Japan Today

Kommentator comments

Posted in: Last-place Mariners fire manager Don Wakamatsu See in context

Agree with Ultradude about Ichiro's still depending on an interpreter, though he supposedly can converse quite well on his own. Same for Matsui and the others. At least Hasegawa made a point to learn and use English.

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Posted in: Last-place Mariners fire manager Don Wakamatsu See in context

Nice timing, right before the Mariners held their Japan Heritage Night.

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Posted in: I think it's difficult, today, to construct a scenario where there's some land invasion of Japan. Is it possible? Probably. Is it probable? Very low, I think. But that would be a scenario where the Ma See in context

Mike, how are the marines going to defend Japan against North Korea, even in the very unlikely event NK were capable of launching an attack with its lack of resources and underfed troops?

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Posted in: I think it's difficult, today, to construct a scenario where there's some land invasion of Japan. Is it possible? Probably. Is it probable? Very low, I think. But that would be a scenario where the Ma See in context

So why are more than half of those supposedly Japan-based marines actually in places like Afghanistan right now?

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Posted in: Far from ground zero, opponents fight new mosques See in context

The Christianists are taking over America. Ironic, since the country was founded on the concept of freedom of and from religion. I wonder what they think about the cathedral, representing terrorist Timothy McVeigh's faith, located so near the site of the Oklahoma City bombing.

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Posted in: 1st try to divert oil fails; tar blobs hit Alabama See in context

Pretty good article, summing up lots of information. On a side note, I appreciate the translation to metric units, but it would be nice if the US would adopt the world standard system so this step would no longer be necessary.

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Posted in: Deep beneath Gulf, oil may be wreaking havoc See in context

Whether the ocean will cleanse itself is unknown. When the amount of oil reaches a tipping point, it can leave behind permanent ecological change that includes wiping out certain species of plants and animals. This has already happened in the past and could well happen this time. Besides, it's the combination of oil with other forms of pollution that causes the worst damage.

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Posted in: Deep beneath Gulf, oil may be wreaking havoc See in context

This is the most depressing thing I've read in a while. The "Drill, baby, drill" people look so small and silly now. So do the "small government" governors crying for federal government help. In the end, though, we all live by oil and may die by oil.

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Posted in: Trucker, trying to smoke, causes 5-vehicle pileup in Tokyo See in context

Smoking while driving should be banned, for sure, but some people are better at it than others. I once saw a guy smoking and talking on a cell phone while driving. When the car in front of him stopped for a red light, he drove around that car and on through the light, while continuing to smoke and talk on his phone.

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Posted in: M6.6 quake strikes off Taiwan coast See in context

These news reports pay too much attention to magnitude. It's the amount of shaking on land that really matters, and that relates to depth and location. This one was only 10 km deep and was located well away from land, so shaking was minimal. I doubt, looking at the shake maps, that "buildings swayed in Taipei" is an accurate description.

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Posted in: Threat of new, larger Icelandic eruption looms See in context

If the ashes from Katla were to reach the upper stratosphere in large quantities, the damage would be to far more than the airline industry. Past volcanic eruptions have caused major famines because the sunlight is partially blocked for years. I remember 1991, when Japan's rice crop largely failed and we had to wait in lines for the little available rice, due to an eruption in the Philippines. Katla could be much worse. So could Eyjafjallajokull, for that matter, if it becomes increasingly active over the coming months and years.

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Posted in: Now hear this See in context

Sure, Japan has some loud rightwingers, but how many of them have been elected to office? Now compare the recent Hungary elections, or Austria, Australia, or the Republicans/Tea Party in the US. There the right actually has a strong following. Here we just ignore them.

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Posted in: Polish president, 96 others killed in plane crash See in context

Jim Sciutto of ABC News tweets that "Dense fog at airport, plane crashed on 4th approach. Pilot advised to divert to diff airport." He also notes that the government had put off upgrading to a new plane from Brazil as planned.

