Posted in: COP10 See in context
But as a photographer I would not want this in my demo reel. A shinjuku want to be or Holloween model.
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Posted in: COP10 See in context
For Ironbeard, a filming company would have assistants out with signs warning of filming in progress and if you still enter the area, you have been warned. This is a still shot so the warnings do not apply.
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Posted in: COP10 See in context
The moderator is correct. She is in a public place and if the Press is there to take pictures, she is fair game as she is somewhat interesting. More interesting is that there are men who would find her attractive both Japanese and american, and probably most men who have had a drink or 3.
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Posted in: Stop negotiating this nonsense on Futenma See in context
herfornow it probably is Smugly, but then we know our English is not as good as yours, but I wonder with two Ivy League degrees if your Japanese is as good as ours. Lincolnman is correct in many of his assessments however not all of us who dislike this pretentious attitude of US Politicians, who are in League with the Politicians of the GOJ, who operate out of self serving agendas, agree with the hatred of US Military or believe that the military should all be gone. We agree that there is a need for US Military in Asia, however where we disagree is that it should not be concentrated on Okinawa. Move it to the main islands of Japan. As for 2005 ATRA, I will be surprised to see it ever implemented. Futenma was supposed to be closed in 1996, well before the agreement to move 8000 Marines and their dependents to Guam, and to close Futenma? that was alread decided long ago. When Mr Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld visited in 2003, he noted that Futenma Air Station was a dangerous facility and that he was going to recommend its immediate closure; but we noted that less than a year later a marine helicopter crashed into the Okinawa Kokusai Daigaku (Okinawa International University) but was the base closed then? hmmmm NO it was not, and here we are 6 years later with no end in sight to this issue. To me the solution is simple but as we see, nothing is simple when Government agendas become involved. Close Futenma, move it to Miramar in San Diego, close the other bases, move the 8000 marines to Guram or Hokkaido, I know its cold there but there is a military base at a place called Shimia I think, in Alaska and I am sure that is pretty cold as well. There is a need for US Military Presence in Asia, but we do not agree for the same reasons. I do not believe that Okinawa need fear China, because before China comes courting, they will want Taiwan but as China becomes more Capitalistic, I think I see the USA becoming more Socialistic. What a shameful change of events, but yet this baloney keeps getting distorted and Okinawans contine to bear the burden; not only of the bases but of the continuous slights by Americans who spout views that seem to be regurgitation of what they hear from others.
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Posted in: Stop negotiating this nonsense on Futenma See in context
This is the best article I have read. Right on target, and of course all of the Americans who read this will slam it, slam Mr Shimoji and on and on and he is absolutely correct. Any comments to the contray will be meaningless. I just wish you Americans who write on these forums could find this same problem in your own city in the USA and if you did you would scream to high heaven but as long as it is on Okinawa you all seem to be OK with this issue. Okinawa does not need you here. go to the Mainland of Japan but please leave Okinawa we did very well prior to Japanese intervention a few hundred years ago and we have suffered ever since. I can look at any city in the USA and see it is riddled with crime, prostitution, corruption, killings every day yet you want to bring your garbage with you when you come to Okinawa. Clean up the USA, Clean up the horrendous history in your own country and quit complaining about Okinawa our business or lack of business, try reading our History and you might learn something. The income brought in to Okinawa by US Military we can do without. We have more tourists from around the world putting good money into our economy. Your USD has been worthless for a long time and yet you still do not get it.
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Posted in: Is a strong yen against the dollar good for you personally? See in context
to citizen12, i believe the question was relating to the value of yen to USD. not yet to Euro or wherever other gaijin are from but reading the continual complaints about Japan, makes me wonder why any gaijin continues to live in Japan. All I read is complaints, or tossing trash etc.
