Japan Today

Kokuzi comments

Posted in: Mother, 2-year-old son killed in head-on collision between car and tanker See in context

Sadly, there is a possibility that it was not accidental...

showed the car... veering over the center line into the path of the tanker

The phrase "veering into the path" sounds a bit ominous to me,

considering similar incidents in the past that involved a stressed parent.

The 'drive recorder footage' ('dashcam footage' in English...)

will be useful in the investigation.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: What would an Olympics cancelation cost Japan? See in context

CNN news article provided a rather detailed look at the Tokyo Olympic options:


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Man arrested for smuggling 240 kgs of drugs from Canada See in context

with the help of an unidentified co-conspirator, in a container on a ship in Vancouver.

From Vancouver...

Oops! This will be my last post for a while... I'm outta here!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: 2-year-old boy survives fall from 7th floor apartment See in context


Your questions have nothing to do with this incident.

Here is the only question that matters:

Q: Is is acceptable to allow a 2-year-old to play alone on an open balcony that has an AC unit

that could potentially be climbed on, which would put the child's life in danger?

A: No.

I've reached my 5-minutes a day limit for Japan Today,

so don't waste your time commenting.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: IMF warns of coronavirus hit to Japan's economy via tourism, trade See in context

No mention of the Tokyo Olympics, which begin in just over 5 months.

Potential losses related to the cancellation or lack of visitors

to the Olympics is a major consideration in itself...

but apparently not taken into account by the IMF.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Why throw away your leftover ramen broth when you can use it to make ramen rice instead? See in context

Why throw away your leftover ramen broth when you can use it to make ramen rice instead?

Umm... How about because it has very high salt content, which is very unhealthy?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Good for the soul See in context

Maybe good for the soul, but definitely not good for 'Loincloth-kun'!

Gives new meaning to the expression "Japan's shrinking population"...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Man beats fast food worker because one chicken nugget was missing from his combo meal See in context

Nugget nutter!

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Automakers display 800 modified cars at Tokyo Auto Salon See in context

He's posing with a car?! I don't see any car in this photo.

But I'll keep searching... diligently.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Iran says it 'unintentionally' shot down Ukrainian jetliner See in context

A tragic loss of life, regardless of the cause...

Why so many Canadians are on board?

The BBC had an article on that question:


3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 176 killed after Ukrainian plane crashes near Tehran airport See in context

All crashes are tragic, but particularly sad to find that 63 Canadians are among the dead. Many young Iranian-Canadian students were returning to school in Edmonton...


It seems unlikely that an engine fire alone would bring down the aircraft, as they are designed to deal with such scenarios.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Plain Japanese key to inclusive, multicultural Japan See in context

I thought that the term 'plain Japanese' was ridiculous at first, but checked and found that it is a legitimate expression. This USA government site explains the usage: https://www.plainlanguage.gov/about/definitions/

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: 1 dead, 14 in hospital in Tokyo after choking on 'mochi' See in context

Happy Cynical New Year! If I was a middle-aged Japanese loser hoping an elderly parent would die (inheritance...) I would feed them lots of their beloved 'mochi', in large chunks. Has anyone ever been charged with endangering life/murder after a typical 'Death by Mochi'? Just poke some 'mochi' down their throat, you'll never be suspected or charged. But sometimes accidental deaths are not accidents.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa selling his private jet See in context

Maezawa is spending about 70 million USD to fly to and around the Moon for a week in 2023 (with SpaceX), and he bought a single painting last year for 110 million USD. A new private jet is a relatively practical expense. I just bought a new electric kettle at Walmart for $12, so I can identify with Maezawa's sense of practicality...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Man accused of mass murder at facility for mentally disabled people to admit to charges See in context

'effects of marijuana'... So, I guess that means that Canada recently legalized marijuana in the hopes that it would lead to an increased number of mass murders of helpless victims? Such a ridiculous defence would be proposed only in Japan.

Accepts an insanity plea to reduce his sentence? This decision on his part provides clear evidence of rational thinking, so therefore he is not insane. Hang him high.

I recommend that he be executed 19 times.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Boeing capsule launches to wrong orbit; skips space station See in context

I watched the NASA briefing live, and had two impressions:

NASA really has no idea what went wrong... that should not happen.

"but the signals did not get there and by then it was too late" NASA was asked about redundancy, and stated that they had this manual override option. Then stated that it did not work because the capsule was between two satellite zones, so did not receive the override command signals. An override that can't be used at any point during mission is not an override, it's a mistake.