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Posted in: Right-wingers vow to block release of 'The Cove' in Japan See in context

I'm curious how the protestors came to be identified as "right-wingers". Are they members of such an organization? The article does not tell us. Personally I think they can show the film, but why should anyone want to watch it? Doesn't sound like much fun.

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Posted in: Anti-smoking 'monsters' have smokers on the run See in context

I hope the addicts start taking a hint. We don't want your smoke in our lungs and on our clothes and hair. If you can't quit, get professional help.

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Posted in: Nikkatsu revives successful porn genre of ’70s and ’80s See in context

Many of these are wonderful films. Too bad about people from puritan cultures who can't deal with it.

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Posted in: Train shame See in context

Why do people feel the need to listen to music while on the move? It's an insult both to those around you (i.e., anti-social) and to music (anti-cultural).

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Posted in: The rise and fall of the Roppongi Hills 'tribe' See in context

I'm surprised the story doesn't mention the poor lad who was crushed to death in the revolving-door entranceway to the building.

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Posted in: Japan says its whaling is conducted under international accord See in context

This has been a very enlightening discussion thread, despite the noise thrown up by people who don't want to bothered by facts. Thanks to people like davidattokyo for actually contributing some useful information.

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Posted in: Japan says its whaling is conducted under international accord See in context

So I ask for an international law and all you can come up with is a highly dubious Australian law.

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Posted in: Japan says its whaling is conducted under international accord See in context

OK, Rudd and company, name the international law that Japan has violated. Same for you, tkoind2. How can you bring a country to court without that bit of information? Courts don't make decisions based on fuzzy feelings.

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Posted in: Israel unveils new drone fleet that can reach Iran See in context

Drones are great for no-risk slaughter of civilians. If Iran had such weapons, the Western powers and Israel would be raising bloody hell. Oh, and did you know Israel has nuclear weapons? And sends hit squads into other countries to take out their perceived enemies? Just another peaceful country, nothing to worry about here.

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Posted in: Professor charged in fatal shooting on Alabama campus See in context

People with guns kill people, or themselves, or both. The 2nd Amendment is America's eternal curse.

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Posted in: Japanese whaler, activist ship Bob Barker again collide off Antarctica See in context

"they actually aren't fish (as most Japanese believe)." Huh? I've never met a Japanese person who thought they were fish. We actually have schools here where people learn such basic facts.

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Posted in: Japanese whaler, activist ship Bob Barker again collide off Antarctica See in context

Makukun is exactly right. "Critics say the scientific program is a front for commercial whaling, and much of the meat is eaten." Yes, that's also true, but it's also exactly in accord with the arrangement forced on Japan by the IWC. It is entirely to save the face of the IWC that this silly arrangement exists.

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Posted in: Blair fights for his legacy as he defends Iraq war See in context

Stopping Saddam from what? He was not a threat to the US or Britain and had nothing to do with 9/11. Why was it necessary to practically destroy Iraq just to change the regime from a strong one to anarchy? Women and Christians were much better off under Saddam than today. The universities thrived. The nuttier Islamic cults were kept under control. Now everything is turned upside down because of those clowns Bush and Blair.

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Posted in: Minister cautions U.S. military after part falls from U.S. Navy jet, hitting house See in context

It is never good timing. Shikkari shirou!

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Posted in: Hatoyama says Nago mayoral result shows will of the people See in context

This was expected, but it still is significant as it shows Okinawans are leaning toward the view that the benefits of the bases are outweighed by their problems. There is no way the LDP-jiggered agreement is going to be carried out. Best to move Futenma's facilities to Guam.

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Posted in: Tuna catch See in context

Purchasing agents? Why not just "buyers"?

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Posted in: Patience wearing thin in Ginowan over Futenma base issue See in context

How can anyone reading this article, and knowing the facts, think Japan should just go along with the earlier LDP agreement? A good article, but blaming Hatoyama's reluctance on Fukushima is a bit simplistic. He himself has long felt uncomfortable with the US military's permanent presence in Japan.

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