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Posted in: Is a strong yen against the dollar good for you personally? See in context
It is good for the time being, short period, but possibly in the long run, it will create the same problems in Japan that we see in the USA and if the Yen does suffer a collapse, is GOJ prepared for the same problems that Greece faced even though they watched the USD loose value. No one seems to have a Plan B for what happens. We look at the USA after 911 as having plan B, then Katrina happens and no plan B exposed itself, then the banks and mortgage industry collapsed and still no plan B. Do Governments feel they are imune to these types of problems or do they just become reactive...
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Posted in: Happily divorced See in context
I would be more interested in seeing a 5 kilo hammer and used with the fingers inside the rings, then you will know they mean business. Also a good idea for a TV show, called "Who wants to feel the pain?" Divorce couples get to answer 5 questions, the winner gets to smash the loosers ring with finger inside, then the looser gets to be officially divorced courtesy of NHK.
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Posted in: Obama rebukes top U.S. commander in Afghanistan See in context
While I may be critical of US Military Deployment on Okinawa, I certainly am not anti military. Gen McChrystal should not give interviews to Rolling Stone Magazine, but the fact that he did points to the humor in how US Politicians who try to direct Military Engagements, especially in Afghanistan, who harbor terrorists, should first consider what a commander in chief really means; I think taking 1 million dollars from BP Chief prior to his election was an indication of why the oil problem has taken so long to fix which is damaging to the ocean environment and to peoples lives and just as bad as US Policy allowing our coral reef to be damaged. Politicians need to get their priorities straight. Gen McChrystal from what I read is a true leader which I have my doubts about on Mr. Obama or Mr. Kan, or Koizumi, or Also, or the space cadet Mr. Last for a few months. I have already forgotten his name.
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Posted in: Sancta Karina See in context
Very Strange costumes young women wear, I would not be seen in anything like that and I would be angry if my daughter looked like that or GAGA Lady, all of this is just to be noticed but who wants to be noticed looking like a peacock on parade.
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Posted in: Jero tries a new look for latest song See in context
His old look with bandana and baseball cap made him look like an American Gang Member. We do not need Japanese youth following that kind of look. He is a good singer and should not wear what they wear in the USA Ghettos; it is bad enough that American Rap Music is so full of violence. I prefer that Jero keep his new look but the colors?? oh well better than the bandana and baseball cap sideways.
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Posted in: How do you think Naoto Kan will do as prime minister? What do you think his biggest challenges will be? See in context
I do not think he will last long enough to get comfortable given the track record of Politicians in Japan.
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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context
P.S. the Technical University in Henoko was built with Japanese Dollars as bait for the residents of Henoko, Nago to accept the proposal to let this base be built in Oura Bay and the Henoko Peninsula. Gurukun is correct in his/her assessment and is right on in the comments. Again I apologize, I regret my comments being harsh. sumimasen deshita.
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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context
First I apologize for my retoric being abrasive as it is upsetting to see the illogical comments made by a few that are inflamitory but in a less obvious manner. The main issue is not only Col. Dale Smith's comments which seem to be typical of Military Officers who should be more enlightened about the sensitivity of this issue but choose to speak their personal opinions. Okinawan People including my family are not anti-military and understand the need for some bases, but when we were in the USA we saw News Reporters talking about this issue based on US Military Press Releases that reported a third of what military is acutally on Okinawa and report there are only 8 military bases. How I wish that were true. Prior to Col Smith, a former commander named Blackwood, made similiar comments stating that Okinawans were partially to blame for accidents around the base by encroaching so close to the base itself. We questioned him as to where he thought the people could possible move, as Okinawa was such a small island to begin with. He refused to respond. We still ask and know the answer, as to why this base is not moved to the main islands of Japan as some of the bases could well do. The Japanese Govt does not want US Military, or limits the US Military, on the Home Islands. This reeks of the same retoric the Empire of Japan made at the end of WWII, "resist to the last human being", and not allow the US Military to set foot on Japanese soil. Okinawa, in Japanese eyes, is not truly Japanese. We are the country cousins that are better left on Okinawa and the US Military suffers the same effect. Leave the Military as much as possible off of Japanese Soil, this refers to the Home Islands of Japan. I am Okinawan I am proud to be Okinawan and will die Okinawan, I am only Japanese because Japan says so. Most older Okinawans enjoy involvement with US Military, but Futenma and Henoko is a hot topic and rightfully so. We do not need this base. The US Military does not need this base and until this issue is resolved, it will continue to be a lightning rod of emotions for the Okinawan People, whether they admit it or not. One thing that most Americans do not understand is that if Okinawans are receiving Aid in any form from the Japanese Government and complain about the Military Base Issues, they will have problems receiving their income and will suffer financially so many Okinawans prefer to suffer in silence. It is like having the IRS calling you in to audit your tax returns. I believe in the United States there is a saying that you cannot fight City Hall. It is no difference in Japan.
