Japan Today

Knightmixx comments

Posted in: The Kong Show presents The Kinlay Band See in context

Kinlay is a hidden jewel. I think that once you've heard them, you will be an instant fan!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Unicare unveils 'anti-loneliness' hugging chair See in context

This is first time to comment, so I may not be as prolific as others.

The words used by previous posters may have been written with emotional undertones that cause negative reactions.

However, there is a lot of truth in observation of actions.

Yes the chairs were designed to be marketed for elderly. Does that mean someone not elderly will be prohibited from buying one? Would the company pass up opportunities for profit?

A large number of youth in urban areas of Japan, both male and female have taken to electronic forms of companionship for numerous reasons. Would the possibility to add something physical, yet controllable to their virtual relationships not be appealing?

In a country that is declining in population do to a high rate of senior citizens and low birthrates, hasn't it been shown there are issues preventing effective social interaction with other people instead of manufactured surrogates?

Those disclaiming what others have written as derogatory, please provide a guru styled master plan to save the proud Japanese nation which in all intents and purposes is dwindling.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

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