Japan Today

Kevin Ford comments

Posted in: Tokyo Olympic CEO reminds visitors that cannabis is banned in Japan See in context

All progressive ideologies of the 21st Century from across the globe will be making changes to their policies in a large number of standpoints. Japan will not. 10 years from now, 100 years from now. A prehistoric society afraid of change.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Former KAT-TUN singer admits to marijuana use See in context

Hopefully he won’t get more than 6 months in prison. A medieval unprogressive country in many aspects, smoking a plant with more medical purposes than most prescription drugs and way less dangerous than alcohol. Government controls the people, people do not control the government. Not a democracy.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Work of art See in context

Beautiful artwork for a canvas of the body. Narrow mindedness and prejudice dating back centuries, it’s 2019. Not everyone with a tattoo is in organized crime and most certainly foreigners from outside a small island in the Pacific Ocean are not. In yet, still easily and over offended people are very unprogressive. From the Olympics to the rugby tournament, it’s time change.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Posted in: Nissan profit nose-dives 57.3% See in context

Hope it was worth ruining a company again after it was rebuilt by the person you exiled & treated like inhumanly. Xenophobia amongst high ranking businesses men in one of the most homogeneous countries on the planet. Good luck

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Should there be an age limit for driving licenses? See in context

With the outrageous amount of elder folks, the public transportation is sensational in Japan. Theirs no need to run the risk of causing an accident. As the population continues to decline, the protection of the community is important for our future. If action isn’t taken and is disregarded, it will only continues to get much worse.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Prosecutors suspect Ghosn's wife contacted parties linked to his case See in context

He’s a foreigner. Spent over a month in solitary confinement for something he didn’t do. Still in the Stone Age and not progressive on any fronts in this country, hopefully this court case will make some heads roll in a positive light.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Do you believe Carlos Ghosn will receive a fair trial in Japan? See in context

He’s a foreigner. Spent over a month in solitary confinement for something he didn’t do. Still in the Stone Age and not progressive on any fronts in this country, hopefully this court case will make some heads roll in a positive light.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Virgin territory: Study shows heterosexual inexperience rising in Japan See in context

Wearing masks in public, never putting a device down (cell phone), serious mentality at work on an overall standard puts money before love. Some Japanese people can be a bit robotic and disregard what’s truly important in life. Physical contact starting with a hand shake or hug is intimidating in certain stand points, humans are meant to be touched.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Record 3,500 people involved in cannabis cases in Japan in 2018 See in context

Government control will forever plague people from across the board for how free we could truly be. Locking people up for substances of which overall have no affect in general public. What you put into your body is your decision. Cannibas has medical benefits. Open mindedness is necessary for japan to prosper.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Are more doors opening to tattooed visitors? See in context

Narrowmindedness and xenophobia exists in Japan because theirs no diversity. 98.5 percent Japanese. People generally don’t know how to act to Gajins because they don’t see them. Been living here a year, overall most people are very kind. Definitely get stared at constantly. I have two full tattoo sleeves and on one occasion an 70 year old woman said to me “you have beautiful tattoo work.” Media makes society brainwashed on a number of different aspects. People here can be a lot more robotical compared to Americans. I believe with the population decline and lowest birth rate on the planet, Japan has more things to worry about. A member of the mafia will not attack someone at a public place. It’s simply being offended by something minor and ignorant about.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese cities worried about receiving more foreign workers: survey See in context

With the population shortage, the influence and presence will help Japan realize theirs more of the world than just a island nation that’s the size of California. To become more open minded to other cultures and give diversity that is truly needed to help this prosper. Respect is universal law any way you go. People are people, not robots.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

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