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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context
Comments from smithinjapan really make me laugh, as his assessment is about as logical as Col. Dale Smith. Classic "Not in my back yard" and we are operating here at Futenma just fine, and Ginowan city will suffer financially when the military base is closed...What comic books do you people read and subscribe to?
First for those who can't measure the distance from Futenma to the ocean on both west and east, but only know where the best bars are, let me enlighten you. The US Military put Okinawans who ownd and lived and farmed in Ginowan Oyama and Futenma behind barbed wire for up to 2 years following WWII, while the US Military "Saved the Okinawans" from the Japanese; in the process of saving us, You took our lands, bulldozed our tombs, fields, homes and put up a barbed wire fence to keep the former residents out, then built a military base there where there was not one before.
When families were released from their barbed wire encampments and returned to Ginowan and the surrounding area, they found their back yards and front yards and land had been stolen by the US Military. So where else could we move to? Texas? you people have the brains of a gnat. We own our land that you have stolen then tell us to move.
Now you puff your chests, try to chase us out and then tell us that this is a classic "not in my back yard" but you have it backwards as usual, it is our yards, front and back. The US Military took our yards and land and turned it into a base then accuse us of complaining because we want our property back.
We will get along just fine without this base being there, the grafitti markings on the peace Memorial above the base by US Marines is dispicable, the crimes by the Marines is deplorable, and you have military officers acting like the ignorant people that they are making statements that when you get a replacement facility as good as what you have your not going to move. I say, move it to the USA and put it in YOUR home town back yard, along with your Walmarts, KMarts, Starbucks and put some money back in your own faltering economy. The Yen is still more valuable than your USD and that should be more of a concern to you than this issue.
Get a clue, read a book on history and make sure you know what your talking about before you come to Okinawa and tell us that we need to move away from the Futenma Air Station. We Were There First. Is that simple enough for Simple people to understand??? Pluse take a look at the East side near the north end of the Futenma Air Station at the Hazardous Waste Material Building. Don't wast our time defending your stance on Us being in your back yard, you are in our country, we are not in yours: there is no validity to these stupid statement defending Futenma Air Station.
Moderator: Please tone down your rhetoric and do not post inflammatory comments.
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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context
For Perspective, 1) I do not envision that all US Bases should or would be closed. 2) Land given back to Okinawans?, Yes but we all know that Japan puts a priority in taking from Okinawa more than they give (land) as much as they give. 3) As for the article being specifically "not" about Okinawa, we all know that any and all articles relating to US Military Bases in Japan/Asia refer directly or indirectly to Okinawa as we shoulder 75% of US Military Bases in Asia. Your latter comments are correct and Yes I do have a good knowledge about the military, and US Military/Politics. finally the writer "Slizzer" proves my point about the absurd comments posted here as he/she has no clue about world politics and or history.
