Japan Today

Kijimuna comments

Posted in: Nuclear warships in Japan touch a nerve See in context

Look, all I know is that I mentioned this article at my drum circle and my girlfriend had to put down her macrame and clear the dreads out of the way to wipe tears from her eyes. GET THAT EARTH HATING MONSTROSITY OUT OF THIS PEACE LOVING COUNTRY.

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Posted in: Japanese learn English using Obama speeches See in context


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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context

Hey, whatever you need to tell yourself as the country's debt push effective tax levels over 2/3 and your disintegrated pension system means you need to work until you're dead. At least you're special.

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Posted in: Samurai archery, an ancient sport, still thrives in Japan See in context

"Yoshimi said that tradition is reflected in the longbows, which are better suited for long-range attacks on a general area rather than picking off single adversaries. “The bows haven’t really been adapted for this kind of shooting, because there is a big part of the sport that is spiritual, rather than practical,” he said. “That’s a lot of its appeal.”"

This sounds like 'yes we suck, but in our hearts we're the best' to me.

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Posted in: Israeli forces enter Gaza City neighborhood See in context

Looks like the Russians aren't the only ones taking advantage of a lame duck presidency. No real outrage here over Israeli killings of civilians as long as Hamas continues to fire rockets, build military installations under hospitals and fire on Israeli troops and gunships from mosques. Israel has been waiting years for the Palestinian leadership to stop shooting rockets and make a deal. There's an ideological barrier to admitting that a Jewish state is here to stay, but the real reason Palestinian leadership won't tolerate peace is because peace highlights Palestinian failure. It takes more guts to make a deal and build a country out of the West Bank and Gaza than it does to fire homemade rockets out of your yard while putting your neighbor's mother on the roof to stop retaliation. Not necessarily pro-Israel but definitely anti- the curent Palestinian regime. Losers are as losers do.

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Posted in: Why do you think "best" awards are so popular in Japan's show business world? See in context

Poor self esteem. Or something. Ask the US video and music industry. They seem to understand.

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Posted in: Glitterball See in context

"The love hotels in the road outside WOMB must have done a good business last night."

Unless he showed up with his date, not by that guy in front.

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Posted in: Kano Sisters See in context

Hotties! Woot woot.

Only kidding!

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Posted in: Japan is not immune. Confidence has fallen off a cliff. See in context

Yamato Life deserved to go bankrupt. Not indicative of the general condition of Japan's good companies. TOPIX is less than 1x PBR.

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Posted in: Raw anger in McCain's crowds as Obama strengthens See in context

It can't happen here, he said. http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2005/12/18/public_enemy/?page=full

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Posted in: Japan's hit Tamagotchi virtual pet toy goes color See in context

Had no idea these were still around. This retread strikes me very much like all the Hollywood remakes of older tv shows and books. Evidence of a total bankruptcy of ideas.

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Posted in: How difficult or easy is Japanese to learn, compared to other languages? See in context

I'd be interested in hearing from speakers of other East Asian languages. I have spent more time on Japanese than other languages. I am a native English speaker and found Mandarin much easier for grammar. Obviously there are more characters. Pronunciation wasn't bad either once I got used to it. Hangul is cake but the rest of Korean I didn't find that different from learning Japanese. I still don't speak Korean well enough to compare, except that learning the Korean pronunciation of kanji compounds common to the three languages makes vocabulary acquisition much quicker. Any Thai/Viet/Tagalog speakers? How was that?

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Posted in: Stalking the predators See in context

Now THERE'S a badass

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Posted in: Yakuza 'misunderstood' by foreign media See in context

Suckas got played

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Posted in: First scandal hits actor Eita See in context

This humble reader has it on good authority that Mr. Eita had his name placed into said maiden's dance card for that evening, but that he was unable to release her gloved form in a fit of wanton passion. I am further told that Mr. Eita escorted the maiden home, riding atop the very same carriage!

