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Kolorado comments

Posted in: Goddess of Mercy See in context

Come to Sendai to visit the 100 meter tall Kannon. You can enter it and see its interior at many levels. Truly a spectactular site.

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Posted in: Fukushima tsunami plan based on single page See in context

The experience of 3.11.11 will be factored into reactor design and operation as it should be. The experience should also be factored into design of coastal operations like fuel and chemical refineries and storage. These facilities were also inadequately prepared and protected on 3.11.11.

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Posted in: Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022 See in context

A truly wrong headed decision by Germany. I think it will be reversed as Germans come to understand the importance of having reliable electric power. Wind, and particlularly solar will not be the answer for Germany which does not have high solar flux any time of the year. Germany has subsidized solar to the point that some farmers make more from solar than from crops. Some dairies use diesel powered generators to power their milking sheds so they can sell more solar power to the grid. This distortion in costs for power will create high costs for the German economy.

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Posted in: Which form of renewable energy do you think is the best alternative to nuclear energy? See in context

A question for Aoto...Do you know and can you share information on the amounts of time and capital you have invested in production of your energy and what is your return on this investment?

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Posted in: Driver pleads guilty in Utah bus crash that killed 3 Japanese See in context

I know this road well. I 15 is a high speed road. The speed limit is 75 MPH or about 120 KPH. There are two or three wide lanes each way with a wide divider between the directions of travel. Traffic is usually very light. The drive is very easy for a rested driver. As you might imagine, losing control of a vehicle at this speed could result in multiple rolls and very serious injury.

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Posted in: Going back home See in context

The principal result of this clothing will be to frighten those who wear it or see it being worn. The protection these people really have is that knowlegable professionals have surveyed the areas they are visiting and know that radiological hazard is small.

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Posted in: Obama arrives in London ahead of schedule after jubilant Ireland visit See in context

It is good to read something that is so much Fun and funny. I never thought of Mr. O Bama as being "Black Irish".

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Posted in: Most nuclear plans on track outside Japan, Germany See in context

There are safety lessons to be learned. That reactors dont have to built on the coast might be one. That robust sources of off line coolant and power is definitely another. The possible safety benefits of Thorium rather than Uranium is worth consideration.

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Posted in: Do you think Prime Minister Naoto Kan made the right decision when he asked Chubu Electric to shut down the Hamaoka nuclear plant which stands in an area where a magnitude-8 earthquake is strongly pro See in context

He made a decision which has a possible benefit, but which definitely has negative costs and consequences. The costs and consequences likely were not well considered. He will look like a hero if a mag 8 earthquake occurs in the next five years or so, but like a goat if it does not.

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