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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context
Just reading the article, then reading the comments just brings out more anger and hostility in me toward the ignorance in several of the comments. I get tired of reading in between the lines, which is basically, to hell with the whinning Okinawans, or if they do not like living in a crowded city next to the big Futenma Air Station then move to where they have the room. What ridiculous comments, Okinawa can fit inside Los Angeles between the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and Long Beach, and I bet in Los Angeles they do not have any military bases in that area. Okinawa is basically the same size as New York City, but I know there are no military bases anywhere in NY City & if there were, they would be closed & moved to accomodate the people who would demand they be moved. But only on Okinawa are the people looked down upon to so great an extent, that these arguments, never take into considerations these issues; you people always end up bashing Japan, and the whinining Okinawans who have to live with the problems that many of these bases bring. I will not even discuss the golf courses as they are a non issue to us (Okinawan People) the issues, <to put it in simple enough terms so that even those that write their ridiculous comments will understand> is that Okinawa should not be bearing the burden of the US Military on our island and yet I challange anyone here to point out why, WHY??? should Okinawan have to bear the burden of the US Military Deployment in Asia, Why NOT? the mainland of Japan, the main 4 Islands are giants in comparison to Okinawa. Why? I will tell you why. The secret argeement prior to Reversion of Okinawa to Japan, gave the US Military, unlimited access to do what they wanted where they wanted and when they wanted as long as they kept the bases off of the main islands of Japan. Guam is a territory of the US so Why Not put the bases on Guam? the people there can use the work, we do not want it, we do not want so many US Military Bases on Okinawa, so quit pointing out that you are there for our protection from enemies lurking in the shadows, that is baloney and you are purveyors of selling baloney. We could care less about the golf courses, we just want the entire bases, about 10 right now would be perfect, move them to American Samoa,as well as Guam, it is another US Territory and talk about a poor economy, they could use the benevelont US Military there as well but please get many of the bases and everything else on them to somewhere, anywhere, but not on Okinawa!! and quit showing your ignorance in these comments.
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Posted in: U.S. ambassador: U.S.-Japan pact critical for peace See in context
First postings that I have read in this subject that many of the writers offer good remarks about Okinawa. Mr. Roos is indeed condescending. He visited Okinawa recently, viewed the Futenma Air Station and looked at all of the bases here and remarked that he could see the huge imprint of the US Military, then he went to Mabuni and remarked on how the many granite stones bearing names of war dead from WWII,(many from my own family that died before I was born of either starvation or by Japanese military forcing them out of caves into US Machine Gun Fire). Mr Roos was contrite & humble in his remarks and I thought maybe he does feel some remorse for Okinawans bearing the burden of Japanese Aggression; then he went to the Mainland and demanded that Japan live up to the 2006 agreement. The indians of a hundred years ago, in the USA said that the Govt speaks with a forked tongue, Civil Rights leaders and marchers had to bear the hostilities and aggression of those that wanted to keep them slaves or lesser Americans, while they marched for freedom. President Obama took his oath on a bible used by President Lincoln and reminded the world that all men(and women) are created equal, and his motto is Yes We Can... Well Mr. President if that is the true belief of the US Govt, then removing the Futenma Air Station from Okinawa altogether, and return it to the USA where it belongs, close the base, forget about destroying our Coral Reef and let the Okinawan People, me included that we are indeed created equal, then we will believe what the US Stands for, but until then Okinawans must stand tall and say in a loud voice "Yes We Can" then keep demonstrating and do what the rest of the people of the world have done. The only time in our history that I am aware of that the people of Okinawa stood as one and forced the US Military to re-think their position was during the Koza Riots. While the Peaceful side of me says that I hope this never happens again, the fed up side of me says, maybe it is time to resort to what the US seems to respond to the most. Iran thumbs their nose at the USA and the USA tippy toes through the tulips, Jong Kim Il threatens and the US Jumps, so why is it that the USA tries to keep a strangle hold on the Futenma Air Station as pointed out from a reader, that even moving 8000 marines to guam will still leave over 40,000 Military Personnel on tiny Okinawa and still maintain over 35 bases. Where is the logic here? Why are there not more Americans asking the same questions? Rhetorical I know as most people who write in these forums could care less about Okinawa and what we want, which is to live like everyone else in the world does. Peace and quiet and not be held hostage by the US Military in Occupation status since the end of WWII. While I will acknowledge that the US has done a lot for Okinawa over the past 60 years; we are not demanding that all bases be closed, we are not asking for a bone to be tossed our way because we are not dogs, we are People. We just want the Futenma MCAS closed and not moved to Henoko. What is wrong with that? The US will still maintain a large force in Asia, which in reality,should be on the mainland of Japan & not on Okinawa. But the idea that the Futenma Air Station is a key base for maintaining the peace in Asia as Mr Roos has pointed out, is the Govt again speaking with a forked tongue as he forgets one thing. The Futenma Air Station is a training facility only and training can be done anywhere else even in the USA. Okinawan born, and Okinawan Proud.
