Posted in: Son of U.S. Air Force officer found guilty in rope incident case See in context
sfjp330 - perhaps she was wearing a helmet and might have died if she hadn't? This punk got off easy - a suspended sentence. Pah. The pride of his country isn't he.
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Posted in: Bear facts See in context
We destroy vast swathes of their natural habitat, mess up the climate so that the food they need doesn't grow, leave dustbins of leftover food all over the place - and when the bears come scavenging, it's their fault.
Nobody said it was their fault, but all animals, including humans, will do whatever it takes to protect their own safety.
As nandakanda suggests, we should be dropping food supplies for the bears deep in the woods where we want them to be - and where, all other things being equal, they prefer to be. Proaction, not reaction.
Yes, this is what we want - for them (not just bears, but everything that can eat what would be dropped) to become reliant on humans. Do you lot ever wonder WHY this isn't done ANYWHERE? Yeesh.
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Posted in: Silent strings See in context
It's a Yamaha - they make the Silent violin ~ Bass series.
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Posted in: Tomato base See in context
The doc's near-incomprehensible conceit was obviously part of the character she played as a caricature of herself.
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Posted in: JFA concerned about World Cup ticket sales See in context
It's not so much the crap performance of the Japanese team. There are enough die-hard fans to show up and support them. It's the crazy violent crime rates and racial tensions that make SA an extremely unattractive place to go. They really dropped the ball in choosing SA for the World Cup.
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Posted in: Via Starbucks See in context
LoveUSA and Gurukun - you don't speak a word of Japanese do you? Beer certainly isn't "bia" over here. Facepalms all round.
Moderator: Back on topic please.
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Posted in: Toyota uses questionable legal tactics, AP investigation shows See in context
Maybe it's time for the U.S. courts to stop being Mickey Mouse courts? You would imagine failure to produce documents when demanded would get the judges riled up and the prosecutors flipping out at the arrogance of Toyota.
That's a pretty incompetent system right there, folks.
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Posted in: Rugby looks to untapped markets in Asia See in context
Japan is the least of the untapped markets in Asia, having more registered players (albeit not very good ones) than the Kiwis or Convicts.
And if they are serious about tapping a market, they could show this match free to air, instead of offering it only on wowow or jsports.
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Posted in: All Blacks See in context
Richie looks like he just passed a football there.
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Posted in: Questions arise over how 11-year-old girl's kidnapper went undetected for 18 years See in context
They don't get more keystone than these buffoon cops...hope they get fired for being utterly useless at their jobs.
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Failing to anticipate demand,or in cahoots with traders? Interesting.
Posted in: Judge finds Trump administration hasn’t fully followed his order to unfreeze federal spending
I buy everyone KFC,and wear a Where's Wally costume. That really confuses them.
Posted in: Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Japan