, area or territory.

I cannot possibly confirm or deny any such historical events not personally witnessed to.

What decided sovereign nation or not, legal or illegal of colonization those days, that is my point.

I said the most legitimate...meaning valid or justified rather than legal (the law) which didn't exist.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Kishida tells South Koreans his 'heart hurts' over pain caused by occupation See in context

Why so many people in HongKong say " I am not a Chinese. I am a HongKonger"?

You never know if current HongKongers might be missing days under British ruling like very old Taiwanese who know their good old Japanese days missing their Japanese days. And You certainly don't know the the difference between Korea and HongKong in terms of the historical junctures that put both under other's ruling.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Kishida tells South Koreans his 'heart hurts' over pain caused by occupation See in context

One has to look at France and Germany today, those two have moved nicely in just 78 years, so it's all doable!

Germany has ever colonized France? More like it just invaded France for a while? What was France under German ruling like? Were there any political powers in France including then-PM and other ministers governing France, who requested Germany to absorb France under one unified country?  Did Germany invest into France for its industrial and social infrastructures to improve the lives of French people to double/triple up lifespan and literacy rate of French?

One has to look at Japan and Taiwan today, which went through Japan’s ruling as well, even longer than Korea did to realize the fundamental problem(s) which makes the perception so different between Korea and Taiwan really.    

What have the other PM:s been doing the last decade? At least Kishida did this thing right. (As for the words spoken, as usual vague to avoid upsetting either left or right wingers...)

No one would ask such question if he/she knows what other former SK presidents have done that last decade… At least you should know the one who had kept rejecting meeting Japanese PM , home or away, until last minute intermediated by Obama.

Damn, what could you folks possibly expect Japanese PM against those kinds of counterparts who have kept back-pedaling, tossed up by ignorant and NK influenced-populace?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Kishida tells South Koreans his 'heart hurts' over pain caused by occupation See in context

KIshida did not say his 'heart hurts' over pain caused by occupation

He said "For me personally, my heart hurts when I think of the many people who endured terrible suffering and grief under the difficult circumstances of the time," where "many people" , needless to say, means all Japanese (Korean Japanese in Korea and mainland Japanese in Japan) who went through the same experience, i.e., wartime labor, conscription, comfort stations, atomic-bomb, etc ...during war time.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

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