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Posted in: Marine's widow, baby return to Japan but visa problem with U.S. unresolved See in context
For those that argue my points of view about US Government Policy relating to Okinawan Issues, this is exactly my point. US Men and Women can fight for their country but their country does not stand behind them when they need to. This issue should be a non-issue, but for every US Military man who wants to marry then dies for his country is then tossed aside like the expendable number that he is; this is just not right. The US Government cares about their political agendas, not the men and women who do the dirty work for them and need to be treated better. I wonder if his bride was a mainland Japanese lady, would they have treated her this way. I think not.
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Posted in: Patience wearing thin in Ginowan over Futenma base issue See in context
NuckinFutz at 01:49 PM JST - 3rd January
The first paragraph of the story holds the solution. Whoever was there FIRST gets to stay, and those who decided of their own free will to build Ginowan around the base need to MOVE!
Absolutely True statement. Okinawans were there first. The US Military moved them all to barbed wire camps just as they did in America, and then took their land to build Futenma Air Station. There was no military base there as Japan Today stated. It was all farming/villages/Tombs. The closest Japanese Base was the Awase Air Field that some old military guys called Kubasaki Field, but there was not US Military there. So it should be returned to Okinawans. Changing my response to Family Values? ask Americans of Japanese Decent how they were treated and how many got their land back then talk to me about family values and while you are at it, I believe my history is correct in that Settlers as well as military murdered Indians for their land, so much for thanksgiving. So US Military MOVE! and NuckinFutz needs to learn about Okinawan History, your prejudice is really apparent, "Those who decided of their own free will to build Ginowan around the base need to MOVE! your racist views are very obvious.
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Posted in: Patience wearing thin in Ginowan over Futenma base issue See in context
For accurate information about Okinawa and the Futenma Air Station look at our 4 part series on you tube link attached. It is accurate and truthful and researched from first hand knowledge.
for the remark about who would build next to the fence at Futenma Air Station or any other location, you need remember just one simple answer for those who need a simple response. Where else would Okinawans that lived next to the fence and inside the fence prior to WWII rebuild following the war? If your family lived in Tornedo Alley, USA and the area was devestated by a tornedo, your family would most likely return and rebuild there, but if they found the military had moved in and taken your land, as the US Military did in Ginowan Oyama Futenma and other villages, and your city was very small, like Okinawa, you would not only be upset that the Military was there setting up a new base on your land, you might build as close to where your family was for centuries, yet Americans and other foreigners never have been able to grasp the importance of Family. You talk about religion and family being important but yet feel Okinawans are somehow different, yet our family values are probably a lot more meaningful to us than to others.
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Posted in: Patience wearing thin in Ginowan over Futenma base issue See in context
GINOWAN — According to Japan Today....When the US took over a Japanese airfield here in the closing days of World War II, it was surrounded by sugarcane fields and the smoldering battlegrounds of Okinawa. It is now the focus of a deepening dispute that is testing Japan’s security alliance with the United States and dividing its new government in Tokyo.