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Posted in: Japan's representatives appointed for Elite Model Look 2008 See in context

I am deelighted to see this up in JT's headline section one slot above Speaker Pelosi's visit to Japan. It warms my heart to see JT drawing attention to the fact that that may have finally found someone for that one guy in Yojimbo to marry. May I add that I am thrilled to see a 12 year-old in a sundress getting such attention. Looking forward to your comments fellas!

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Posted in: How to disagree agreeably See in context

Take cultural stereotype. Cast the potential customer as clueless. Fold cluelessness into story using cultural stereotype as main ingredient. Half bake, and voila! A career in cultural sensitivity training!

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Posted in: Police suffer from inappropriate emergency calls See in context

As a JT reader I applaud, along with Shukan Post's fine readership, this excellent article for recognizing that domestic disputes loud enough for a call to the police are usually crappy neighbors trying to give others a bad reputation.

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Posted in: Osaka suicide mother charged with murdering her own daughter See in context

bamboohat, sounds like we view this similarly, as we use the same adjective. Agreed there is little benefit to shaming the deceased, though a lack of appreciation for the full consequences of a choice made young suggests the need to get the word out more, not less.

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Posted in: What do you think of American swimmer Michael Phelps' long victory yell after he wins a race? See in context

If you win an Olympic gold medal you ARE better than everyone else. Yell, scream, dance, do a hand stand, whatever you want, it's you're moment and everyone else can go to hell.

Which of course utterly defeats the representative notion of nation-based athletic competition and sportsmanship...

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Posted in: Osaka suicide mother charged with murdering her own daughter See in context

That's really sad. Do not get married and have babies too early. Tape sounds like she couldn't handle the crying.

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Posted in: Edwards admits to affair he denied as candidate See in context

Shame on the mainstream media for not touching this until he 'fessed up. I'm a Dem but am glad to see Edwards go down. This isn't the only issue he's a twoface on and it's better now than before the general on an Obama ticket. At least he now has time to help his dying wife.

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Posted in: Ai-chan See in context

nutsagain, I have hated her since she shrieked onto the scene.

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Posted in: McCain offends Paris Hilton's mom See in context

Paris' response is the best TV to come out of this election so far. Stars to her PR person. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir was a master stroke.


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Posted in: I think many Japanese women feel that they can never live up to the refined beauty that they feel Western women strive for. So, instead, they shoot for a cute look, one that doesn’t require tall, curv See in context

TPOJ, thanks for the reply. If it's just a matter of colors and hair length, that would be one thing, but it's also not the case. You deconstructed the traditional as man-catching, with which I can't agree, but why not do the same for the other. What ideals if any can be articulated from the looks, anime and music? I'm surprised you'd suggest Gothic Lolita is something more feminist than traditional arts. If my hypothetical 14 year-old prefers tea over black lipstick and Miss Moppet get-ups, I'd be damn glad. I know which is more inclined to give her the discipline and carriage to do something meaningful when she's put herself in that position. There is something wrong with silly. And skanky too.

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Posted in: I think many Japanese women feel that they can never live up to the refined beauty that they feel Western women strive for. So, instead, they shoot for a cute look, one that doesn’t require tall, curv See in context

timtak, I tend to agree that the gaijin complex thing isn't the main driver, but I definitely think the infantilism as a lowbrow escape from elegance is. At one time, being an educated Japanese woman meant skill in traditional arts, etiquette and posture. Gothic lolita is cultural degradation and the plots of those anime are intellectual kryptonite.

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Posted in: I didn't know he knew some of the words he knows. See in context

I don't find the swear words. They find me.

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Posted in: Canadian teenager cries in Gitmo interrogation video See in context

Hey cleo, thanks for the reply. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you--doubtful that you're still reading this. Again, I don't see a problem in the contradiction you keep pointing out. The fact that the kid was instrumental--or at least proximate--to the deaths of soldiers pretty well means the government doesn't help him out. You don't intervene on behalf of teen runaways who mug and kill a person either. You try them as adults.

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Posted in: Who would be the best U.S. president from Japan's perspective? See in context

Anyone who thinks Japan's last 8 years in its relationship with America does not understand how much ground they gained bilaterally after Clinton.

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