Posted in: Train groper tells police: 'I had some free time' See in context
Amazing opinion. No wonder men think they can get away with it...Girls or ladies should just stand there and just "pretend like nothing unusual is happening"?
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Posted in: Son arrested over murder of mother in Sendai See in context
I would think her last minutes (and seconds) would have been very horrific. How could they have been otherwise?
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Posted in: Newt Gingrich joins 2012 presidential race See in context
and name like Gingrich and Romney don't exactly inspire confidence either. I hope the Democrats stay in power until at least 2020.
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Posted in: Newt Gingrich joins 2012 presidential race See in context
I'm with you. Just hearing the names Bush, Palin, and McCain make me realize how messed up the US is...the fact that such people can become nominated for the presidency in the first place is absolutely shocking.
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Posted in: Peace Boat founder Yoshioka still has a lot to achieve See in context
You obviously have no idea what Peace Boat is all about. Their main thing is 3-month trips around the world for young people (generally) and the itineraries are really interesting. Israel, Libya, North Korea, Easter Island, Kenya, Vietnam and so on. The idea is to increase awareness and understanding between cultures and that is a good thing.
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Posted in: Peace Boat founder Yoshioka still has a lot to achieve See in context
I guess he means that even if victims have cash, it doesn't necessarily mean they can buy and cook what they want because there is still no gas, electricity and water in some areas. Especially kids who have lost parents and elderly people who can't manage on their own. That is why Peace Boat needs money to be able to cook meals for these people and cover their transportation costs. Makes sense to me.
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Not really into the death penalty but in this case it's pretty hard to feel bad about Bin Laden being gone. If he had been taken alive, I wouldn't want to have been his defense lawyer! Pity that it couldn't have happened much earlier so the Iraq and Afghanistan situations could have been avoided. But kudos to the guys who finally got him. Hopefully it is all true.....the "buried at sea" bit worries me a bit.
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Posted in: NATO airstrike kills Gadhafi's youngest son, 3 grandchildren See in context
Shocking double standards by NATO and the U.S. Nobody is rushing in to stop the leaders in countries like Sudan and Congo from massacring their own people in huge numbers compared to Libya.
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Posted in: NATO airstrike kills Gadhafi's youngest son, 3 grandchildren See in context
Amazing how everyone seems to have forgotten that this all started as just enforcing a no-fly zone, not an invasion which it seems to have turned into. Big difference between a no-fly zone being enforced than repeated bombing of a sovereign state... I thought Obama had said the U.S. would never attack another country (Iraq-style) unless that country attacked the U.S. Very disappointing. Oil speaks very loudly.
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Posted in: Ice rivals See in context
It's a greart pic. Kim is just showing her disappointment at not winning. Nothing strange about that if you consider they practice for hours and hours every day. Of course there is a lot of pressure on her to win. Simple as that.
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Posted in: Qantas resumes Narita flights See in context
Still the safest airline in the world and the only one never to have had a death on board due to an accident.....
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Posted in: Obama announces re-election bid in email to 13 mil supporters See in context
"Never underestimate the stupidity of the people who gave the nation George W. Bush. They're out there in droves."
I couldn't agree more.
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Posted in: Japan's disaster becoming contagious abroad See in context
Blame the writers in the media who have active imaginations and need sensational titles in order to be noticed and make money. Likewise for the newspapers and TV channels who lap it all up and sell it to their audiences.
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Posted in: Optometrists: Nintendo 3DS could identify vision disorders See in context
Yes, the title is a bit misleading. The optometrists are saying that the Nintendo 3DS could actually help diagnose kids with eye problems but some ophthalmologists are saying otherwise.
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Posted in: Michael Moore rallies pro-union protesters in Wisconsin See in context
He still creates waves and stimulates debate wherever he goes so, like him or not, he is relevant to any discussion he decides to take part in. I respect him for his anti-gun stance and for contributing to the debate on the US health insurance system.
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Posted in: Fashion world bids adieu to Galliano's Dior reign See in context
It has always surprised me that people can still get into so much trouble (legally and otherwise) by just mentioning the Nazis and Hitler. There have been many other cases of massacres in history but only the Holocaust seems to be off limits. One wonders why some seem to get tempted to have these anti-Semitic rants...What is the underlying reason?
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Posted in: Infant boy the first NZ quake victim laid to rest See in context
It is very sad and unfair. The poor baby was born just 17 days after the first strong quake in Christchurch in September. Too little to know what happened but far too young to die. He was just getting started on this short trip we call "life"...