To Japantoday, Please get your facts straight. There NEVER WAS A MILITARY BASE WHERE THE FUTENMA AIRSTATION IS LOCATED.!! There was an airfield at Awase, at Makiminato, Kadena, Bolo Point, Yontan, Ie Jima but never, never, never at Futenma, so when you point out this misinformation, it gives all the pseudo military want to bees a chance to tell Okinawans get used to the US Being here on Okinawa. I want you to get out and get out NOW. You do not belong in Ginowan City and you do not belong at Henoko(period) for the idiotic remarks about dogs barking comparing that to the Jets and helicopters as typhoon tom does has been spending too much time drinking sake and needs to wake up and smell his coffee is burning. For remarks as to why would anyone build next to what ever still has no clue, come to Okinawa and ask yourself one question. What country in the entire world that was devistated or touched by WWII has not re-built and attempted to re-adjust to a normal life, yet the number of your readers who continually write their idiotic remarks telling us to get used to the noise, that Japan lost the war or that the military can do as they please needs to get their head out of the sand and look around the world. This is not 1950 it is 2010. Every country in the world has had a chance to rebuild even in any city USA. Populations grow, cities grow yet on Okinawa, all of the mental giants that write their brilliant words here fail to realize that Okinawa does not have the space that even little New Jersey has, yet we are expected to keep taking the same line of baloney that keeps being served on this site. Take you base and go home we do not want you on Okinawa. We do not mind a few bases but we would like to have the chance to rebuild our little prefecture just as all you people have been able to do, yet you still write your idiotic nonsense here as though you have the brilliant knowledge to know what is best for Okinawa and for world peace. If I sound angry, I am, I want the USA out of Ginowan City and out of Henoko, I want these bases moved next door to where you mental giants live and put up with the base problems. You do not have a clue to what Okinawans want. Look back at history to the Koza Riots, this day may come again and Okinawans may be pushed to the brink and let you revisit history. It was not pleasant but I am sure the mighty US Military will be pleased to hurt and kill Okinawans as we are noting but obstacles in your way. As long as there are bars here you are happy. Go Home. leave us alone!!!
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Posted in: U.S. ambassador urges Japan to honor base agreement See in context
societymike you mention I was incorrect and to restudy and I believe I misunderstood your position as I understood you incorrectly and I apologize, sumimasen deshita. I was referrering to total income of US Military into Okinawa Prefecture as I was reading a US Report, and now realize you were speaking to income from Japan. I am not sure I totally agree with you, but you are mostly correct in my thinking. I believe the current Governor is mostly in favor of this base and only publicly speaks out against it but does not push the issue too far, but I am not sure that the money coming from Japan is the reason many Politicians are in favor of US Bases. I believe Politicians have their own agendas that are self serving and for Japan itself, it makes a better position for them to keep the Military Bases on Okinawa rather than on any of the 4 home islands. The only reason the Government brings up the issue is because people on Okinawa try to make as much noise as they can forcing the government to listen. You are correct in that Okinawans make a lot of noise because this is our land and since Commodore Perry first set foot on Okinawa, he wanted to make it US Territory and thankfully the president of the day told him No, that Okinawa was too far away to render any immideate help in order to maintain it. Present day situation makes it easy for the US Military to stay, even though logical common sense says to move many of the bases but as most Military know (prior military included) that when Okinawa was taken, it was at a large cost of lives, We are grateful that the US Military defeated the Japanese who treated all Okinawans as beneath them butmore than 125,000 Okinawans were also killed, including many in my family who fled to the hills when the initial invasion began and they died in the bombing and artillery or died of starvation while hiding. We have many reason to want many of the bases gone, Not all necessarily, but many. We have several parts of our film Why Okinawa?, called the Dilemma of Futenma on You Tube, with a conclusion coming in the next few days, 5 parts total and one reaction from an American said that he personally would never build near an active military base, yet everywhere you go, as you well know, there are active military bases. You cannot even go into the Northern Area, of the Northern Training Grounds and be afraid of the noise, yet there is no where to go on Okinawa, without the ever presence of military bases. Okinawan People enjoy americans who actively get involved but the problems created, especially with Futenma Air Station is a simple solution, yet the US does not want to budge an inch. Part of our film, we went to Miramar MCAS and the room there was mind jarring to see so much empty space, and it seems a logical solution to move this Futenma to Miramar as it is a training facility only; yet politicians, make demands that are not logical; there has to be more involved than money coming to Okinawa Prefecture from Japan for this one base. The V-Shape runways envisioned for Henoko Peninsula have been designed, we have been told, to be used jointly by Military and Japanese Business Interests who do not want to come into Naha, but that want to develope the Northern End of Okinawa which would also create a major change for the Okinawan People. Japan looks at Okinawa as their very own Hawaii.