The capsule had close to 300kg of 'mainly food' for ISS crew... no Christmas turkey this year!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Taiwanese-Canadian model Godfrey Gao dies while filming in China See in context

You people should check your facts before posting nonsense.

From the Vancouver Sun newspaper:

Gao collapsed Tuesday on the set of Chase Me, a competitive sports reality show for China’s Zhejiang Television, in the Chinese city of Ningbo.

Taiwan News, citing Chinese news outlets, reported that an audience member heard Gao shout, “I can’t carry on,” before he fell to the ground.

“Cameramen swarmed around him and kept filming, apparently believing that his actions were part of the show,” Taiwan News reported.

The Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily reported that CPR was applied at the scene before the 35-year-old Gao was sent to hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Jetsta, Gao’s management team, said in a statement that Godfrey died “following three hours of medical rescue efforts.”

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Stainless steel, broken glass and buzz: Tesla makes a pickup See in context

Stickdrifter, Reese... "painful to watch"?

Tesla reports that 146,000 units of the vehicle have already been preordered

in less than 48 hours, with a value of approximately 8 BILLION USD.

But I guess you're both used to being wrong by now...

Enjoy your antique Toyota rust-buckets.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Eating Tokyo’s most expensive pancakes required us to go through a security check See in context

Just seeing the photos satisfied my craving...

As a Canadian, the thing that surprised me is that they provide the maple syrup directly out of the glass containers that it is bought/shipped in... Supermarket chic?! White ceramic gravy boats, or I don't set foot in the door, Satsuki-kun!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Beer glass See in context

Reminds me of "Cleaning Windows" by Van Morrison.

Watch him smoke a cigarette as he sings it in 1984, at The Midem, France...


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Cosplay clean-up See in context

When I imagine 'Cosplayer trash-picker'

it is not Spiderman that pops into mind...

Am I a bad person?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-KAT-TUN singer facing marijuana charge released on bail See in context

I looked at the photo again, and realized that he's not apologizing! He's thinking,

"Grey bricks are so AMAZING and COLOURFUL, and they SMELL so NICE!"

Look at the photo again, you'll see what I mean...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-KAT-TUN singer facing marijuana charge released on bail See in context

Hi from Vancouver, where marijuana is legal!

I just wanted to add my opinion.

Umm... What was the topic again? Can't seem to focus...

Actually, I don't care either way! PEACE&LOVE to everybody.

Enjoy the weekend.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Automated train travels in wrong direction, injuring 20 in Yokohama See in context

Who said that AI was involved? This line opened in 1989, long before AI existed. An automated train moving along on a guideway does NOT use AI. This accident is probably mechanical or electrical, based on sensors/motors/gears etc. Cars that use autopilot functions to make complex 'decisions' about braking and lane changes (e.g. Tesla) us AI to evaluate changing highway situations and respond. The automated SkyTrain system in Vancouver has operated safely for more than 30 years without problems, and is a far more complex system (53 stations/80km) than this short Yokohama line (14 stations/11 km).

25 ( +26 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese man dies inflight after eating 246 cocaine packets See in context

"eating 246 cocaine packets"?

That would be worse than airline food...

How about we revise that to "swallowing 246 cocaine packets"?

22 ( +23 / -1 )

Posted in: Bill banning parents from physically punishing children to be enacted See in context

Physical violence against kids makes me so mad that I better not write what I'm thinking...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Kono to ask foreign media to switch order of Japanese names See in context


President Abe Lincoln

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Over 20% of Burger Kings in Japan suddenly vanishing this month See in context

Burger King merged with the Canadian company Tim Hortons some years ago, as Restaurant Brands Int'l Inc.

A Brazilian company, 3G Capital, owns 51% of the operation.

Tim Hortons recently announced a major expansion into Asia, particularly China, with a goal of expanding to 5,000 shops there. If Tim Hortons is also going into Japan, it would not make sense to compete with themselves in BK. (But Tim Hortons doesn't sell burgers, so does target a different market than BK.)

It would be a simple matter to convert a Japanese BK location into a Tim Hortons location...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Whale watching See in context

Too close! Whale watching vessels are required to stay at least 200m away for 'orca' killer whales in British Columbia, and 400m from a resident pod with diminishing members. Ships have to be 400m away.


2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Questions loom for Nissan in post-Ghosn era See in context

senkan, thanks for the info.

It seems the writer of this Ghosn article should have said 'Leaf is the top-selling', for total sales,

rather than 'best-selling', which refers to popularity/annual sales... where Tesla is #1.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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