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Posted in: With hope See in context
It's very similar to the US media. I recall a scene on CNN where parents' children had been killed and they reporters would ask questions like, "Could you tell us what it feels like to lose a child?" and so on. Unbelievable but that is the way the US media is. I guess Japan isn't far behind.
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Posted in: Norwegian shipper: Kill pirates on the spot See in context
If they were airplane pirates (i.e. hijackers), guards wouldn't hesitate to shoot them. Of course, if the cargo is oil and the pirates have rocket launchers, that does make it trickier to stop them but I guess they actually have to get on board the ship in order to hijack it so put a couple of well-armed, well-trained Steven Seagal-types on each ship.....problem solved!
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Posted in: Kan promises to find remains of fallen soldiers on Iwoto See in context
Appreciate the first-hand account of what must have been an awful time. If you think it is the most appropriate place for you to be buried then that is a good thing. Maybe it would seem strange to some but I guess only you and your mates can really understand why it is necessary for you. I hope you make it to at least 100 years old!
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Posted in: No. of people dying alone rises in 'no-relationship' society See in context
Totally agree that it is nice to be able to go to a local watering hole, build a relationship with the barman/owner and other regulars and feel welcome each time you enter. Eating at home alone is fine sometimes but not every day. Get out and explore. There are great places and crap places waiting to be found, you just need to build up a small collection of good places to drink or eat at.
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Posted in: Kan promises to find remains of fallen soldiers on Iwoto See in context
I hear it's a pretty desolate island and thousands were buried under the airstrip there that is used these days for training and so on. War is not a very nice topic but it is impressive to me that someone on this site was actually there in 1945. I'm interested, in those days, did you call the island Iwo Jima or Iwo To or Iwo Island or Sulphur Island? Or something else other than "Hell"?
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Posted in: The great Tokyo Michelin sham See in context
I'm with hokkaidoguy. Japan has the most amazing variety of restaurants with the most amazing variety of dishes. For each type of food, whether it be oden, tempura, eel, soba, udon, tofu, beef, kaiseki, chicken or sushi, there are places that take it all to new levels. It is very difficult to make superb oden. The convenience store stuff actually doesn't taste bad, but there are some oden restaurants (like the one that got a Michelin star) that really reset the bar. Paris has around 60,000 restaurants and Tokyo has 160,000 so I guess it isn't surprising that Tokyo has more stars than Paris and London combined. But I am glad the Michelin people admit it! There is an art to making beautiful soba or sushi or tofu or oden and even though it may look simple, it takes many years of work to perfect the art. Like wine you have to try a lot of the stuff to realize the difference between crappy, average, good and amazing. I heard the Michelin Guide only has twelve employees so I do wonder how their book will survive. Surely they need to have all the info online...
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Posted in: Japan beats Qatar 3-2 to advance to semifinals of Asian Cup See in context
A bit off topic but did anyone else notice that there were virtually no women in the stadium (unless they were all in their own section)? It will be interesting in 2022 when many visitors from around the world converge on Qatar and try to wear as little as possible to escape the 45-degree Celsius heat! Even though the stadiums will be airconditioned, I reckon it will be pretty warm.
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Posted in: Groupon CEO apologizes to Japan customers for 'osechi' mess-up See in context
Back to the six billion-dollar offer rejection. If they really feel the company is worth more than that, then 500 unhappy osechi customers will have almost no impact at all. He did the right thing and apologised, although he probably should have done a bit more bowing. Basically, Japanese consumers love coupons and stamp cards. I'd say Groupon is pretty safe in Japan if they can really offer substantial discounts as they seem to do without any more stuff-ups.
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Posted in: 30-somethings especially susceptible to email romances See in context
Sounds like it might be the perfect marriage!
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Posted in: Groupon CEO apologizes to Japan customers for 'osechi' mess-up See in context
In the video he says that Groupon has been going for two years in the United States. They recently turned down a six billion dollar offer for the company. Not bad for a 26-year-old!
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Posted in: Maki Horikita happy to play villain for first time See in context
She was very good in the stage play Joan of Arc that was on recently.
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
Could you enlighten us with your religious insights?
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Posted in: Super Bowl Monday
The "Spandex game is on point, too." Ha, ha! Well-played, Sir!
Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout
Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns
NFL fans need to tune into more AFL games if they want to watch the best football. Run more, jump…
Posted in: Super Bowl Monday