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Posted in: U.S. ambassador urges Japan to honor base agreement See in context
For the real issue as this story is about the US wanting Japan to honor the Agreement of 2006; what about Judge Patel, San Francisco Federal District Court who ruled in January 2008, (2 years after the bogus governments of Japan and President Bush made their self serving agreement), Judge patel ruled that the US Military was in violation of the National Preservation Act for failing to evaluate the potential effects on the Dugong & ordered the US Defense Dept. to do so. Case citation Okinawa Dugong v. Gates, No. 03-4350. I would like to know when the US Military is going to do what Judge Patel ordered or are they going to go against the Federal Courts just because they think they are above the law and can, then tell Japan to honor this phony agreement. Please give me, or better yet, give Okinawa a break, start practicing what you preach...
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Posted in: U.S. ambassador urges Japan to honor base agreement See in context
Schopenhauer at 09:01 AM JST - 1st December
What about America says OK! we will withdraw from Okinawa. we will not stay where we are not welcome. I want to see reactions to that
I believe you would see the reaction of a great parade and people saying "there is a God". We say, go ahead and withdraw your troops, they need to be where there is a real threat to safety, like maybe South Korea, or the middle east or better yet to Fort Hood. For Society Mike who believe that Japan Pays Huge Amounts of money into the Okinawan Economy, you have to be in dreamland. The latest figures I read, show that of all the money coming into Okinawa Prefecture resulting from Military Base expendetures, amounts to 5% of the total income to Okinawa and of that 5%, 75% goes to mainland Japanese Business Interests that are involved in Businesses such as building bases and that money goes back to the mainland of Japan, so do your homework before you mention Huge amounts of money to Okinawa. We will do fine without you.
We do not mind a few bases but there is no where you can go on Okinawa without being confronted by US Military. 37 bases is way to many, so I say, Go Home, find someone to protect like the Iraqi People or the people in Afganistan but keep them also safe from US Military, boys being boys and from collateral damage...
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Posted in: The Okinawan problem isn't about to disappear in a hurry See in context
Interesting article by Mr Henry Hilton, who is probably "Basically" correct.
The agreement of 2006 is not worth the paper or breath it was spoken of. When do new governments become obligated to deals struck by corrupt politicians of previous administrations. Obviously Americans all think that they are correct and assume as usual as they have for the past 60 plus years that Okinawa is "American Owned" won by the blood of American Soldiers of WWII.
I would not dismiss the sacrifices of the soldiers of WWII but it still amazes me to listen to this garbage relating to Okinawa and what is best and what will happen blah blah blah.
Okinawans actually do hate the fact that the US Military does what they want to on Okinawa, We actually do hope that the burden of Okinawa having to host the US Military will become a thing of the past.
If the US Military really feels that they are in Asia, (Okinawa as 75% of the bases are on Okinawa) to protect Japan, then why not move the Futenma Air Station to the main land of Japan? I will tell you why not, it is because the Mainland of Japan does not want the US Military Presence there with the crimes and problems the bases bring and any American that tries to give facts and figures and stats and other B.S is no expert, just another foreigner who actually believes that Okinawa was invented for US Bases; Unfortunately Okinawans do not use force to push back bullies,they are easy targets to push sround. History will tell you that.
The mindset of ignorance of Americans and other foreigners relating to Okinawa is amazing but I believe that Mr. Hilton has a better grasp on the situation, even though I want to see change. Even though Mr Obama is at least opening the door, it will be a long time before justice prevails.
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Same bag of Amori apples I buy once a week from exact same store, exactly twice as expensive as 1…
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori